Why is Death Significant?

There are not many things more significant than death. The hands of death can be seen everywhere, and we just need to lose some optimism to see it more often. At nights, death maybe even more visible with a lovely charm combined with moon light and the presence of some nocturnal creatures not limited to bats and owls. Darkness seems to serve as a supporter of death quite well, and we see this end of life as something that should follow every human being with good skills. It serves as that wonderful reminder that we are all going to finish the journey. It might not be that good a choice for the richest among them all, as they wish to continue towards eternity with all those available riches. We saw that kind of a man in the Alien sequel named Prometheus, and when you get to be too rich, such feelings can be considered quite natural.

Nowadays, there could be so many celebrities who would wish to go on for eternity. Well, politicians, cricketers and film actors can have it easy, as far as living forever is concerned. They have their posters and flexes all around the towns and the money that they earn can help them to go in a Prometheus-like mission just like the big business people can. There is no limit to being rich in a world which has so much disparity, and even the most educated do not get the respect that they deserve – only money matters in the end. It feels that you do not need to think about others or have common social values when there is too much money is involved. Death has been a great leveler between the rich and the poor, and it has been a fine duty, served well. Serving as the grand equalizer, one can never question the usefulness of death at any moment of life’s struggle.

The sea and its rocks will take us all into its eternity.

Life and death have never been the opposites – there has been life in death and vice versa. There are so many signs of these on two different sides of human lives with all the mortality which can be seen around. We can be sure that Hades and his hound would agree without second thoughts. Finding death out of life has been the easier job, and it is also a much-needed finding with humans going on like virus on Earth. Death serves nature more than anything else. It has found time to eliminate a few and bring the balance. The fall of the grand empires is only one of the many results of the same determination to make sure that there is balance. No empire should be able to live forever, at least not in the form of huge dominions. The attempt to bring those empires back to life in the name of racism, fear and hatred is of no use, as some of the decisions are forever.

The world changes, and without embracing the same, there will be no progress for humans in a world which has seen extinction of life so many times. The past has already been taken away by death’s charming workers and little helpers, and there is not much be done against them who have served the ender of life well. For what human beings have become, death requires the appreciation for doing the job better and any other creature from another world beyond human comprehension. But with the further development of science, death has found the job rather more difficult, but there are those forces of science and technology which help death at times, and in the hands of the right evil human, it can do much more.

Why would not someone take an eternal leap of faith into nature?

Death has inspired so many people to jump of a cliff and have a beautiful view of the nature below them as they come down. Those moments of beauty with the charming view might be enough to embrace death for many nature lovers. One can be sure that the Lake Poets and some of the other Romantic poets would not mind – even the lovers of dark fantasy and the gothic might not. There is always scope for poetry in motion with death, and it need not always be an elegy with a pastoral touch. All kinds of poetry can make its way here. One also has to wonder what it would mean for such a lover of greenery to be put in a loop while jumping off a cliff – how many views would make things feel like heaven for such a person? How much of such visions for heart and soul would be enough in a terrible world of never-ending chaos?

Do we have time to stop for death? Well, it does stop for us as Emily Dickinson has said before, and it is an action of care that we see around here. Death could have allowed humans to live forever, but it would not be the right thing to do. The kindness that death has decided to show it to be appreciated in a world in which empathy is rather too less. In the world where death has its home built, things might still be different, and taking the humans to that world would do no favour to him. There are many other creatures that death would prefer to take there, but humans are the least suitable creatures that could be a part of that world. Too many humans in that would also lead to the dead coming back to life. After all, who can suffer the consequences of having these miserable creatures around? Well, no sane death with a scythe would want that.

If there is the chance to invite anyone from outside human world to our homes, it should be death, or Sir Death, as we should be calling the man. A grand feast would still be necessary, and we can trust the person to be with us. We would also have wonder what the vampires and zombies would do when facing death – haven’t they faced death at least once? And what would the cats do with their nine lives? Are they all companions of darkness against all odds? Will death one day decide to appoint all of them as their minions? Death should be ready to answer all the questions, and let us be part of that final dance on one day. I am sure that death is too much of a good person to decide not to be part of a dance and a feast.

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Eternal Fall of Humanity

There is no limit to how deep a human can fall. The evil in a human being knows no boundaries. If Dante’s circles of hell were brought to Earth, there are so many people who can share the room with the devil. We have witnessed the shootings which have occurred in the United States of America, and it can be said with confidence that if such gun laws were passed in any part of the world, the result would be the same – such is the evil that humans come up with. If given an opportunity to murder another human being outside the laws, mankind will immediately know how to take a life effectively. There are no opportunists like humans, and everyone wants everything for themselves. This greed has run through their minds which have been devil’s lands.

We have seen the increase in crimes, especially murders in the last few years. Corona virus pandemic and the resulting lock-down can be blamed for the same, but the real credit goes to the true nature of humans. They just need a reason for the same. If humans had a choice, they would choose evil – it is always the easier option, and you don’t have to try that hard for the same. Yet, humans have the opportunity to be evil or pure evil, and most of them choose the second option as far as others don’t find out. For the same, cash is a major factor – earning a lot of money makes one confident enough to be evil, and as the character of a person is rarely considered while recruiting for a job. Most of the successful people in the world would find it easier to be evil, as they are in control.

You keep looking out for hope. Is it there to be seen?

There is too much of a control which the celebrities have over others. They surely have the influence, and they can also easily manipulate people into becoming mindless zombies. The same was reflected in the movie, Driving Licence – the tale which had an evil film star trying to be the demon of pride like no other. Even though there is no goodness or lack of pride on the other side, the celebrity here is pure evil. There are a number of Youtubers who seems to be trying the same with their newfound popularity, but you see that some of them with lesser viewers are even better than some of the celebrities – well, world is not fair; nepotism and lying will get you through every time. In the field of cinema, there will always be sons, daughters, nephews and nieces coming up instead of the outstanding actors and actress that we would expect.

It is difficult to live in this world, which has no point – the reason for existence itself has been missing for so long. You keep failing while trying to find a meaning. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, the world won’t get any better for you, if you stay close to truth and justice. The closer you are to pure good, the more difficult it will be for you – maybe, it will lead to your death. Humans will never feel the need for good leaders in politics either – well, politics has been all about selfishness, and there has been nothing for the people, of the people or by the people. Politics can bring a lot of money forever, like a government job in which one gets through with the help of a political party or reservations in the name of religion, community and caste. It is no wonder that people leave this part of the world too easily, and the leaving is felt more like a necessity.

We have been reduced to shadows against evil.

Why did humanity fall so deep into the well of greed and hatred? Where they always this evil? Well, they have held on to evil for very long, and they have inherited it from their predecessors. During the earlier times, there have been different explanations of evil in different parts of the world, but now, there are so many common things in evil, at least in the case of pure evil. Most of us witness too much of pure evil, and it is everywhere. In every corner, and at every turn of the road, you see the signs of the fall of humanity; the evil; the hopelessness; all the chaos – it would seem that there is no end to all of these. Human extinction seems to be the only hope, and whether religion or science causes the end of the world, we have to accept it, as faith, belief and hope have all gone the wrong way towards end, and you can only mourn them.

We can’t say that humans haven’t tried throughout the centuries – there were a few of them to be noted; even now, there is a small number of them who can make a difference like never before in history. But they will be stopped, detained or murdered, as they don’t have the power. We are left to choose from different types of evil, and there is the need for a careful analysis to find out the lesser of them – all the evil can be noted down here to know which is the worst among them. We are now left counting evil deeds, and that works as the exact opposite of hope. One day, these could be hunting grounds of the demons – maybe some aliens can serve as the same. Some of the most ruthless aliens like in Alien, Predator, The Tomorrow War and A Quiet Place can come in here. There is just too much of evil here, which should bring more of pure evil here.

I still wonder what we did to come to this terrible situation. Are we such terrible people? At which point did we fail? Evil was always there, and it has always found a way, but now we are so much at the limits, so much near the end. The basic evil nature is now not lagging behind with anything. You can always fight evil, but this pure evil which has embraced the world requires a better army to have a chance. The army requires love and compassion, but if the same is displayed, the pure evil side will lie, cheat, steal and murder like never before. I would let the aliens decide on this, and maybe when some creatures from other world arrives, we should support them instead of humans. There is nothing much for humans to do now, for it is out of their hands now. Maybe, doing nothing will serve everyone better and in a smarter way.

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***The images used on this blog post were taken by me on my Samsung mobile phone during some of the little journeys for the soul.


Fear the Evil Humans

There has been the lack of interest in horror movies which is evident in the last few years. The Conjuring was a movie which brought the dying genre back into track, but as we look around, we see that the genre has come down in popularity by some distance. We remember having watched the old version of Evil Dead, as well as those other horror movies of that age which successfully scared almost everyone at that time. Now, the world has changed, and despite those spin-offs like The Nun, Annabelle and The Curse of La Llorna seemingly making some impact, horror has lost its strength, and the main reason behind that is a change in humanity’s alignment.

Humans have always been attracted to evil, but they have never been this much aligned to evil. We have come to a situation where the evil spirits and demons are not that scary as humans of this era. The more terrifying thing is that is as real as it can be, and we see such terrible actions of humans in news. Humanity has come to such a situation that if the demons try to haunt a random house, there is a chance that they will stop the same and go back to the other world, after understanding that they just cannot scare these people any more, as humans are more evil than any evil spirit could ever be. There is the strong evil spirit inside each and every human which is waiting to get out.

The light in humanity has been disappearing quickly. Is there still hope beyond?

No ghost has been that evil to its own kind like humans have been to its own kind. It is something which scares the demons, even those from straight out of hell’s deepest area. Demons have enjoyed a certain amount of universal brotherhood among them, and these actions of humans have made them question goodness and evil. They might be wondering about the factors which have led to humans being so evil – the first thought would be about the devil playing his part with his minions, but humans need to be already corrupt to fall into the trap set by the master of hell. It is like humans want to take over hell and the kingdom of the devil.

This human alignment to evil has been set by a generation of bad parenting and a flawed society which have preferred successful people over good humans. During the earlier times, being a man of goodness mattered, but not any more. You have to be rich and successful, and for the same, you have to lie, cheat and steal your way up the ladder. Fake advertisements and continuously lying salesmen have made sure that businesses thrive without ethics, while the new generation graduates and postgraduates depend on scores rather than anything else – you score well, maybe by cheating, and don’t go for values any more. You add some online apps to it, and you are completely done.

Humanity’s lights are not forever. They shall be gone soon enough.

The movement for being successful at any cost had started long before these apps started capitalizing on it. You have always been forced to become an engineer or doctor, and being a good human being hasn’t been the priority for some time. Getting married to a successful person or someone with a lot of assets was the priority over having a marriage alliance with a good person. Being a kind-hearted person will get you nowhere, and if you trust these humans rather too much, they will surely cheat you. Humans are not the species that you should trust with anything, as they have given up their goodness in favour of success, fame and money.

The youth going for easy money and becoming part of illegal activities is due to the pressure put on by the society, and with the evil always present in them, they often take this to a step higher. In the end, they find it easy to murder too. Society’s role should have been to transform a person into a good human being rather than a rich and successful one. But society has asked for financial success, and by doing the same, the inherent evil inside humans have become more active than ever. All the parents of this age are also focusing on the same, and have successfully contributed in making their sons and daughters, the evil human beings that the demons fear.

The world should have never been this competitive. Living in such a world itself is scary, and when you add all the evil to it, you are in a dark world with no hope. The idea that one only needs a lot of money by any means is scary enough, and so is the idea that anything is justified by a lot of cash. As long as parents and society will continue to ask too much from the younger generation without second thoughts, the world is going to further descend into evil and chaos. We have reached a situation where there cannot be a human who is not evil, and this journey towards hopelessness means that humans will replace the demons as the leading evil species, while demons will be known for compassion and love instead.

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***The images used on this blog post were taken by me on my Samsung mobile phone during some of the little journeys for the soul.


The Myth of Good Human

A myth is supposed to be a traditional story, mostly concerning the early history of a group of people, which explains some natural happenings. It is supposed to be only partially true, or at times, completely false. But there is nothing more unnatural than the myth about a human being being good, for humanity’s inherent evil and their never ending greed makes sure that there can be no human being who can be honoured for their good deeds. Maybe, it was not the case a few decades ago, as even between those wars and acts of oppression, there was kindness. But now, humanity is too materialistic to be classified into the spectrum of good, as the tendency to be evil is more than ever.

Humans are simply not motivated to be good anymore. A few decades ago, religion was a fine inspiration, and people believed that goodness will be rewarded and deeds of evil will bring terrible punishments. Now, religion is not of that strength any more, and the only place where it gets stronger is in the field of politics. All politicians make use of religion in one way or the other, and some of the religious leaders are not less than politicians. Religion has always been used as part of politics, but never like it is now, dividing people, and forcing them to be evil in the name of God. Well, when someone does evil in the name of God, the person should be serving the devil instead.

The good human is a mythological creature who is supposed to hide in the fog.

The only motivation seems to be money. It is such a huge motivator that people are even ready to die for it. People are forced to be like this from early childhood itself. There are so many online teaching apps which force students to be money and career oriented, without values. We are now provided with a generation that thinks that money, fame and career growth are everything, and this training is going to bring us an even more terrifying generation sooner or later. Nowadays, students are forced into studies as if it is the only thing that matters, and for other programmes, they are given a chance only to gain the first place. Being ranked first matters so much these days.

The motivational speakers are always trying to make you successful, but the stories of inspiration are rooted in money for most of the time, and it never gets going for most of the people. The path to be travelled are not the same for everyone, and not everyone is looking for money. Well, the people who are close to goodness are never really the successful people, and they cannot get too rich either. In this world, when you are too empathetic and as you are not that prepared to move through the evil path, you will be at loss. Most of the good people in this world are left with no hope due to the same reason. This is not a world for the good people, which is why the idea of the good human being has turned into a myth, with most of them becoming extinct.

Yet, people take the evil lightly if you have a lot of money. There are not many things which the celebrities cannot do. There are always the fans who support them without second thoughts. For these people their role model cannot be evil at all. If the celebrity is also an actor or actress, the person will find it easier to hide the evil. Being a successful person by any way is a fine step towards declaring one to be perfect. There are so many Youtube influencers who have recently been part of controversy – they are also celebrities, and making money through videos have been easy these days, but they only cater to a certain group of people. The others who are part of films and cricket – nothing matches them in their popularity and fanfare.

An exploration into the myth about good humans is a difficult task, which is why I am not going to talk about those rare men and women from the past who can only be declared as reflections of goodness. We cannot live in the past any more, even though it does come back to us. We have to look forward to the future, and hope that there can be some instances of the myth becoming true. We can keep looking, but it saddens me to see that the myth remains the myth, and wherever I look, I can see only those cruel men and women who are looking only at money, fame and career. I wish to see a few people who were focused on the beautiful qualities of being human, but I am disappointed at every moment.

You can look for the good humans in the clouds, but it remains a tough job.

We see grand places of worship being built when people struggle from the Corona virus pandemic – but we remember that it is up to the government to do more. And will the rich care for the poor? We see that there are skyscrapers being built during these times too, and those serve as the reflections of the myth of good humans, for going for so much more during these bleak times is nothing less than evil. The mind of humans have been set into a materialistic tone, and I would hope that the world would change, with humans caring for each other. But that would be hoping against all hope. During these days when murders, frauds and other crimes are increasing, I will not be a man of hope.

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***The images used on this blog post were taken by me on my Samsung mobile phone during one of the little journeys for the soul.


Happiness as a Clear Lie

I have heard that some of the motivational speakers do speak a lot about happiness. I haven’t been happy about that, and the same has taken away a little bit more of my own happiness too. There have been so many people quoting that happiness comes from within, and each person is responsible for creating one’s own happiness. Well, if that was supposed to be the case, human beings had to live in their own bubbles from the beginning to the end, without contacting anyone else. Each human being should not be talking to other people at all, and got to mind his own business after being locked up at home, with all the necessary things delivered to the house.

Can humans live like that forever? Most of us introverts would prefer that, but it is certainly not possible. It would be possible if there was an apocalypse and everyone else had changed into brain-eating zombies or blood-sucking vampires – but in that case too, you would be dead too early. Happiness is not something which is created in a room, and if someone says the same after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is even a dumber statement. When so many people struggled due to Corona virus, and with the crime and violence increasing, how can people still continue to believe that a person can be responsible for one’s own happiness? It feels rather cruel.

We are volcanoes with lava of sadness, that won’t come out as boys don’t cry.

People who are able to come up with this kind of statements seem to be those well-settled men and women with high paying jobs and lots of assets already. These are the kind of people who resemble the celebrities who asked everyone to stay at home and enjoy, because they have such huge houses and a lot of money stockpiled. These are the kind of people who have somehow managed to find the easy way into their jobs and lots of money, because of which they are not able to understand the reason behind the abiding sadness among the people around, who have their own struggles in life related to jobs, money and certain family problems.

Let us leave those people who choose the world of crime to make some easy money, and those who continuously lie, cheat and steal – they should be happy in their own way, as such terrible acts do provide them with enough money. But what about the common man who has been struggling to become successful in a straight path, but fails? Can be happy about failing again and again after working so hard? Can a person who is so much learned and extremely good in his subject be denied opportunities while those who know almost nothing gets a fine job, just because he is affiliated with a political party or can tell lies better than anyone else? How can a qualified man, an expert, be happy after knowing that?

The emotions rise and fall like certainty of tides, but melancholy remains.

How can a person who has lived a life of goodness and learning be happy as he understands that so many less qualified and fake-faced others have lied, cheated and stolen all the way up the ladder while he remains at the bottom? How can anyone look at the gap between the rich and poor be happy enough? With so many people taken right into poverty, and with all the wealth concentrating on a few, can anyone feel that this is a happy world of justice and love? How can anyone believe that the nation is developing with so many people forced to go through terror? How can one go on with life when you see that the best and the most lovable people whom he met are the unsuccessful people?

Well, the world doesn’t need unsuccessful people. It categorizes people according to how much they earn, and those without enough monthly earning are placed in a lower level. You can easily feel it from the way they talk. You can try to live a life doing good to others, but these are not the old times when acts of goodness counted – the people will look down upon you, and some people think that you can still create your own happiness? Do they think that happiness is two-minute noodles? When you feel that you are so much let down by the society, you would think about anything to make the depression go away, but you just cannot create happiness in there out of nothing.

What do these quote serve other than victim blaming? If we are depressed and cannot be happy, it is our own fault? The great poets were depressed enough, and never really came out of the feeling. If you are too rich, you can do a Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, and wander around different nations, but what will the common man do? Well, Bollywood provides too much for the capitalist class, and they also put the common man into the trap. The common man also thinks that traveling will make things better, but for that, you still need the cash. You save the money for traveling, and once the journey is done, you are unhappy again as you have no money. What all people do for the fake emotion, the lie which is happiness! The reminiscence! The melancholy! The loss of hope in life’s wasteland!

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***The images used on this blog post were taken by me on my Samsung mobile phone during some of the little journeys for the soul.


Dark Beauty of the Absurd

Most of us keep trying to find meaning in our lives. Some of us are Sisyphus, and the others Naranath Bhranthan. The former is cursed to roll a huge boulder all the way up a hill only for it to roll down as it neared the top, an action which is repeated for eternity. The latter would roll the huge boulders up the hill and lets them roll down back by himself, and it is a sight which he enjoys. From the Greek myth and from the Indian Keralite folklore, we have two characters who perform meaningless, irrelevant actions, which are repeated again and again, as people look at them with wonder, and many future writers would have them as part of their works.

These rocks have purpose. Death has purpose, but do we?

Sisyphus is someone who was punished to carry out the meaningless thing for eternity. Most of us are like that, because we are part of a thankless world filled with evil humans. We have to go on doing our meaningless work all the time until our drop of eternity, the life ends. Even when we often have the feeling that life is meaningless, there is nothing that we can do about it, for we are cursed and damned to live through this eternity which is called life, even though it is originally a journey towards death. We carry these huge burdens, and some of us become good enough to be called successful, but all is lost in the end. There can be no true meaning to these actions.

Naranath Branthan or the Madman of Naranam is another person who gets a huge boulder to roll all the way up, and then pushes it down. He has been called the mad man, but he is the man who realizes the uselessness of one’s actions. He is showing everyone around him that whatever they are doing is useless, but people only laugh at him and considers him as a crazy person who does meaningless things. People feel that what they are doing will matter, but the truth is that none of these are of significance, and at least the mad man knows that everything happens for no reason. What is the significance of a human being and his or her actions? Absolutely nothing.

We are all trying to find some meaning in life with our actions, but the realization that there is none won’t do us any good. This is the reason why people keep doing something or the other to forget the meaningless of existence. When life’s purpose is to exist until one dies, and death being the final destination, you cannot ask for too much in this life. The only hope is the afterlife, as people can do the good deeds and wish for a place in paradise. But in this materialistic world, people are only after money and fame, with no real act of kindness being performed on a regular basis. People have no compassion, and hatred has roots in the minds of people of this age.

Finding the silver lining in the cloud is a worthless task.

One might feel that the struggle itself is enough to make the life worth living, but this is not really a world which deserves us. It doesn’t matter how hard we try to make it a better place, the world will not change. The only option which is left for us to do nothing, or become as terrible as the world itself. Paulo Coelho, in his work had said that when you want something, universe will conspire to help you achieve it, a quote which is often used in different contexts without shame. Everyone knows that nobody will help you to achieve your dreams, and most people will only try to make it worse for you. The universe is like that, and this quote is another attempt to make us go for futile things.

Ralph Waldo Emerson had also come up with a similar quote earlier, but he lived during a time when there seemed to be immense possibilities – the present world is the most hopeless one, and any hope that this universe brings us is fake. One does keep wondering about how many more centuries will it take for humans to realize that none of these matters. One also has wonder how many days it will take for the humans to have their own pessimistic speakers to make people understand that none of these matters. There should be a time when all these motivational speakers turn pessimistic and inform people the truth, that there is no need for inspiration in a mundane world.

It is a bigger wonder that some people still feel that there is hope. The politicians know that there is none, which is why they try to make as much money as possible instead of just living with their already huge salary. They happily make life worse for the very people who elect them, and find happiness in such actions. The advertisements are where the celebrities tell lies about products after taking a huge amount of money, thus cheating their fans, while the salesmen continuously lies to sell their products. I would guess that at least these people know that there is no hope in this world, and therefore they should lie, cheat and steal till the end of their meaningless life, and it won’t matter to them if they are fried by the devil in the afterlife.

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***The images used on this blog post were taken by me on my Samsung mobile phone during some of the little journeys for the soul.


Need for Human Extinction

There are two Russian movies which brought us so close to human extinction, and they have even left us with hope that it can still happen, as there is no total annihilation of the enemy or the possible enemy in the end of these movies. I have felt that Russian movies have managed to be better than their friends from Hollywood movies very often. Well, Hollywood did have its chance to bring us close to extinction while trying to find the secrets behind our origins, but it lost the opportunity with Prometheus which was one classic alien movie, and it could follow up with just Alien Covenant, something which couldn’t go through the same path, choosing the deviations instead.

The first among the two Russian movies is The Blackout, a film which reminds us of the new movies of Ridley Scott, but manages to make it more of an alien invasion on Earth, taking us close to that possible human extinction. But the opportunity is lost, even though the ending leaves a little bit of something for us to hope that humanity will slowly perish in the hands of aliens sooner or later. With most part of the world already done, just a few mistakes from humans can make sure that there is extinction. A few smarter moves from aliens earlier could have made things easier, but with a second part of this movie, we will be with less survivors, and maybe about ninety nine percent of humanity done.

It also shows the kind of wretched creatures that humans are. Humanity proves itself as the curse of the planet which only the aliens could cure. Humans in this movie are the type of creatures who are ready to get rid of the alien who had earlier helped them. Well, aliens do not know the humans well enough, do they? The truth is that nobody knows the true nature of humans who will do anything for their selfish needs from money to fame. The aliens never knew the immense possibilities in evil that the humans can come up with. All the vampires, werewolves, zombies, demons and witches have already categorized humans in their list of evil – not just random evil, but the purest form of evil, with no compassion to their fellow beings or other species.

The second one is Superdeep, a movie which finds the cure for human disease from underneath the surface. Milena Radulovic, the leading lady tries her best to make sure that the strange mold which has caused all the terror in the underground laboratory won’t reach the surface and infect humanity. But there is still a small amount of hope that it can still get to the Russian scientists, with its ending. The extinction here can be brought about by a kind of creature which grows inside people, and also seems to become one with the elements of nature, a seemingly perfect method to get the green nature to regain its power from the evil humans which kept torturing it for centuries.

It would benefit the world so much to have humans as part of the mold, as there would be no longer the greed, lust and other deadly sins on Earth. It is basically the easy way to clean Earth of its sins. If the evil humans continue to exist, they will torment the very small percent of good humans who are left on Earth while living to lie and cheat for money. Well, this is a materialistic world, and hatred comes naturally in it. The goodness is so less in this world that you can safely say that it doesn’t exist. There has to be forces strong enough to stop humans and bring the extinction – it doesn’t matter if it comes from underneath like in Superdeep, or from above, as in The Blackout.

Another Russian movie, Sputnik had a perfect creature to deal with humans, but that movie actually ended without leaving scope for a sequel. It was a monster which could have fared so well among the evil humans. One can only look on with wonder seeing all the quality that Russian films have brought for us. There is enough horror, science fiction, alien invasion, war, superhero stuff that stays so strong. A few years ago, I had the feeling that I would have to stick to the South Korean movies to bring that kind of a special quality, but these are really splendid. You can depend on these movies for quality entertainment.

Coming back to extinction, it is better for humans themselves as well as the other creatures of the planet to get rid of humanity. How many more years can one see the humans doing such evil to their fellow beings as well as other species? God wouldn’t want to have anything with humans anymore – such wretched are the people. The only reason why humans haven’t killed themselves yet is because they need some of their own kind for their own evil plans against the other groups. When all the other groups are done, they will start fighting between themselves. It will be a long process, and therefore I would call for a quicker extinction, whichever celestial being or subterranean monster can bring it.

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***The images used on this blog post are the posters of these movies, used to support this particular blog post only.


End of Life’s Meaning

It shouldn’t really take much time to realize that life has no meaning at all. The fact that people take so much of time to understand the same is the strange thing about it. Those who proclaim that they have found meaning in life are either living in a fool’s paradise, or are trying to make fools out of people. People should have at least understood the same after the floods or the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no real purpose, and we are just existing through this world of chaos because we were born, and are doomed for an inferno in advance before we get to see the real heaven or hell. We are now facing the third wave of a pandemic, and even the government do not want to impose a lockdown and stop the spread anymore. Everyone is indeed tired, and the vaccine is as useless as it can get.

There will always be those fake motivational speakers who will try to say otherwise. These people will come up with the examples of people who have fought against all odds and succeeded. But the truth is that this is not motivating, but depressing – the fact that even these people succeeded while you didn’t leads to the realization that you are worthless, and maybe it is the time to end your life. This leads to you stop searching for those so called motivational people and start searching for methods to commit suicide. Well, you just cannot get better through the inspiration provided by the lives of others, as no two people live the same life – maybe it is true in the case of celebrities who all seems to go through the same lifestyle.

Motivational speakers can talk about light in the dark, but darkness covers them all.

You cannot connect the celebrities to the meaning of life, as there is nothing that they will provide as a positive thing. It is still a wonder to see that we have so many people following the lives of these celebrities – can they be saying truth at any moment? Will people believe in the advertisements which they are part of? Is Boost really the secret of the energy of any cricketer from Sachin Tendulkar to Virat Kohli? Hasn’t their performances come down after beginning to appear in those advertisements? Does Amitabh Bachchan eat so many Cadbury’s Diary Milk chocolates at this age? Did Mahendra Singh Dhoni use that matrimony website to find the person to whom he got married? Is any Bollywood celebrity using the soaps which they are advertising?

These days, it is often about one celebrity child having a Youtube channel. It could have been tik-tok, but thankfully, that one was banned to get rid of some of the irritation. The son or daughter of the superstar who is going to be the next superstar will have a Youtube channel, and the person would talk about what happens at his house, what all plants and trees are there, how many cats and dogs are around, and how amazing the family is. Well, the fans are basically brainless, and they would want to watch all the rubbish which is provided by these people instead of looking for genuine people with content. There is always the easy way to glory, and it is achieved by birth – for everyone else, life doesn’t hold that many promises other than genuine absurdity.

Most of the paths are not to be trusted. They can have some bad effects on you.

The case of matrimonials has been strange for quite a long time. It has been more bourgeoisie than the celebrities themselves, as everyone belongs to the rich, aristocratic families which even seems to predate Jesus Christ. Everyone is fair, hardworking and god fearing, with the display pictures photoshopped with a certain amount of skill. One should not be confused about all these suicides and murders happening with husbands and wives, because they were never really meant to be together. They might have started an account at a matrimonial website before finding a random person there, or to avoid this, they might have eloped together. Well, nowadays there are more suicides in love marriages, and that trend has also started.

There are only a few people who can be really successful around here, if you have not studied a professional course. You need to somehow get a government job or jump into politics – both seems to be having more and more scope these days. The other chance for success is to get away from here – it seems that there are more people whom I know in Canada than around here. From the United States to the United Kingdom, and then from Australia to New Zealand, the new favourite place to go and settle down seems to be Canada. It might be easier to ask who is not in Canada these days. Well, where did the other countries go? Are they not interesting anymore?

Well, if I had to go somewhere, I would go to Sri Lanka, Bhutan or some other place which has the same amount of tranquility. I could choose one of the Eastern European countries – Romania, Estonia or the others. I find the busy world which is associated with those much loved countries to be something that will contribute to that absurdity. It is difficult to live in a world which focuses on the monetary benefits and swallows the happiness in return for such benefits. They say that this is a competitive world, but it is not the kind of world that I would appreciate. If you are rich, you can have a Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, a purely bourgeoisie concept, and otherwise, you can sit at home for most of the time, and hope for the expenses to come down. Lockdowns can do such favours, but the meaning of life is once again lost, as you journey towards the more meaningful death.

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***The images used on this blog post were taken by me on my Samsung mobile phone during one of the little journeys for the soul.


RVCAS: The Right Choice

When you are choosing a college for higher studies, the options might be many, but there might be those choices which you could have gone for, but failed to do do because you never really knew about the institution. Rajagiri Viswajyothi College is a relatively new educational institution from the Rajagiri Group of institutions, run by CMI fathers – the same management maintains control here too. There might not be that many people in Kerala who haven’t heard about the name; one can even say that the reputation is rather international. The strength of that name is reflected even in regular conversations.

CMI missions have a vast network that includes nearly 500 institutions including schools, colleges and hospitals. Rajagiri Viswajyothi College, the latest among its educational institutions, is located at Vengoor, about seven kilometres from Kuruppampady, located on the Aluva-Munnar road. It is also at just eleven kilometres from the nearest big town Perumbavoor and twenty one kilometres from the next closest town, Kothamangalam. Twenty three kilometres from both Angamaly and Muvattupuzha, the college has good access to all these towns.

Twenty three kilometres from the nearest railway station at Angamaly and twenty one kilometres from Cochin Airport, the college is easily accessible with regular private bus service and occasional KSRTC bus service, and has been undergoing further development in the recent months to include more students, and provide them with maximum possible facilities. The location itself is something of scenic beauty, and it is the kind of campus that you will fall in love with, once you visit the place. Shortened RVCAS, the college has been a much loved institution among the people in the small, beautiful town of Vengoor.

CMI (Carmelites of Mary Immaculate) Fathers are well known for their inspiration to promote education in the state of Kerala, and with some reputed institutions, also at the neighbouring states. CMI is known to everyone as the first ever indigenous religious congregation for men in India, which was established in the 19th century by Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara along with Fr. Thomas Palackal and Fr. Thomas Porukara. The missionaries dedicated themselves to spreading quality education at all levels. It is the result of their dedication and hard work that can be reflected with this comparatively new institution too.

Vengoor, close to the much visited tourist destination, Paniyeli-Poru, will have better access this time, with the college bus facilities being expanded so that no student will have difficulty in reaching the college in time. For students coming from a distance, or from the interiors, there is hostel facility for boys and girls. The canteen brings the best of food, and there will be scholarship for eligible students. RVCAS plans to help the students in the best ways possible, especially those who have a never-ending desire for knowledge, a quality that the college supports and admires.

The college will ask for no donation, and will keep the university fees at the same level, nothing extra to be paid by the students. But there will be no shortage of extra-curricular activities with different clubs and houses operating in the college, as activities and competitions are many. Rajagiri Viswajyothi College of Arts and Applied Sciences works hand in hand with Rajagiri School of Social Sciences, Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences and Rajagiri Business School regarding the same.

*Let prejudice not be the villain! Pay a visit to the campus and see the facilities, as well as how close the college is with nature; the whole building set in between the scenery is a beautiful sight to behold – you can get all the information you need from the office. You can take a quick turn after Perumbavoor at Kuruppampady if you are traveling to Munnar or the highranges from Cochin. I would personally recommend choosing BA English Literature, Communication and Journalism, a rare course which will let you choose more than one option for your future career, with this Triple Main Course. The other courses include B.Com, BBA and the weekend course of CMA. The location of the college is given below.

Visit the Website: http://rajagiriviswajyothi.org

Visit the Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/rajagiriperumbavoor

Mail to: office@rajagiriviswajyothi.org

<— Click here to go to the previous post.


Water: Of Eternal Significance

Water has made sure that life thrived in the least expected places, and it has contributed to the growth of civilizations in the past. The greatest civilizations and empires began on the banks of one river or the other. Water has been the one thing which made sure that life became better. We have learned about how significant the rivers of Indus, Nile, Tiber, Huang He, Tigris and Euphrates have been in the history of civilizations and empires. Even those towns and cities on the banks of rivers developed quicker while the others could only follow as fast as they could. There is the tale of Hagar who found water in the desert, and there was hope against despair in wilderness, after which a great nation was born of him.

Well, water was available more during the last century, as we look back to our childhood. The temperature was also lower at those times, and our rivers carried more water, never really becoming so dry as we see them now. During those days, water was taken for granted. When it is all around you and freely available, you don’t think about it. Even if it is not that clean, you will feel that it is enough. Then, demanding to save water would have felt like a strange demand, especially in Kerala which always had a wide network of rivers and plenty of rainfall. At that period of time, it was like, have enough water, and get on with life. But it is not so any more.

The beauty of the waterworld of Kerala is no surprise to travelers.

The total amount of rainfall has decreased, and the climate has become rather unpredictable. During these times, especially during these months of high temperature, situation is only getting worse. We are used to having enough water every year, and therefore, we are not thinking much about it, even when we see the signs. But it is already late, and it is up to us to do something about it. We can do what we can, in our own small ways, and the preservation of water would depend on what each of us can contribute in whichever ways possible. As we hear that the next wars would be fought in the name of water, let us do something for our future generation to have better life.

There are a few simple things that we can do. They begin at home, from using the shower only according to the need, to making sure that there is no water leakage. There will be opportunities to close an open tap at different places. We just shouldn’t use water when there is no need. We can make sure that a few drops of water doesn’t keep coming down from a tap which is not completely closed. We don’t need to keep a tap open, and there is no need to care so much about the cleanliness of a car or bike during this very hot summer season. If there are things that we can avoid, and are not necessity, we can keep them to be done at a time when the monsoon are here, and the showers are strong.

So, can we make sure that the beauty of waterworld stay?

As most of you might have already though about, the future is in our hands, and the Earth itself depends on us, as a thinking sentient life form who can make a difference. Water is more of less the elixir of life and the fountain of youth, which will keep the humans as well as the other life forms go on strong. Some of us might still think that there will be enough what for the next few generations, and a high level scarcity of the liquid will not happen during the time of their children or grand children – but they are wrong. The environment itself keeps proving us wrong, and with deforestation and other crimes against nature, an extinction event itself is not that far away.

There are two options with dealing with this water scarcity leading to a possible third world war for water followed by human extinction. The first option is to get on with our lives as if nothing is going to happen because droughts are normal and has happened through centuries – there is nothing new that needs our attention. The second option is to think deeply about this problem of water shortage, and decide that you need to make a move; you have to make stand to save water. Beginning from home, extending to your village, town or city and then further, it is your stance that matter, for it becomes your duty to protect the special resource of water – save water or the next generation will find you responsible for their plight.

Think about the people who are struggling to find a source of clean water. The news about water scarcity in Vypin and other islands of Cochin reminds us about the same; it has been a problem which has been going on for years. There are people who need water right between us. We just need to open our eyes and have a look. It is the sight that the movie Paippin Chuvattile Pranayam reminded us about, last year. We see them, and we know how important water is, and how much need is there to preserve it. The water that we use more than we need is a clear case of wastage, and let us not fall into doing such evil. Let us remember that we have the responsibility, not just to our people, but also to a better future. It calls for #CuttingPaani.

I have signed Livpure’s #CuttingPaani petition at https://www.change.org/p/cuttingpaani. Please choose to sign the petition, save water, and save our world for the future!


Some Fun with Studies

English in India has never felt more necessary than that last few years. Even though the regional languages are also having their influence with the support of state governments, coming up with new ways to promote them, trying to make sure that they are doing well, English has been increasing its hold on the students as well as the parents. Hindi also has its say, but it is English that is having an even bigger say in the nation as a whole at one point or the other, as it is having all around the world. With an influence that only gets better, learning the basics of English has been a need, more than a desire these days.

It is here that Nihar Naturals Shanti Amla comes to the picture with its Pathshala Funwala initiative that provides the option of good and smarter education everywhere, making it more accessible, and without discrimination, also possessing a special charm. It is more than just a need during these times, especially in those remote places far away from those cities and towns. But it is not just that, which Pathshala Funwala makes sure about, as they provide a unique toll free number, 8055667788 to help children who have no chance, but really wishes to learn English language.

A long time ago, when I was a child, I wasn’t that good at English either. My interest in the subject came only in the later high school, when I had a good teacher, Miss. Aleyamma Varghese, who happens to be one of the best teachers I ever had – she also went on to become the headmistress of the school later. Your desire to learn a language, especially a language which is not spoken widely among your people, only comes to us when we have good teachers, and Nihar Shanti Amla’s Pathshala Funwala’s toll free number becomes the right teacher, giving children the tips.

Yes, you can have the child sit in a classroom if there is such an option available. But you can be certain that this option could be rather better. Children want some fun to go with learning, and if the studies can connect with them really well, it will feel simple and a lot interesting. It is one way to make sure that they don’t forget the lessons that easily – during our times, they had the rod, they made us stand outside the classroom, they came up with those impositions which increased in number and they even asked us to bring our parents, especially father to meet the class teacher; but those times were different.

I know a number of people who make the excuses for not learning English, as their learning process was just too boring and forced upon them – never did they want to learn the language because they didn’t need to, and never really had to speak in English. Right after they get out of the school or college, they just let the language, along with its literature vanish into thin air. There is the exception of having Hollywood movies which you will feel the need to watch, but most of the movies are about visual extravaganze – at least those which gets wide release in India belong to that category and got less to contribute to the language.

Well, English is a lot of fun. Sooner or later, more and more people will realize that and work accordingly. So, it is up-to all children, including that child you know, who is not getting access to good English education, or even education as a whole, to get back to the track. It is a fast moving world, and we don’t want any child to be falling behind because he or she, or the father or mother never really knew that there was another option. We need them to know, and we need them to move forward, and not sink in the muddy place which is always there to take people in there instead of letting them fly.

The Tea Cerebration(s) recommend you to share this special service to the needy ones who can get the best out of this simple and fun way of learning the language. It is for us to be part of a change, which could make a difference in our world. When you can make a cause work, it is something that adds to your list of virtuous deeds rather than to that resume which you send to make a few thousands of money every month. In making the world around us better, starting with the children, we have the right thing to do for a group of future citizens who are capable of more than they seem to be. So, do keep the number in mind – 8055667788

I am blogging about Pathshala Funwala by Nihar Shanti Amla Oil in association with BlogAdda.


All that I Have Needed

There is more than one thing that has been part of my world as an Indian, which has made my life different and special. I have grown up in a rather traditional environment, even though there was no real strictness regarding the same. It was a world which was influenced by more than one religion, and more than one language – there was the influence of more than one community, and more than one style of living here. We had more than one culture, but there was that unity in diversity, which helped us to follow what has been our way of living for a long time, that is for sure.

Among all those things, there is the skill to drive anywhere, and it is something that has been achieved by driving for so long on our roads, going on from the time when I was eighteen, to now our fourth car which is the first diesel car I have possessed. There is so much skill that you see on the road, that you feel prepared for any roads, anywhere. So many things happen on the roads, and there is also a certain amount of forgiveness that happen regarding the traffic on the roads. As long as you obey the traffic rules, you can use the skill that you have gained in this traffic as use it anywhere else, as we are not new to any kind of road.

Surviving with just gravy has been another skill which I have managed to possess in the last few decades. Who needs a side dish or curry when there is gravy, or maybe we can have food with just a little sugar. The simplicity in food has been something which this new generation which is looking for only taste, needs to understand. We just need the food to survive and live through our existence, and we do not live to eat. Wasting food has been considered a quality by many who has too much to spend, but for a developing country like India, food is precious, just like water which has been becoming scarce.

We have also been closer to tea than coffee which is rather the drink of the privileged. Going for the drink of the common man, there has been a better understanding of how to keep it close to the common man rather than to go for the elite class. Tea has always had that quality, which is why India had taken the decision to make it our national drink. We have always loved the drink too, and the tea shops have been the places where the common people gathered, from the towns to the villages, talking about various things, and understanding each other as well as the problems. I have had days surviving just on tea!

There is also this feeling that we have, that never goes. There seems to be some problem with this in the recent days with some people in a few places with low education, but otherwise we have found it easy to have more and more cultures and traditions here. I have always wished for more religions and communities around me despite the fact that we have three of the world’s major religions around. It is the culture of the other that is so fascinating for us, and unless everyone starts to feel nothing other than pure hate for the other, which seems to be a growing tendency, we are all proud of that unity in diversity, and the real Indians are only looking for more of such beautiful diversity.

The great kings from our past has been always in support of such diversity, which should be why there were so many settlements of people from far away. We have always been welcome to new things, and something to add to our already colourful culture – there was nothing against accepting new knowledge and improving our world. I am sure that some events might make people doubt the same – but that is not the case with India as a whole. The essence of this culture hasn’t been lost yet, and those who claim to protect it aren’t the ones who are the real Indians, for it is about those who live according to the same, and let others live too.

There is this mutual respect that has been practiced in the Indian culture from a long time ago, that has been part of our blood too. It is the one thing that will raise our status among the nations, along with that strong spiritual side. This spiritual capabilities has been misused, but in its true essence will go on to become stronger than ever, as hate and abuse has no real existence in our culture. We have always wished for happiness and peace all over the world, and it is where we shall return to. It is for the same that we keep trying, praying and hoping during these days.

Witness the celebration of India’s growing global influence with Lufthansa’s TVC; for it is certainly #MoreIndianThanYouThink.


And There was the Need

I have had quite some time as break between passing my MA English exams and getting my first job, and this time period was spent the best by traveling around the town of Aluva or otherwise known as Alwaye as the people going through the railway station would know. Even before it was popularized by what became the second highest grossing Malayalam movie at that time, Premam, we knew that possibilities are endless, and I had a lot of time to undertake a random journey from one part of the town to the other. It never mattered if the journey was alone or with someone.

Watching movies could also happen with the same, and I often took some special time to travel in the KSRTC (Kerala State Transport Corporation) buses, as it has been on these government transportation that most of my life has been depending on – from our house to our flat, and also to our ancestral lands and to our current home, all were connected the best through the KSRTC service; even my schools, colleges and the work place were best reached by the KSRTC, or I preferred them before the private buses. The AluvaPerumbavoor bus route has been my most traveled bus route ever.

Such journeys were needed, because there was not much about keeping on sitting at home all the time. A possible attack from a relative was always there to bring the danger and the terror, and it was capable of destroying a day or maybe even a week with the power, making these journeys the way to making the day better. It was during one of these journeys that I came across this person from another state, standing on the same bus stop as I was, seemingly not sure about which bus to choose from a long queue of transport.

As I was not someone in a hurry, I waited in my usual style, for a bus with empty seats to arrive, and that took some time. It was during that time that he asked about the bus to Angamaly, the other town which has bee popularized by a recently released movie, Angamaly Diaries. We usually expect such a person to ask about how to go to Perumbavoor, but this time, it was Angamaly. That was not that much of a difficult question for me, but him getting there was going to be more difficult. What he needed was an ordinary bus, and that was only possible from the KSRTC bus stand.

So, this was the time to remember “Atithi Devo Bhava”, and I had become the righteous host for the town of Aluva, the place where I was spending most of my youth. Prescribed in the ancient texts and also becoming the tag line of India’s Ministry of Tourism’s campaign, this was to become more and more significant in the wake of racist and nationalist attacks all over the world – at least us, who are part of a civilization with deep roots, and are determined to hold on to keep our values and culture strong, had to make sure that the slogan about “the guest being equal to God” was to stay alive.

Therefore, I decided to travel with him to the KSRTC bus station, and make sure that he got down there to get into the Angamaly bus, that too the ordinary service as he had wanted. When he came out of the bus after getting in, I thought that my understanding of languages was once again bad, but he had come to thank me, and then he returned to the bus to travel to the destination. Well, there can be many success stories, but nothing like being successful in helping others in need – it is part of our culture, and it should be on the top of the list of values that we would be passing on.

Yes, the idea of culture is more than just about behaviour, but how we behave with others does deserve to have the priority. Being Indian is more about how good a person you are, and not about how you force others to say that you and your country are so awesome. It is by how you treat others than others will be seeing you. Abusing people on the Facebook page or App page of an android application is not how one earns respect, and it should be the culture and values from our past, and not what has been developed by a modernised new generation, that should guide our lives.

Witness the celebration of India’s growing global influence in Lufthansa’s TVC; for it is #MoreIndianThanYouThink.


Of Values and Culture

I wouldn’t consider myself among those who are termed as the highly acclaimed, successful people on the planet, or even in my extended family. But I have held on, against all things vain, and I have done that without losing hope. I have never been after titles, and never did I try to get a position better in comparison to someone else. I have been told that being good, and being fair to others is what matters the most. The same has been part of our culture, and success is something that will come to you sooner or later, as long as you keep the goodness factor alive, along with working hard. It is from the good deeds, that we make ourselves, and our nation proud.

There will always be the cousins, the distant relatives who have done so much with their lives, that people will always talk about how much they earn. It something that you will always have the ears to hear, and these people are certain to make sure that you are going to listen to the same. By any means necessary, more salary is required, and so is a wonderful married life which includes a partner with lots of money, and his or her family with more wealth. This is more of a deviation from what our culture has been. We are affected so much by the modern world that we have forgotten that our culture was not based on wealth, and it was all about the quality of an individual.

One would wonder if the problem is with the individual who keeps looking forward to only being successful in one way or the other, or with the society that keeps asking for the same. Growing in a family which has been so close to the Indian values, did make me wonder about where these qualities are going, during my youth. Maybe, the current situation has too many easy paths – but I would say no to them, and will work of my own to reach where I need to be; this has been my decision. There is a lot to do in this world and a lot to achieve, I agree to that – but I would also say that it has to be done in the right way rather than choosing a path which has all wrong letters written on the sign boards.

I am also not denying that the decision has been something that did prove effective for me in the long run. There were so many opportunities for me to go the wrong way, as the chances to lie and cheat one’s way through for money is quite natural in a world which has its people closer to each other with the social media and the internet. What the society has been asking was success, and beyond our culture, there is a new generation who are forced to take the easy way out, and some of them are really happy about the same. But I would not believe that everything is fair in love and war – it is just not the kind of saying that we can believe in, when we look from our culture and values.

Boasting has also never been part of our culture, which is why, the great figures further into the Indian history have been known less in the past, but have come to the picture now. We have always wished to live a simpler life, trying only to live fair and set a good example for a future generation. It is the same reason why, we have kings in our history who have sacrificed so much for their people, and it is on this sacrifice that our values are based on, even though there are still a lot of people who find it convenient to forget the same, and become the greedy, vain human being that has no part in our culture.

I would consider holding on to my values to be more important than stealing success, and showing off with my income and lifestyle. It was the same thing that I thought about when I attended one of those very few interviews which I came across during those early days after finishing my post graduation. I was asked about how good I was, and I replied that I am only that good as the resume says. I said that I would not go on to create magic all of a sudden, and I can only give my best, which was reflected on my qualifications and experience. That might be the only reason why I managed to get the job.

This might be the right place for me, or maybe it is not. I was never sure how long I was to go about with the job. But there was one thing that I was confident about, and it was that my life had to go on the right way, with the Indian values and culture, and not some fake ideology which has been brought on us just like on the other nations due to globalization, and the rest of the things that came as part of modernization. We are what we are, and we have our roots; it tells us to be true to ourselves and to the others; to lead a simple life, and to value humanity over wealth. It is how the hermits have earned so much respect in our history; we are a civilization that are beyond accumulation of wealth. It is how the trust is built, and a better world is constructed.

The same is reflected in Lufthansa’s TVC that is #MoreIndianThanYouThink.


The Special Valentine’s Guide

1. Create hell and play with fire: There are some nice and interesting things to do on Valentine’s Day in order to celebrate it, and I would like to start with the creation of hell and maintaining its charming fire. There are a few people whom you can consult on this, and I will mention the name of one such person in the next few paragraph – his name starts with “M” and ends with “S”; that will be all related to the clue. Please don’t be late to create hellfire because not that much of the same will be available on Earth – there will be other lovers in need for the same, and so get it soon – don’t let it go!

2. Watch My Bloody Valentine 3D and if possible, other slasher movies too: The 2009 movie was a remake of the 1981 Canadian slasher flick of the same name, and as the Valentine’s Day should have a movie which has nice happenings on that particular day, this movie will really help. Well, what better than a slasher movie on a Valentine’s Day? Leave the romantic movies behind as they are exaggerated; instead choose this one which is closer to reality – days like February the fourteenth deserves movies like these with all the blood and dead people. This movie in 3D would actually be even better for the day.


3. Play Unreal Tournament or Quake 3 Arena: What can be better than shooting him or her on the head with a headshot? Yes, these two games make sure that you can do just that. Take a two player game and murder each other at will, only to come back to life and kill again. A classic deathmatch, the every-man-for-himself player vs player battle will make sure that this Valentine’s Day is a beautiful one. Maybe blowing each other up will be the best thing to do during this time of the year. There is one particular map in Unreal Tournament which is played in space jumping around three huge buildings – it is a nice venue for some suicide attempts too.

4. Have a visit to the cemetery: Nothing matches a visit to the cemetery, and the best adviced time will be between midnight and three in the morning, as the witching hour can prove to be the most effective thing on this Valentine’s Day. I would also recommend staying there from the day before February Fourteenth if the day before that is a Friday. This way, you can enjoy both Friday the Thirteenth and the Valentine’s Day together, and it will be an even better experience. You should take special care in listening to what the souls as well as the corpses which can animate have to say to you regarding your relationship – they have the right to opinion too.

5. Use an Ouija board to celebrate the day: This can be crucial in going through the day, which is loved by some, detested by some others and not cared about by the rest of the world. Talking with the people from the other world will help you to come up with interesting conclusions about your present relationships. If possible, call out for Mr. Mephistopheles – he is a skilled man in this, and he might even be able to present you with a special contract which can unite your souls forever in hell; it will make sure that the demons will live happily ever after even though I am not sure about your case. But if you ever meet him, you have to promise me that you will ask him about Doctor Faustus.


These are my favourite five, and I will add four more, making the points nine in number.

6. What to do with Valentine’s Day Cards: Get a card and feed it to fire, and declare that your love is not slave to such meaningless days, when love is forever and not restricted to just one day; for we don’t celebrate with the world but between us.

7. And then with Valentine’s Day Gifts: The next step is to avoid them completely and let the world know that such fake gifts have no place in our life which is not determined by all that is fake and glorified for no reason.

8. And about people tagging us in their photos: We get tagged on Facebook during all the nonsense every year, and now we have to suffer for this meaningless day too – lets think about removing a few such people from friends lists.

9. And escape from the romantic song and movie overdose on television channels: Once again, this is the kind of reminder that nobody needs; the rescue operation here should include cutting the cables as soon as possible.

Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂 😀

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Pages of the movies, My Bloody Valentine 3D and Ouija.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


Navigation through Social Media

There is evil hidden everywhere social media, especially Facebook and Twitter. So navigating through this particular space is never going to be that easy as we are always against the bad guys. So, here I am going to share a few guidelines on how to identify these people at the earliest so that the navigation can be rather smooth. If you have been talking something about Malayalam movies, there is a good chance that you will come across such terrible creatures. I have recently come across one while talking about the movie Charlie and too many people do that in support of Ennu Ninte Moideen.

The guidelines mentioned here are based on my experiences only and this can actually vary for each person. These creatures can actually come through a different path, and we will always have to be careful with them because there is absolutely nothing positive about them; they will make the attempt to drain all the good things out of you because they are good at nothing else except for hate and abuse which they inherit from their friends an family, working on it to make these factors a lot worse. Here are the guidelines.

1. There will be no original photo :: They wouldn’t really put their own photo because they have to use the profile for abusing others. There are common photos which they use, which are of movie stars, cartoons, cricketers, football players and sometimes the photo randomly found or their own edited photo. It is time that Facebook and Twitter provides verified accounts for those who have voter’s ID and aadhaar card to get rid of these fakes. This way, we can also know who these people are when they abuse; everyone should be made to know the culture of each and everyone who hate their fellow countrymen for no reason.


Photos of nature can be nice for these people too!

2. Capital letters won’t be discovered :: It is difficult for them to type in capital letters because some of them are yet to discover where to use them and the others just need something different for what might be their special profile for abuse. Well, if they had something in their brains, they would have been doing something positive for their nation, but as they are only abusing their own countrymen, I don’t see why they would use capital letters even in their name. In a special navigation which is powered by hatred and traveling towards unlimited abuse, there will be rarely any capital letter or even full stop. Sometimes, there is not even a name!

3. Speaks in other languages :: He will take the opportunity only to speak in regional languages as much as possible. This quality which is a lot seen among Malayalis becomes bad when he is speaking in a forum, page or group which has a majority which doesn’t understand the language and most of the things that this person will be talking about are related to abuse. It could be the words which they are using in their family, but using them in public space brings trouble to social media navigation unless the owner or moderator takes the steps to ban them early.

4. Pretends to be intellectual :: This is quite a necessity for them as they steal quotes from famous people and put it on their profile, or sometimes add them in the middle of a paragraph as their own words because they are not good enough to write even one sentence without mistakes. They are always sitting in front of the computer ready to copy something from here or there. It is something that they really need to cover their lack of culture, and so they will only keep searching for the same even on the profiles of others. When they find something, they shamelessly steal it and it on their profile.


And such a person has his or her vision clouded by hate all the time!

5. Shall surely be a mindless fan of someone :: This is one feature that will be a clear part of these people and their lives. They will be supporting one person or two so much that they will be infatuated with that particular celebrity forever; there will be even sports teams. So, they will keep searching for those who are talking about these celebrities and randomly attack them or even the fans of other celebrities. They navigate through all the social media, and find someone because they have no other job. These are the kind of people who like to hate their own friends and family for their favourite celebrities! When you navigate through Facebook or Twitter, if you come close to these creatures, be prepared; or you can just block them instantly.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me only.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


Impact of Being Good

We have always wondered about the best way to make the world a better place to live in. Well there are many ways to make a positive impact on the world, and among these right thing to make the best impact, I would choose “being good” to be the best option. doubt if many people have checked for the impact of being good. They look for the impact which they can make by being rich and influential, but the best idea, if you ask me, is to be good and remain so.

Haven’t we been appreciating good men and women in the past? Didn’t saints have a better role to play in each religion than the common people? Aren’t those people whom we respect as great men, saints and social reformers the people who were good and wanted to change the world to make it a better place not just for them, but also for the future generation? Haven’t we all agreed to the fact that these people were great and have made a positive impact?


Well, people have short memories. They find it difficult to remember their past, and this is more of a memory loss of convenience because they don’t want to be that good either. They want to be wealthy and famous in every way possible. They have found it easier to lie to their conscience if there is something like that left with them. If Mephistopheles had asked for their soul in return for luxuries, they would easily give it along with an extra soul from one of their friends. The world is different now, it truly is!

But one has to wonder how and why this world has changed, and when this radical change took its roots. It might not have been a sudden procedure, but it has been a powerful one, no doubt about that. Nowadays, a successful person with money and influence is a lot more liked than a good person – it is a case of shame and a reflection of the pathetic situation of our society. It should be left for a good person to make that positive impact, and a lot is to be done if the world is to have enough goodness in it.


I would say that the first thing about being good is to be nice to others. Actually, it is actually the most difficult things to do these days for some people. In a world of hatred, being good to others in words as well as in action is not that easy. Hate comes easy in this world, and abusing others is fun for the new generation. The truth is that nobody wants anything good to happen to others, and so there will always be the reason to hate others. As it is a natural thing, there can be no questions about it.

Hate and abuse has never been the solution. The impact that hate makes won’t stay forever, but the true change can be brought about by goodness. It is by the power of goodness that the world has to go through that change, and it has to be the light of the world, in a world which has been brought down by haters and abusers, a good number of them being taken over Facebook – do you see any goodness in social media? Well, it is quite rare if you ask me. A lot of people have been too much into showing their lack of culture.

There are many opportunities for us to do good, and it is part of our daily lives. We see people who are in need each and every day, and the impact that we can make in their lives will be a lot. It might be a small thing for us, but something that will define their lives with the impact that it creates. It is from these small and random acts of goodness that a better world comes into the picture. The responsibility for the same lies in each one of us, as we strive to make that impact – the best one possible.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


Muse from the Dark

There are dark times, which lead to the existence of vigilantes, and the same is actually justified in the presence of evil, and the lack of ability from the side of the good side, or rather the law to stop them. Fiction has got Batman, Hellby, Catwoman, Green Arrow, The Punisher, Green Hornet, Ghost Rider, Batgirl, and all those can provide the person who can fill that space. It is the existence of evil and the absence of law and order that inspires the vigilantes. It is where the world need The Joker, The Riddler, Poison Ivy and others for the existence of Batman.

Considering this vigilante situation and the stories, I would say the same about my muse. There is no beautiful lady for my muse or even a wonderful destination, and there are not many positive things that inspire me to write regularly, and on the contrary, it is the absence of the same which you can see, and you know that I had to fill that void. But to this void, negativity has been flowing in, and to bring the balance, I had to write better, come up with a lot more and I also had to do it quicker.

arrow (1)

The Green Arrow choice will be nice for a vigilante with a muse!

So, in the absence of that usual muse, I had to get inspired to write from this negativity which spread from this void to create the dark clouds. So, this negativity is my muse. It will define me like The Joker has defined The Dark Knight, and it is in many case, a necessity. It is not the presence of a positive thing, but the presence of a negative thing which has a certain effect which can be converted into the positive. It makes one feel the need to bring the opposition in one way or the other.

I have had this negativity reinforced on me by my relatives. It has been a regular practice, and so I shall credit them with providing this muse for me. So, just like Batman needed his villains, I guess that I need these people at least in the blogging world; but can’t say the same related to the life outside. Maybe I should call them Uncle Muse and Aunt Muse, for their contributions to my writings. Their vain talks about their sons and daughters having potato chips made of gold have worked here.

There are those talks about the significance of their children marrying a richer person, and you know how significant it is to check that when falling in love – in the end, they just need that achievement in money, even if not in the official salary count. The attempts have been made to remind how pathetic I am and that is depressing, but when I am in front of this laptop, that is an inspiration. I have written a number of blog posts about what I have heard from them, if you have been following this blog for some time.

Yes, such people are needed, but it is the increasing number of such people which is taking things a little bit out of control. Think about Batman taking on two Jokers; it is not that good. But I will survive, because I have the other side of the coin, the side with the image of the muse. The other side which they show, the side of the fool’s gold, the great illusion of the vault of plenty, will fade on this day or the other. On that day, they will realize that it is not all about being rich; until that day, I will be the vigilante, and keep them in the muse list.

gotham (2)

Batman surely had all that he needed to be a vigilante!

So, the one realization that I have come up with which is also the conclusion, is that they are my muse, and I am their vigilante – it is a situation worth a long tale. But whether it is an evil empire that they are building or a fake impression of an utopia, I am not buying that. I am even hoping to develop my own superpowers. I would still try not to have the power to read minds, because if I ever read what was inside such vain people, I might have to give up my soul to the darkness; but I intend to keep it, at least for now.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Pages of Arrow (TV Series) and Gotham (TV series).


Guidelines for a Holy Year

There has been a lot of talk related to the Holy Year of Mercy ever since Pope Francis declared the same. Well, these are not official guidelines relating to that, as I am not qualified for that. If you are asking about on what authority I am providing these, I would say that it is based on my vision on what I would want to do on a Holy Year. Yes, helping others is a major thing to do, but other than that, I have to add a few things that people can really do, especially if they respect Pope’s messages and call themselves Catholic. At least for an year, can you try these?

So, how do you get to the quality of mercy? Does that fly towards you and provide opportunities to be merciful? No, it doesn’t. You have to bring it to your life. Which are those parts of life where you can show that quality? I would say that the first one where it can be done is in the case of food. It is the Holy Year of Mercy, and do try to go vegetarian. I know that most of you will find that difficult and so lets just try to keep it as much vegetarian as possible. Obviously, it is not easy to keep being so during the functions.

This tree welcomes you to Ezhattumugham as the official messenger of nature :D

Let the quality of mercy flow like a river throughout the Holy Year.

Showing mercy to the animals and birds is a nice thing indeed. That brings me back to the final word of the last paragraph – functions. Lets consider that you are going to be married this year. Why don’t you take the message of compassion right into you on this special day of your life? Can you spend less for these functions and use the money to provide at least one day’s food for the orphanages or old age homes which will make sure that your most important day will be remembered by people in need? Doesn’t it satisfy a good soul that his or her day goes on in the best way possible for those who are not having the happy days of life?

Do you need a fancy car which doesn’t belong to you on the wedding day, especially when everyone knows that it is not yours? If you have a car or a relative does, isn’t it better to use that one itself instead of spending some extra money for rent there? Do you need so many groomsmen and bridesmaids which your elders had declared not part of our culture? At least keep the number low! Do you need to spend so much money on the clothing when you are not going to use them again? Is it necessary to make a show when it is a function supposed to be a union of souls? Shouldn’t the priests be caring about this rather than coming up with that ridiculous compulsory pre-marital course? Why would you generalize people and not understand that individuals are not the same, and they won’t be needing a course on the exact same thing?

I would suggest providing pre-wedding classes instead of the pre-maritial thing to the vain people, especially the parents and relatives of the bride and groom. They are also in real need for mercy and compassion classes. Well, is this the kind of mercy that the church is going to witness and what the Holy Father had intended? And do you need so many types of food items being served to people? Different types of meat and fish – what is the point? Is this a program to have food or the function which has two people decide to be together each other? Why should the focus be so much on a dead chicken or goat on a plate rather than the bride and the groom? All these because you need to boast about it? If it is the case, get married every year. Maybe something can be done about the funerals too in the name of bloody vanity.

Marriages are made in heaven, they say. So, do we except the display of such signs of vanity there? It is not easy for vanity and mercy to co-exist. These days, I try to attend less number of marriages, because they are all just bloody show-off. I get those invitation cards and I feel nothing; there is no real feeling to attend. If you are having a certain function for the rich and too many of the poor and the subaltern are in the surroundings not having enough, your marriage will not be Holy Matrimony, but a strange thing which is everything except holy. People should get married because they want to; not to show it to the society.

A bridge on which you will drive your car. It is part of nature :D

Become the bridge, bringing the quality of mercy to the other side!

So, at least in the Holy Year, show some mercy, to your fellow human beings as well as those animals and birds around us. Lets waste less food, have more vegetarian items and show less vanity at a wedding. I am quite confident that too many people will find this one difficult; still there will be people who will display some signs of mercy here or there. But I say that if you want to make an impression, make the righteous impression, and not what the others tell you is right. If you want to spend money, spend it on the poor; those who are really in need of your quality of mercy. Be the brother and sister to the people in need, and be the personification of mercy. Also, take time to forgive more.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me on my Sony Cybershot DSC-W310.


Legend of Good People

The world is built on legends. We come across many of such kind. We hear something about King Arthur, Achilles, Lady Godiva, Robin Hood, Odysseus and many others throughout our lives. But there are times when I do wonder about whom the real legends should be created. It is not about people who does great things, but about people who convert little things into something that inspires us; to something that makes us feel good in this world which is surely not getting any better.

The goodness in this world needs to be talked about because it is becoming more of a myth about which stories will be made in future, and people of that age will only reply that such good deeds are not possible – for them, it will be all about profit, reputation and happiness will be a reflection of how much one has earned and what all luxuries someone can manage to possess. This is why we need these stories of goodness, and get the much needed inspiration as we go through this world of chaos.

Lets not travel to El Dorado or Atlantis, and lets not search for the Fountain of Youth, Elixir of Life or the Holy Grail, as we are looking for our people right here, between us, making difference like no other. I would like to talk about the same with Father Joy Ettuveettil, who runs Snehakoodu, the charitable trust for boys at the town of Aluva. He has been one of the most dedicated priests who have been involved in social work for a long time, and this particular home for the homeless has been a wonderful initiative.

We were hoping to make the season of Halloween special with a special initiative which included collecting money and old clothes, and this was the first place which came to our mind. Yes, the first meeting was a few years ago, but even last year, the children had sent us a Christmas greetings card as usual. I was going through those usual negative things which keep coming to the mind, and then this one returned to my mind, and it is part of those few moments of light which brightens the soul.

Our notices before the first and the second Halloweens.

A sample of our notices during the season of Halloween.

This brings one back to that eternal question – is it about building those megastructures, all those worship places for God when what matters is what you have done for your fellow human being without discriminating on the basis of the social status, religion, community and caste? As you take the Parable of the Good Samaritan from the Holy Bible, you will find that even when Samaritans and Jews generally despised each other, it is the Samaritan who helps the injured man when people from the same community don’t care; humanity in the end is just one big family.

This is why every religion needs good leaders who don’t discriminate, and make sure that the needs of the common man is given the highest priority. We need leaders who try to do what they can to make sure that all our fellow human beings are provided the basic needs. The big festivals and more additions to the worship places can wait. We need good men and women who care for people just like they care for God and the places which are meant for him. We need religious heads who are people of God and men, not businessmen, and not those who make hate speech against others.

This is the same reason why we need initiatives like Snehakoodu, and Father Joy has done an amazing job in keeping the charity work going for the destitute and the homeless, as well as the other children in trouble. He has built this charitable organization from nothing, and it is a place which will require the donations. If you are planning to help, please go forward with that, as Snehakoodu is one of those charitable trusts where I visited so many times, and I have myself found it to be a very noble venture. Yes, goodness has its presence, we all have the chance to be part of it.

Btw, have you checked this link which serves as the mouthpiece of the youth as you take your time for the positive side and #SpreadTheVibe with stories of inspiration?: http://www.youthkiawaaz.com/
