Discover the Liebster

I was once again nominated for The Liebster Award, and I thank Gowthama Rajavelu of Creatikaa for the same. I have been busy, but is back to posting for the moment again 🙂 Here is his post related to the award:


So, What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

Liebster Award Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Display the Liebster Award on your blog.
  3. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
  5. Nominate 11 bloggers for the Award and have them answer 11 questions.
  6. Let the other bloggers know you’ve nominated them.
  7. Copy the rules into your post.

11 Random facts about me

  1. I claim to have traveled through more potholes than anyone else in the world.
  2. I prefer white chocolates to the other types; I used to be a Milky-bar demanding kid.
  3. I have an Aloo Paratha whenever there is a chance.
  4. Other than tea, Blackcurrant Milkshake has been a long time favourite drink.
  5. 80% of the food I had this year was with sambar.
  6. I have felt in the last few months that what happens outside work is not life at all.
  7. Asus Zenfone is the first phone which I used with no complaints.
  8. Among the Indian cities I have traveled outside Kerala, I would choose Kolkata to return to.
  9. I believe that the truly realistic movies are horror movies.
  10. The song which I watched the most on TV during childhood was “Bholi bhali ladki”.
  11. The movie which I watched the most during those times was “Manichitrathazhu”.

11 Questions Answered

Who/What inspires you?

I have currently run out of inspiration. It is being re-filled.

Why do you blog?

I don’t really have a reason for this anymore.

Do you have a favorite book – if so, which one?

I have had many, and I have stopped taking one out of the long lists.

What do you value most in life?

I consider being good to others as more valuable than the rest.

What does a normal day in your life look like?

A normal day is traveling through roads with potholes and traffic problems.

What’s your most favourite food?

I like a lot of things, but I am happy with minimum amount of any food.

What’s the most memorable gift which you have ever received?

The gift, or the superpower of DISGUST against the vain and the prejudiced.

What do you admire most about yourself?

I am not really doing what others want me to do; that is working.

One favourite track that you like to listen on repeat and never get bored of it?

“Pee Loon” from Once Upon A Time in Mumbai.

What’s your dream travel destination?

Bran Castle, Poenari Castle and Hunyad Castle, Romania.

What’s your peace spot, the place you like to visit when you are down?

Under the bed, after throwing Bogeyman out.

Now, here are the 11 people, whom I would like to nominate for the award.

The Nominees Are

  1. Ranju – Be the Quirky You
  2. Archana – Travel with Archie
  3. Felicia – Confused Mango
  4. Namrata – A Wink of Wisdom
  5. Aswathi – Pins N Ashes
  6. Anoop – Tranquil Yet Alive
  7. Maniparna – Scattered Thoughts
  8. Deeshani – Inner Thoughts of a Taciturn
  9. Sanjay – YESTEETHATSME!
  10. Raja – Raja Reviews
  11. Amreen – aka The Versatile

My 11 Questions to You

  1. Will you be watching The Conjuring 2?
  2. Did you travel to school in a school bus as a little kid?
  3. From different types of tea, which one would you choose?
  4. Which is your favourite blogger award?
  5. Which character in any book or movie will you like to be?
  6. Which is your favourite place in Kerala; visited or to visit?
  7. What’s the strongest memory of the college that you have?
  8. Which are the songs which you listen to when happy, and when sad?
  9. Is there a movie sequel that you are really waiting for? Which one?
  10. What’s the one vegetarian dish that you can recommend for me?
  11. If I contest the elections as an independent candidate, will you vote for me? 😛

Thanks 🙂


The Blog Post No: 500

I have been moving towards this milestone, the five hundredth post on this blog for some time – there was a time when I thought that I could get to five hundred posts only while combining all my blogs together, but here I am, as The Tea Cerebration(s) has achieved that figure. I have been thinking about writing about a movie for this special occasion, but then I felt that I should stick to the personal side with this post. I really haven’t watched that special a movie for some time; so lets take this one back through the memories.

Lets talk about the awesome people I have met in the last one year or so. At a time when I was wondering what was next for me, the blogging fraternity has always been there for me – I am thankful to them for the same. I have met a number of my fellow bloggers, all of them at Cochin or Delhi. I have met a lot of people already from online communities, and last one year for so, has been special. I have met some of the most amazing people in these times, and I have been a lot of happy about the same.

At Delhi, there were four other bloggers for the conclave, as the winners of the writing contest on The World Remade; I met Arvind, Shoma, Shreya and Yogita at Taj Palace Hotel, Delhi. It was the best of times – I also met Mayank from India Today there. This one might always be my biggest win ever, and the only time when I have met so many bloggers at the same time. It was also one of the most interesting journeys of all-time, with the chance to see all those celebrities in person, and also to wander around the city as a tourist. I really needed a reason to visit Taj Mahal, and finally, there I was, with the suitable reason.

It is good to have an identity - we don't always get to have one.

I was surely left with the feeling that I missed meeting so many other bloggers at Delhi though, with the chance there – maybe there is another opportunity on another day. Life has the ability to provide you with second chances, as I have felt and proven at many points of my time-line of existence. Well, hope has got wings, right? I am sure that we have read that somewhere in a poem. According to Emily Dickinson, it had feathers, I guess. It should never cease to exist – there were many situations when I thought that I was done with blogging, but here I am, with my existence still being there.

On another day, I managed to meet Anoop, at the Ernakulam South railway station, followed by four cups of tea. It was a meeting which was waiting to happen; I was sure that it was supposed to happen some day, and in the end, it did. At least before Batman was to go and battle Superman, it had to happen 😛 At my break between two movies – Paavada and Monsoon Mangoes, I met Ranjini at the mall – with the tea; that was another meeting which was due for so long, of course; well, we did happen to go to the same school at a point of our life too 😛 Well, a fine day is to be chosen for meeting such wonderful people. I was just lucky enough to find the best time 😀

I later met Deepa at Durbar Hall Art Gallery in Cochin during the exhibition of her paintings last month; feels good to see such awesome creativity at any time. It was just last day that I met Shrinidhi during his visit to Cochin. I am more than happy to meet such amazing people, they have been directly or indirectly a significant part of my life, as not only have they supported me, but their writings have always been a source of inspiration for me. People look at many fields for some motivation, but I have found the same among my friends – the bloggers about whom I have talked about a lot already.

You can avoid and forget many things, but not the lovely tea!

It has taken me 642 days to get to 500 posts on this blog. I have been stuck at the score of 499 for too long after continuously writing for more than a year, and I am glad to have finally got to this milestone. Sometimes, you feel that you need these scores to make you remember, but there are occasions when you understand that it is all about the ideas and the people, and the records and achievements will just follow. I haven’t been able to blog much in the last few months due to work, but I hope to keep this going, as blogging has defined my life more than anything else, and the impact has surely been deeper than I felt earlier.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me on my Sony Cybershot DSC-W310.


The Changes of Life

Life changes, and it was always expected to happen. Even after a change, that particular changed situation is also going to change. It is not something that I wasn’t expecting, but it did come all of a sudden, and it is actually a good thing. One more year without change and I might have been rather too hesitant to change – I would have detested it and might have tried to prevent it in all ways possible. But not now, as this change is something that I wanted long ago, even before I started this blog.

People still say that if you take a degree in MA English Language and Literature, you have to write NET and even try for JRF, and it is the natural path right ahead of you. They say that you have to follow this path or not do justice to what you have studied, and most probably you won’t get another job at all. I know that most of my friends have done that and the rest have gone on to do BEd and made the choice to do SET instead – note the difference, but I consider it rather minute.

If you look in our class, you can find a maximum of one person who hasn’t gone after NET or SET, and not trying to become the college professor or school teacher – I have made it two in that case, and it is the divergence that I have always wanted; with the master divergent movie Charlie winning so many of the state film awards, you might want the same too. Society has that idea that teaching in school or college is the better choice, especially for women, because they can reach home earlier, and there might be even many free hours – I know a few who have pursued the same for this reason.

I have walked around a lot these days through my favourite bus station!

I have walked around a lot these days through my favourite bus station!

Well, the case of post graduation in English has been rather strange. It is like the least professional course around here; you are not really preferred for most of the jobs out there. The newspapers and magazines ask for a journalism degree, and so I am glad to be part of a publishing house right now; it was getting seemingly impossible to get a job. Most people don’t even reply when an MA English graduate send a resume; they just don’t seem to have that idea that we are just readers and nothing else.

It is the same reason why me getting this job has been very significant. It has been the result of a long wait, and it is the same reason why I have broken my writing streak on my blog. If you remember, I have been writing continuously from December 9th 2014 to February 3rd 2016 – I continued for a few days after joining work, but it was getting tough with my timing as I start around 6:30 AM and return home around 8:30 PM – that is just the average, as I have reached at 7:30 and 9:30.

I have really less time at home, and so I have reduced my blogging just before reaching 500 posts on this blog, as this one is the post number 496. As of now, it seems that the 500th special post won’t happen anytime soon. But it might change some day, as the journey is just about 40 km even though it is the kind of a journey that can take about two hours, thanks to the pot-holes, traffic problems, change of timing of buses and the metro as well as fly-over constructions which are going on.

I travel through the bus station where I have passed through the most!

I once again travel through the bus station where I have passed through the most!

I have surely managed to be more used to it though, even as it still ends with me getting so much tired. I spend my time on the bus listening to music or watching some movie or television series in English. Well, at least I will have something to write about what I watch and the long journey which should actually finish in 45 minutes, but extends to two or even three hours based on which bus I manage to catch, and how many of times I have to change that giant transport!

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me on my Asus Zenfone 5.


2015 in Review

Happy New Year 🙂  [Official] 😀

The stats helper zombies prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. According to Uncle Dracula, the Vampire Team has worked harder than he thought in order to make it more popular among the humans. He would like to thank all the readers on this blog and has promised to provide vampire shares when the New Vampire World takes over the realm and bring the New Utopia into existence. He would make a request to all of you in order to pray for the same. Btw, the Vampire Team hopes that you have watched Charlie, the movie of Christmas 🙂

Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 81,000 times in 2015. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 3 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Final Liebster of 2015

Another Liebster Award Nomination 🙂

I was nominated for the Liebster Awards by Felicia Nazareth.
Thank you for the nomination, Felicia 🙂

What are these Liebster awards?

Liebster Award is a new-comer award given by bloggers to bloggers, that creates a great platform for new blogs to be discovered and build communications. The best thing about this award is, it creates a lot of encouragement and support within our blogging community.

What are the Liebster Award Rules?

By accepting this award I am committing to the following:

  1. Thank and Tag the person nominated you.
  2. Answer 11 questions asked by your nominator.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers.
  4. Create 11 questions for your 11 chosen bloggers.
  5. Notify them so through social media.

Here were the questions asked to me and my answers to them:

1) What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?
To keep trying when there seems to be no hope.
2) What do you love about weddings?
I don’t really like weddings and other functions.
3) If money is deposited into your account for adventure purposes only, where would you go?
That would be somewhere in Latin America.
4) Your favorite song, movie and TV show?
There are too many of them to name one right now.
5) What does your blog name mean to you?
It means all the tea which I can ever drink!
6) What is your motivational tagline or favorite quote?
For now, I will take “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield”.
7) What is your biggest problem/challenge when it comes to blogging?
To keep writing and have no appreciation from your relatives.
8) What is your favorite post that you’ve written? Link Please..
The Vision of a Lost Bat.
9) Chocolates Or Ice Cream? Choose One. Why?
Ice Cream, because it is cold.
10) If given a chance how would you change your past?
Too many things there; nobody knows what will bring the best!
11) Any advice / message for bloggers or me?
Just keep writing because blogging world needs you 😀

Do leave your post links in the comments so that I can read the answers.
My Questions For The People I Nominate:
1) Vampires or Zombies – who will you choose for company?
2) Which is the date on which you started blogging?
3) Which kind of posts do you prefer?
4) How has blogging changed your lives?
5) When do you usually wake up in the morning?
6) Dragons or Dinosaurs – whom do you prefer?
7) Which is your dream mobile phone?
8) Which is your favourite review at Movies of the Soul?
9) Where do you want to travel next?
10) Do you love a city so much to shift there? Which one?
11) Rain or Snow – which one inspires you more?
And my dear nominees are:-


Keep writing 🙂


Big Posts of 2015

Hitman vs. Transporter [Movies]
These are the seven most visited posts of the year 2015, and it comes as a flashback to what all happened at The Tea Cerebration(s) last year. The most visited post of the year was about Hitman: Agent 47 going face to face against The Transporter: Refueled here, as the date of release for the two movies were the same in India. The movies still only have 5.8/10 at IMDb and 8% at Rotten Tomatoes here in the case of the first movie, while the latter has 5.0/10 at IMDb and 17% at Rotten Tomatoes – but they were fine action flicks and worth the comparison; the post surely made it to the top of the list for the year!

Premam vs. Moideen [Movies]
The second most read post of the year is not that much far behind and is still getting a lot of visitors. With the potential to become the new topper for the year, this comparison has been something which the fans have been doing a lot. Premam and Ennu Ninte Moideen are the two top grossers of the year in Malayalam Cinema, and the fans of the latter flick are consistently trying to degrade the former movie. So, this post had become something essential, and there were many people searching with the same line as the title; some of them asked which one is better, and the rest asked which one is worse!

premam (2)

A Return to Tennis [Sports]
This is the tennis related post which I came up with after a long time, and it becomes one of those rare later sports posts. It was more of a random post about the tennis world, but it had a lot of visits, and the search engine was also very kind to this one. This post chases the write-up which is just above it with the steady number of visits. I wasn’t planning to come up with anything big related to this post, but things ended up really well here. So, with Novak Djokovic being the undisputed winner of the year, 2016 might not be that different in writing as far as the tennis posts are concerned.

Why Watch Rani Padmini? [Movies]
Another post about one of the most interesting and inspirational movies had to be written along with the review posted at Movies of the SoulRani Padmini is a movie which creates that kind of an impact. No matter what happens at the box-office, we just can’t avoid such movies. With movies like Mili, Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam, My God and Jo and the Boy to go with it this year, this movie was also required to go bring only the right reasons, as inspiration was going to gain more strength. The movie review is also the third most visited post at Movies of the Soul after Kunjiramayanam and Anarkali, and this post also makes it to the top list.

ranipadmini (1)

The Storm Unleashed [Fiction]
This was one of the posts written as the BlogAdda WOW post, a fictional story which did win the badge for the same. The story of the fictional character coming alive was always a part of the dreams, and this one had me thinking about one of my favouite X-Men; it could have been Nightcrawler, Rogue or Mystique, but it was Storm in the end. This is one of my favourite WOW posts, and it did make it for a place among the most visited posts in a short time. There are a number of other fictional stories which made it to the WOW badge, and I have enjoyed writing each one of them.

The Vision of a Lost Bat [Fiction]
I consider this the most valuable post on this blog, thanks to the selection for the India Today Conclave at Taj Palace, Delhi. This one came as the game changer and has got a lot of visits from BlogAdda’s contest winning page. This was also the biggest surprise of the year, as I had mentioned in earlier posts – it also inspired more posts related to it, concerning the big program as well as the journey. It talks about the Vampire Bat’s journey to another planet where he found a new civilized way of life, as Dracula also gets there in the end, with teleportation working in full strength.

On Responsible Tourism [Journeys]
This is a post which is a lot visited which has come up to the top list in the recent days. This one was actually very quick to climb to the most visited posts list, and I was also invited for the Outlook Traveler Tourism Summit, but couldn’t make it to Delhi this time as I would have had to start packing at that moment when I heard that I was selected. I am not that quick, as you might already know. I think, and then I think more; so it was always going to take more time with booking the flights and arranging the accomodation. But I am happy that this post about responsible tourism was noticed!

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Pages of the movies, Premam and Rani Padmini. Meanwhile, have you checked for the movie releases during the first quarter of 2016?


Award: Premio Dardos

The season of Christmas has arrived as we await the big day to bring some memories and a certain amount of happiness back to us again. It is that kind of a season when we look forward to gifts and more gifts. Meanwhile, here is an award which has come here after a long time; thanks to Akhil 🙂

You can see his post about the award here

Premio Dardos is Italian for Prize Darts. This is given in the spirit of Friendship, Creativity, Community and Originality 🙂

And the rules…
premio-dardos-award1# Include the Premio Dardos Award Picture and the name of the person that nominated you. (Include a link to their blog)
# Nominate 3 other blogs/bloggers which you want to (The number of blogs can be varied).
# Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog and link back.

And my three nominees are:

Let the good days leading to Christmas continue and hope that there will be something awesome coming through… 🙂

373 posts in 365 days

At one point of time, I wondered why I should blog. I have had many doubts about how effective this would be for me considering the fact that there is a large number of people blogging. I rarely had any Indian readers at the earlier times, and most of my visitors were from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. If you look at my blogs as of now, the situation has changed and on this blog as well as on Movies of the Soul, the most visiting people are from India itself and same is the case of the comments – not that many comments from the people currently living in my home state of Kerala though.

So a wonderful run and a great cycle  for this particular blog ends on this day with this blog post. There was a set of events which were set in motion on December tenth, last year. I had decided to start the cycle just a little bit earlier, but something happened and so it was delayed to December tenth, 2014. I am not feeling that well today, but this cycle post had to come on this day. There is something special on this day because I started blogging continuously since last December tenth, and there has been never even one day without a post on this blog for these last 365 days.

transyl (2)

I have posted a total of 373 posts in these 365 days on this blog and there were 84 posts on Movies of the Soul, with 12 posts on The Divine Epic. Except for one, the rest of the sixteen contests prizes were all won during this period of time, and most of the campaigns also came during this time. The nominations for all Blog Awards happened during this season too with a total of 17. 183 out of 195 Top Posts on IndiBlogger came during this time, and all 31 of the BlogAdda WOW Posts came during these 365 days. It is also the season with the most visits for not only thing blog, but also for Movies of the Soul and The Divine Epic.

The most comments on these three blogs also happened during these days, and the same is the case of most likes as well as the social media sharing. This blog made sure that I thought about coming up with new ideas. The same is the reason why I am so determined to finish this cycle despite not feeling well with fever. I have posted on this blog from not just here; I have posted from Delhi, Trivandrum, Trichur, Kollam or whichever city where I was staying at that time. At least one post was a necessary thing, and sometimes I kept extra posts ready in case there is the need.

I wrote many exams in between, but still managed to come with a new post every day – I found it more as a need. It never mattered if I was not that well, and the absence of electricity was no trouble either. I sometimes went to some other place to post a new one and at other times I came up with something in the very last moment. I have participated in almost all contests which I cam across, and the missed ones usually about coming up with a video or writing about married life or babies. Still, I came up with two posts related to babies, and that worked for some happy hours.

I have come up with almost all topics possible for me – yes, fashion and related things are impossible for me. I have posted about movies, fiction, sports, games, television series, history and all which have came into my mind at times. I liked some of the posts and I didn’t care that much about the others, but I still wrote something in every case. I felt that if I stopped on a day, I might just stop writing at all. Continuous writing was necessary, because I wanted to keep going at something or the other.

transyl (1)

This is a milestone day for me, and maybe I can choose to slow down things a bit as of now. I don’t really want to slow down as of now, and I wish to continue to keep writing until I have a job. I wish that the ideas keep coming easily and there will also be more contests on which I can write on. It doesn’t really matter if I win or not, but what bothers me is not to try – I am still to win something huge, even though the post The Vision of a Lost Bat for the India Today Conclave is quite the win which I love more than anything else. I will hope to keep writing, and if someone don’t accept my resume in this birth, you will see a lot my writing till death 😀

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Page of the movie, Hotel Transylvania.


Liebster and the Facts

I once again got a Liebster Award nomination, this time from Sunaina. I have always loved reading her blog, and it feels great to receive another one. Thank you Sunaina 🙂 Here is her post.



  1. Thank the nominator
  2. Display the award
  3. Nominate 10 more bloggers with 10 new questions
  4. Answer the questions provided by the nominator
  5. Notify the nominees
Now for the questions I have to answer:

Which of your blog posts is closest to your heart?

The College Days at UCC is the post which is right out of the heart and closest to it; not because it won a prize, but because I didn’t have to think about it – this one came instantly.

Who is your biggest critic?

That should be myself. I often have the kind of opinion about myself which I feel beyond my understanding – so much criticism.

What is happiness?

I am still searching for it. When I find it, I might be able to write a very long blog post about it.

Which is the most inspiring thing you have read recently?

I don’t really get that inspired. Many things are inspiring for common people, but when I give it a thought, nothing gets through me to provide inspiration.

Who is your favorite author/poet/writer?

That is a difficult question because I have loved works from different writers. But I would still prefer to answer my namesake, Lord Alfred Tennyson.

When it comes to appreciation, would you prefer a vote for your blog post or a comment?

I would prefer the comment if it is positive or interesting; otherwise I am ready to take the vote; well, you can vote anyway because it is so easy 😀

Walk at the beach or trip to the mall or a luxury cruise – what is your favorite kind of holiday?

I am not that interested in the three. About the malls, I go there so many times, and I have never been to a luxury cruise. I like the beaches, but it is still not an ideal holiday for me.

What are your thoughts about my blog or my style of writing?

I have always been interested in reading your blog. I don’t have thoughts about blogs that much to pass a judgment. Everyone is different in style and each is just unique.

Is it easy to forgive or forget?

Both are not really easy, but the former can be easier considering the situation and what it is about.

Who is your best friend?

As of now, I am afraid that I can’t talk about one. The position inside the soul is rather empty.


I am happy to nominate the following bloggers for this award:
Simon –
Raja –
Ranjini –
Sagarika –
Sherna –
Namrata –
Simran –
Amreen –
Roohi –
Sachin –

The questions for them are:

  1. Which is your favourite comedy movie?
  2. Which of my posts do you consider most interesting?
  3. What do you think about end of the world?
  4. Which is your favourite spiritual place?
  5. Who will you choose between a zombie and a ghost?
  6. Which is your favourite movie quote?
  7. Which is the superpower that you need?
  8. What kind of books do you read?
  9. If you have to sacrifice one of the two, will you choose to get rid of Facebook or Twitter?
  10. A cat or a dog? With spot for only one pet, which will you choose?


The Liebster Returns

Thanks to Hema, for nominating me for the Liebster award 🙂


A long time had passed since my last blog award nomination, and longer time had passed since the last Liebster!


    Rules related to LIEBSTER Award:

    1. As a token of acceptance of the award, do write a blog post regarding the award and post the link of the blogger who nominated you.
    2. Display the award on your blog.
    3. Answer the questions raised by the blogger who nominated you.
    4. Nominate other bloggers.
    5. Post questions to those bloggers.

Here are the answers to Hema’s  questions.

+Who/what inspires you in writing?
It is more of the need to do anything at a time when there is nothing to do.

+What’s the most difficult about blogging for you?
The feeling that this is going to be considered as a wastage of time by people.

+How are you managing time for your work life balance?
There is no work and there is no life for me. So it is very easy.

+What is the single activity which you love the most?
That should be drinking tea, and a lot more tea.

+What is the most special character in you which you adore in yourself?
I don’t really adore anything about me; it is not my plan.

+Which place you like to travel frequently?
To Indian Coffee House, for that tea and what comes with it.

+What 3 words describes you the best?
Thoughtful, Meaningless, Hopeless.

+List any 3 of your favorite bloggers at the moment?
Namrata, Maniparna, Raja.

+What is your favorite quote?
What comes to my mind right now: From the movie King Arthur (2004): “There is no worse death than the end of hope”.

+What are the tips/suggestions for the upcoming blogger?
Just don’t go for the prizes and glory; do what you love.

I am happy to nominate the following bloggers for this award:
Purba –
Vinitha –
Roma –
Bindu –
Swati –

Here are the questions to my nominees:

*Which is your favourite movie of the 1990s?
*Where do you really want to go before you die?
*What will you choose between a Pista and a Chocolate Shake?
*Do you feel that life has a purpose? Why?
*If given a choice, will you choose arts or science?
*Which is your favourite post on this blog?
*What do you feel is the best thing about blogging?
*What do you think about Simona the Kitty?


Year 2015: Story so Far

There were many happenings in the year 2015, and a lot of them haven’t been positive. There is the problem of seeing so many people who can’t respect the opinions of others when we are blogging. When outside the blogging, there is the problem of facing the relatives who ask the two big questions, which all of us Indians already know about. Life has been mediocre outside the blogging world or even worse, but as far as blogging is concerned, there were some positives throughout this year, most of them for which I am thankful to BlogAdda.

The best incident related to blogging happened to me in this March, in the month of my birthday itself, with winning the pass for the India Today Conclave contest, my first win from BlogAdda and it was huge. My post The Vision of a Lost Bat won the grand prize and my other post The World Remade was granted the runner-up prize. This was also the first time that I won anything for a post featuring the Vampire Bat. It was a perfect inspiration for me to blog at that time.

Then in May, there was the #DilKiDealOnSnapDeal activity from BlogAdda which made me feel that I could win more than one, and that my earlier victory was not a fluke. This second win made me feel better because it was something which I shared from my memories, and it is also something that I still cherish doing. My post Through the Sands of Time provided me my next win and it has also given me my first badge from BlogAdda. There is something about the badges from BlogAdda; with out names added to it, they look perfect.

Then in July, there the crashing into the winners of #CrashThePepsiIPL Contest. It was an interesting contest with different phases, and my post, Favourites of the List won in one of the phases there. I believe that it was in July that there was the #StressFreeMom Contest which had me winning again for the post All the Stress in the World and then again with #YoursHonestly Contest with my post A Letter on Integrity. It was the season of good things coming together at least in my blogging life.


JSW #WillOfSteel activity was one of my favourite contests, and I consider it as an honour and privilege to have participated in it. That was a nice escape from writing reviews and reading what the blind fans have to write, because what we were supposed to do were to support inspirational people who have made a difference in the world with their will of steel; the kind which India can be proud about. I actually posted about two such individuals on two different posts, and it is my post Tea for Inspiration which won the prize from BlogAdda.


Then there is the recent win which came at a time when I was hoping to win something interesting, and my post Colours and Variety had a chance there. I was thinking that I was losing my strength, and then there was BlogAdda with this prize. Bed Bath More Paint Me Wild activity was where I wrote about what I actually wanted with my home in a completely personal manner, and it felt good that this one won a prize which is bigger than the other ones in the second half of the year.

I also have to share about my other post The Undead Book of Life because I won movie souvenirs from the movie The Path of Zarathustra, once again through an activity from BlogAdda. I love this one a lot because this is a movie which I really wanted to watch, but it didn’t release here. So, I decided to be happy with at least those souveniors. In a world where there are abusers and haters who will never accept the opinions of others, one can only be happy about BlogAdda providing us with such opportunities and rewards, making 2015 a better year.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

***The images used in this blog posts are from the activity pages at BlogAdda.


Loyalty of Dragons


Among the awards which this blog has managed, the most interesting one should be this because it has dragon! – It is The Dragon’s Loyalty Award. Just a few days ago, Ruma nominated me for this one! Thank you Ruma 🙂

It is an award for the fellow bloggers who visit your blog regularly. Here are the rules:

  • Accept the award with thanks.
  • Give your readers 5 facts about you.
  • Nominate other bloggers and let them know.

Five Facts About Me:

  1. I sometimes feel that running far away from home and jumping off the top of a waterfall is the best way to get some direction in this life or afterlife.
  2. I believe that people should respect each other all the time and the opinions should be expressed without taking things personally or abusing others.
  3. I believe in keeping the promise; if someone can’t reach somewhere or can’t do something as promised earlier, I wish to be told and instead of trying to defend  and giving the idea that it can still happen when it can’t.
  4. I am going through my second root canal, and this will provide me with two crowned teeth on the left side, with a possible problem coming up on the right side; I should be a dentist’s dream patient.
  5. I don’t believe in changing my profile picture on Facebook and losing my identity and individuality just because others are doing it; I don’t believe in following the crowd, and I won’t do something just because everyone else is doing it.

My Nominations:

Archana (

Maniparna (

Anoop (

Namrata (

Hargun (

Thank You! 🙂


For the Blogger Friend

It has been just few days after I completed the 350th post on this blog, The Tea Cerebration(s) on the 444th day of its existence, making it the fastest and the only blog of mine to reach that many number of posts. It is the newest blog which is just a little more than one year in age. It is also my fastest blog to 50,000 posts and all of my daily readers have played a big role in bringing the blog to this status. Without them, the beginning would have been a struggle like my other blogs which had almost no visitors in the first few months.

Blogger friends mean a lot to me in a world where most of the friends and relatives find it so difficult to support a blog, and the elders of the family tree will always classify this activity as the great waste of time when they compare this to what their sons and daughters are doing, earning a lot of money and getting married to people from rich families. So, I am taking this opportunity and writing this blog for one of such bloggers who has been a good friend and an amazing writer. There are a lot of them whom I have mentioned earlier, but here, I am writing for one particular blogger and supporting her in a contest.

Blogging has been the sea! It has remained strong and inspiring!

Blogging has been the sea! It has remained strong and inspiring!

Even though I started blogging with the other blogs earlier, I have had the most number of blogger friends in the last one year, which is a lot more than I ever expected, as in the beginning, the whole thing was supposed to be anonymous. I had joined many blogger communities which meant that there was significant increase in the number of Indian bloggers on my blog. Movies of the Soul had the Vampire Bat with mostly Hollywood movie reviews, and I had almost finished with writing Travel Diaries; then The Divine Epic just had one post a month and wasn’t looking forward to be a big space for writing.

But as time changed and I met a lot of good and supporting bloggers, I decided not to remain anonymous because there was nothing special about it other than being the stranger. We need our friends who are in the blogging world, and they are our inspiration. Without the other writers and readers, there is not much about posting online. They are the motivation that we need on the internet where there is too much evil. I will always be indebted to them for making the blogging experience better with the support.

It was a few months ago that I came across another blogger, Amreen who has left an impression on me with her blog, Paint the World With Words. She recently started the 100 Deeds of Change Drive which you might want to have a look at, as it intends to bring small changes in everyone’s life through sharing such work by blogging on the same at her blog. With a hundred posts about hundred deeds by different bloggers are reached, the entire series is supposed to be published as an e-book.

I have recently come to know that she has participated in a Short Literary Work Contest in TATA Literature LIVE! and has been looking for Facebook votes to win the contest. It involves logging into Facebook and going to the link which is given at the end of this blog. There you can see her entry named “amreens44” and there is a text box to enter your e-mail ID and a green button to cast your vote which you can use to support Amreen. It works very well on Google Chrome, and sharing it is also easy!

We all use Facebook a lot and support a lot of things with likes, shares and comments. It has been part of our lives for a very long time. So, this is the time for some Facebook votes from the bloggers in support of something smart and creative. Her poem speaks about the topic of Child Marriage and if she wins, she will be given this opportunity, to share this message with the world and the society! Login to Facebook and follow this link, to cast your vote for her! Your one small gesture can bring a big change in someone’s world!

***The image used in this blog post was taken by me on my Samsung Galaxy A5 at Fort Cochin earlier this month.


Four Cups of Tea

The best incidents in the vampire world have always managed to begin with tea. The reason for this is that no vampire ever wakes up without smelling tea from the sleep or having that perfect tea dream which makes it the only non bloody thing that can be perfectly shared between vampires and humans. It has also eternally kept the werewolves and zombies away because they have never been the people of the tea, and it has been a title reserved for the vampires under the immortal clause 99A-2Z.

Yes, vampires do keep the people away, it has been the twenty seventh super power which they are known to possess. It has been officially recognized in thirteen realms of magic. But it has only did people good because the great vampire team has been mostly angry and none of them has ever fallen in love. They were always beyond that, of a higher existence. Still, there is that girl walking outside. She has been walking around with that phone for quite a long time. Who might be calling her? Vampire Bat finds her to be extremely cute…

Vampire Owl: You are going very far away from the topic.

Vampire Bat: What? Oh, yes. What was I talking about? Yes, the meeting which had the awesome tea.

transyl (2)

So, the Vampire Bat hasn’t been always into meetings due to the same reason. He doesn’t meet other bloggers, even though he has met a few this year as they were brought together by fate. Still, the Vampire Bat decided to get the Yellow Vampire Mobile and travel on it to the meeting point which was many pot-holes and a lot of congested traffic away from his place. But the Vampire Bat knew that the time has come for him to come out of the shadows to enter the list of friends belonging to the living.

Vampire Hamster: Excuse me, Sir Vampire Bat. Do you travel on a mobile phone? Is that the Asus Zenfone 5?

Vampire Bat: What? No! Its like the Batmobile. Kindly stop talking if you really want to hear the full story.

Vampire Owl: Typical question from a vampire apprentice who doesn’t come to the blood sucking tutorials. You please continue, Mr. Vampire Bat.

The Vampire Bat had the meeting with the Man Who Lives, as the world of the undead met the world of the living at the land which is known to mankind as Cochin. Then we made to KR Bakes where we decided to not choose the Puffs with the dead and had Vegetable Puffs in the name of the immortal WordPress blogs. There, we also had four cups of tea and discussed very interesting things like life before death, movies of the soul, Kerala and the Middle East, how to have a job and not to, how the bats and owls are doing in the world of chaos etc.

As the Vampire Bat was once hit on the head with a selfie stick, he made the decision not to bring a selfie here. It was actually an accident, but that too counts. He never really encouraged the selfies even though he did pose on a few occasions just because they were taken and his absence would mean that his immortality had expired. The Vampire Bat has asked Uncle Dracula to declare this stick as a dangerous weapon along with the silver stakes, but that is pending approval from the vampire elders and the Elite Vampire Club.

Vampire Bat: So, my dear vampire team, please say this together with me.

transyl (1)

Vampires [together]: We would like to thank the Man Who Lives, and also all his tranquility for bringing the meeting of the Living and the Undead at one place where there was awesome tea and Vegetable Puffs.

Vampire Bat: Please note this down in the New Vampire Book of Eternity, on page number thirteen.

Vampire Hamster: As you say, Sir Vampire Bat. I am going to work on that.

***This is the story of my first unofficial blogger meet with any blogger I have known before 😀 There were no photos taken, and so please adjust with the photos from the Official Facebook of the movie, Hotel Transylvania 😛


Of Blogging: My Choices

I am writing this post in favour of my friends whose blogs have been nominated for #WIN15. I have already written about most of them on this blog, but I would like to do more. The voting is possible till the thirteenth of September, and all the people whom I am talking about here are the bloggers whom I know personally, and are writing some very high quality content. I know that some of you might wonder if this is needed, but I feel so much of the need to do the same. The Vampire Team has had a long discussion about the same before coming up with the list.

Category: Personal :: Scattered Thoughts – If you ask me which is the blog that I have read the most number of times, it would be this beautiful thought-provoking space from Maniparna, which I might immediately nominate for a lot of awards, not just belonging to one category. She has been coming up with amazing posts, and providing great support to the other bloggers. The Vampire Bat and the Vampire Owl highly recommend this one, and Uncle Dracula is looking forward to your vote 😀
Vote for Maniparna here

Category: Arts Crafts & Design :: Crimson April – This one came easy for me as Tara has been one of the earliest Malayali bloggers whom I have ever known, and I have read more creativity on her blog related to arts and crafts than anywhere else in my life-time. For quite a long time, Crimson April has been my source of seeing and reading about beautiful art. There has been something special out there all the time, and even related to a few posts which were less related to my interests and knowledge, I have found myself very much interested in reading them due to her wonderful way of presenting them.
Vote for Tara here


Catgegory: Entertainment :: Movie Reviews by Bindu CherungathMovies of the Soul loves the movie reviews from the fellow movie enthusiast and friend, Bindu, and really hope that she wins this category. She does an amazing job with her reviews, and I hope and believe that a lot of you have already read and appreciated her reviews; if you haven’t, please do soon. Her blog is often the first place I look for reviews without doing Google Search, and they are special.
Vote for Bindu here

Category: Creative Writing :: Petrichor and Clouds – I have been very less into reading Blogspot blogs, but Sreesha has provided some of the most interesting poems and fiction which makes it near impossible not to be at the non-Wordpress platform. Her blog has now shifted to WordPress, and that is a very interesting news for me. I have provided the link to the Blogspot blog to avoid confusion, and you can go to her other blog about book reviews and the new WordPress place from there itself. There is your place to read some great creative writing.
Vote for Sreesha here

Category: Parenting :: Momscribe This blog from Uma will be my choice in the next big category. She has a very detailed blog out there. Meanwhile, I am skipping the category Beauty & Skin because that has never been, and might never be my department; I don’t read much from those blogs mentioned there either. The same is the case of Fashion & Lifestyle. I also leave Political, Health & Fitness, Food & Drinks, Hindi and Humor & Satire, leaving you to make some recommendations for me.
Vote for Uma here

Category: Photo & Video :: i Share I vote for Indrani in this category, and if you have seen her Faces of India series and the beautiful photos from Spain, I am sure that you will do the same too.
Vote for Indrani here

Category: Technology & Internet :: Mono-live – I vote for Raj here, as this one is of another level with the details – this has been my best source of such information.
Vote for Raj here

Category: Travel & Living :: From My Window Seat – I vote for Ragini whose interesting travel posts have been inspiring me for quite some time!
Vote for Ragini here

***The image used in this blog post is from the #WIN15 page of BlogAdda.

I didn’t nominate Movies of the Soul for the awards. I am still trying to figure out why. May be I got a very low opinion about myself; may be I had no confidence at all.


Reviews and Appreciation

I remember Drishyam (Malayalam) as the one big review I wrote on Movies of the Soul. It came before I developed most of my ideas about this movie blog, and hadn’t shared it much. Still it went on to become the most visited review and remain so for close to an year, only to be overtaken by the review of Om Shanti Oshana which kept that title until yesterday. Where Sapthamashree Thaskaraha coming so close and failed, Kunjiramayanam managed to do that in a day and half. Yes, this review had become fourth most read in twenty four hours and made it to the first spot with just half a day more.

I was actually surprised to see this big leap on the first day itself. It was unlike what I had imagined, and it was like whenever I looked, the number of visits just increased. When I looked at my own review page, I saw that the Facebook button showed the numbers in thousands. This was so huge. I was surprised and found out that the link to the review was shared by both the Official Page of the movie and one of the main actors in the movie Aju Varghese on his own page. It was also later shared by the director of the movie, Basil Joseph on his profile, and a lot of others had also shared my review due to the same reason.

When the movie's official page shares your review, that boosts your confidence.

When the movie’s official page shares your review, that boosts your confidence.

I have wished for my reviews to be shared, but never really wrote for the same. I have written the opinions on the movies which I had watched, related to what came on my mind, and concerning that particular experience having that certain effect on me. My reviews were only shared on Facebook improving my traffic only on a few occasions, and it started with Angels review, which had my link as part of a video created consisting of the opinions related to the movie which was shared by the director of the movie Jean Markose, the Official movie page and Joy Mathew who played one of the protagonists in it.

My second share happened related to the movie Ivide when the Official Facebook page of the movie as well as the Assistant Director of the movie, Priya Chokshi gave the shares. The third one was related to Mumbai Taxi when the leading actress of the movie, Mareena Michael Kurisingal gave it a share on her profile. Only the influence of the third can be seen on the Facebook button of the respective review pages, as I had bought the domain after that. So, with the count missing on the pages, I had hoped for something to come up there, and it is big here with Kunjiramayanam as it is above 5000 as of now.

When someone like Aju Varghese shares the review, things get even bigger :)

When someone like Aju Varghese shares the review, things get even bigger 🙂

One thing which I have noticed about Kunjiramayanam is that it has the support of the general public and the usual audience who use Facebook regularly. It is more of a common man’s movie without adding anything complicated to it. It uses simple and yet effective comedy to make things work in its favour, and with these shares, they have made it clear that value is given to the opinions of people. When you are with people, they are with you. I know some people who hope for higher and higher ratings all the time, but here they have chosen to share those fair reviews, which has to be appreciated.

Yes, there has been more shares here and there, but among these four big shares which have affected my blog positively, I will rank the latest one far ahead of the others, because they have all shared this review as something significant rather than just adding it to their profiles, and the results have shown in the re-shares which has been received. The fact that it was shared by Aju Varghese makes me a lot happier because he is the one young actor whom I always trust with the comic roles. I do wish that he had a bigger role in Jamnapyari and also in Loham; but he does steal the show in Kunjiramayanam.

And then the awesomeness continues when the director shares the same :)

And then the awesomeness continues when the director shares the same 🙂

As Om Shanti Oshana which comes second in the most visited list has fallen more than a thousand visits behind, I expect Kunjiramayanam to hold on to that top spot for a very long time – the visits are still going on strong, and the lead is surely going to extend by a much bigger margin. There are only eight movie reviews on Movies of the Soul which has received more than a thousand visits to the page, and among them, seven are Malayalam with the remaining one Hindi – there is always a certain advantage in writing about the movies releasing in your own language, right?

I will leave you with a funny video song from the movie 🙂


Sharing Some Statistics

On this Sunday on which I choose not to go to a theatre because all people having work on the other days will be there causing rush, I shall share some statistics with you. So, if you don’t want to hear about my Facebook Page, you may run away right now when the opportunity is still there. It is a Sunday, and there is no shortage of possibilities. It is completely about my Facebook Page, and I hope you have all liked it at []. Even if you forgot and are going to like the page right now, I will love that 😀

I initially thought about starting a separate page for this blog, but that was to be totally unnecessary, because about twenty percent of the posts in this blog is also related to movies, and two pages will be a little too much for me. I also share the posts from here on the page as far as they remain related to movies. I started the page for the first time supporting my other blog, Travel Diaries: Of this world and beyond with only close friends liking it, and then changed it into a combined page for my blogs and finally into the Movies of the Soul Facebook Page and has kept it that way.


If you look at the statistics, it is not even close to being the same for my blog and the Facebook Page. Those posts which have become successful on the blog have done less at the Facebook Page and vice versa, even though there are a few which have done good at both places. I haven’t been someone lookng at Facebook Statistics, but I did that last day, and this post comes as a result. Well, you can read a lot about what I found there, and here are the statistics for my Facebook Page.

The three cities outside Kerala which have the most likes for my page are Bangalore, Delhi and Chennai. The three top nations other than India are United States of America, Saudi Arabia and Canada. About half of the people who liked the page are between eighteen and twenty four years of age. I hope that some of you will contribute to change these statistics so that your age group, city or nation will be at a better spot in my list of likes. I would surely like that on a lovely Sunday 😀


The top city from outside India is Toronto. The top language is the United States English as expected. With the best reach, the highest are Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi. The reach for the nations has the highest in United States of America, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Other than United States of America, people engaged with the posts are very low, outside India. The most visits come from Piscataway as far as the visits from outside cities are concerned.

My most viewed, commented, liked and shared post on Facebook is the Premam review, which makes me wonder if I should have watched and reviewed that movie a lot earlier. It took me too much time to write on that one, and it meant that too many possible visitors had gone missing. Well, I did try, but the rush was too much for the movie. The second place goes to Drishyam which has claimed the Bollywood throne for the most viewed and engaged post from Bajrangi Bhaijan which overtook ABCD 2 which had temporarily been at the top of my Bollywood posts.


Papanasam comes next and has become the leader of the Tamil movies list on my blog taking over from I, and that makes three out of three reviews on the same movie’s different versions success for me. The earlier leader among Malayalam movies was Iyobinte Pusthakam, and Mission: Impossible 5 – Rogue Nation is on its way to take over from Terminator Genysis as the top Hollywood movie on the Facebook Page – it is already there with the post reach. The Hollywood movies have given me less views, likes, comments and shares so far compared to the Indian movies.

***If you have any tips for my blogs after looking at these screenshots, do let me know 🙂


Creative Blogger Award

Ranju has nominated me for the Creative Blogger Award yesterday as I awaited the release of Mission Impossible 5 in India counting down to today. Thank you Ranju 🙂 May the vampire blessings be always with you 😀

Here are the rules:

  • Thank the one who nominated you
  • Nominate other bloggers
  • Write 5 random facts about yourself

5 Random facts about me: 

  •  I look at people getting married, and parents of friends and relatives boasting about the jobs of their sons and daughters; and I usually hope that they take their parents with them rather than leaving them in Central Kerala to bother me.
  • Watching horror movies give me so much of a relief from these; it makes me realize that worst things can happen and this is kind of better. Yes, do watch those horror movies regularly because they prepare you to face the horrors of the world 😀
  • I haven’t combed my hair for the last eight years. I have never cared much about it. I have been completely against a particular hairstyle defining my style. I also cut my hair late, like once in two months or so spending Rs.70 for it.
  • I don’t like buying new clothes. I feel that I have enough of them for eternity. Still, if one of the relatives want to buy me one, I wouldn’t say no. I only try the dark ones; there is no shirt or t-shirt with light colours in my room.  Otherwise, I haven’t really bothered about what to wear.
  • I have a good record of keeping on drinking tea, but my Paneer Masala Dosa eating record is at more than one per day since last March end. I hope to keep this record at the same level for a long time. I have had more than half of it from Saravana Bhavan. I had Paneer Masala Dosa from Delhi too.

Here is my list of creative bloggers:

Archana @
Amreen @
Tara @
Purba @
Deeshani @

That will be all 😀


300th Post Nihilism

This is my 300th post. The Tea Cerebration(s) has completed 300 posts in 394 days, after its beginning in July 2014. My last 200 posts were done in 194 days. I have done the last 100 posts in 95 days and the last 50 in 46. I did post a minimum of one post on every day. By doing these, I have once again proved that I have no other job. May be I should have another job, but unfortunately, I have none. In the next two hundred days, I will reach the 500 posts marks, if life keeps going this way. Well, there is not really any point about life.

I keep wondering where do I reach with my blogs. Sometimes I think why I should write here. It keeps going on and on, and nothing really happens that would bring a clear change to my life. Each and every day, I write about something or the other, and then I post it, and then nothing else happens. I just go to sleep, and then I wake up and I write. It seems to me more like a loop which goes on eternally. Well, people do many things which seem to be constructive and good for their future. I wonder where does blogging stand.


Doing good with blogging has very less effect on my daily life. I remain the random jobless, useless person as I have always been. The India Today Conclave Win came up as a small relief, but the situation still remains the same. Sometimes, I feel that the particular post came from a part of my brain which I know very less about. The fifth month has arrived after that positive thing, and I am sure that most people have forgotten about that. My life remains empty and I believe that worst things are waiting to happen without giving any slight chance of an escape.

Sometimes, I think whether it does anything which counts at all? 300 posts here and 200 posts at Movies of Soul later, with the extra on other two blogs making more than a 100, thus making it above 600 posts in total, I still remain the person I used to be when someone looks at me. Is it doing good or bad for me? I wonder how it will define my future. Can something really positive come out of this or will this go as how I wasted my life? Will it even make sense to most of the people, the majority of the world?


I have never thought that I would ever reach the number three hundred in my life time. I was completely out of ideas when I started my blogs. Now I do have more ideas, but not sure if it is really a positive thing. I have been just writing and writing without caring about anything else. But I have still reached nowhere even after trying regularly. I am still stuck at the abyss from which only depths call, and not a soul to return to the surface.

I wonder if many of you have read my previous post, Time Machine’s Child, which has been a reflection of my world. It has been recently selected as a WOW post at BlogAdda, and I have been wondering about the same situation. Is the search for a better timeline, or a deviation into a better reality just an illusion? Is there light at the end of the tunnel or is it just a fake belief just to make us explore more of a tunnel which is infinite, and ends for each person only with death?

Will the search for a better alternative end up in the worst situation? Or is that alternative waiting for us after death? Isn’t it easier to have trust in after-life than the present one? There is no justice in this world, and shouldn’t that make the idea of after-life more exciting than the present one? May be if death is the entrance to that better life as religions talk about it, embracing it before being a bigger sinner to ruin it is the better option, right? And if there is no after-life at all, still isn’t it better to finish it off now than later?

***The images used in blog post were taken on my Sony Cybershot Camera.


Real Neat Blog Award

I have been nominated for a blog award, the first of its kind that Tea Cerebration(s) has received; the Real Neat Blog Award, from Amreen.

Here is her post on the same:

Thank You Amreen 🙂


The answer to the seven questions she asked:

What do you blog about?
A lot of things. Mostly movies, travel and fiction.
What inspired you to blog?
It was mostly loneliness.
Your Favorite Book/Quote/Poem?
“To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield” – Ulysses.
If you had a chance to keep another name, what would it be?
Dracula. I would like that. Or even Frankenstein.
Your Favorite Author?
Lord Tennyson. I like my name.
What’s your favorite sport?
Tennis on television. For a game on court, Badminton.
Your tips on blogging?
Just think and write. No need for anything else.

The rules of the award:

  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc).

I nominate the following bloggers:


My seven questions to them:

  1. Which is your favourite movie?
  2. Which is your favourite song?
  3. Choose your favourite vampire?
  4. Which is your most visited blog post?
  5. Your Favorite tennis player?
  6. Which browser do you use the most?
  7. Which is your most commented blog post?

Congratulations and drink tea 🙂
