Welcoming Simona II

It has been more than one year since Simona left us, and we have all missed her so much. It was the time when everyone felt that she was going to stay forever that she had to jump in front of a moving vehicle. You know that from the earlier posts, as well as the posts on my social media that Simona has left the big impact, that much of an impact which have spawned so many blog posts as well social media posts in a small amount of time, along with those photos which are so much in number, filling up the hard drive.

There is something about the one cat that was the favourite of everyone in the neighbourhood. Her impact was so much that people wanted to wait in the queue to feed her – everyone surely misses her on their legs; there is no longer the cute little kitty hug, or the attempt to get into the house before you do. She was the skilled warrior who were catching the squirrels and rats along with regular murder of spiders, cockroaches and lizards. There was also the rumour that she could catch a few snakes, but the same couldn’t be practiced without the presence of a real snake.

Hello, I am the new kitten who owns this house. Feed me cat-food and milk 😀

Maybe so many insects cursed her just within a small time period, that she has to leave us – it was into their rather peaceful world that she decided to keep wandering into, very often. She was one cat that changed the world, and for the last year, there have been almost no cat in the neighbourhood except for one or two wandering around very less, including one big cat with one eye. It seemed as if the place was cursed by the cats, for there were only stray dogs around.

It was during one of those days, on a rainy day, to be exact, that this little kitten made its entry, and there was certainly the music of the rain to provide it a dramatic entrance. It had no hesitation to become the star, making enough voice to gather all the attention. It surely needed a home, and more than that, it needed the food and some love. What more can a lonely kitten ask for, on a rainy day with stray dogs wandering all around? Not many other things were on its list for sure.

This is the special pose that we people from tiger family do; watch with attention 😀

We decided to keep feeding her, and she decided to stay at home, outside on the verandah, just inside the table which is there to keep the newspapers and the pieces of cloth to clean the car with. At times, the home is changed to under the car which is the second shelter, but it is not a permanent solution for her, as it is not there all the time. Staying within the limits of home, she would grow up, and lets see how long she decides to live in her new home, and whether there is a change of place coming up when the rain stops at some point. Well, we can’t call her by any other name except Simona, thus making her Simona II or Simona the Second.

Among the creatures that are given special attention, it is the cat that deserves the most, and you understand the same when you look into their eyes – they need you, despite being from the family of many tigers. There are the dogs getting all the attention from one side and the cows from another, which leaves the other creatures without hope. As you should have read about in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” – the same couldn’t get more correct than during these days.

Well, the world does change doesn’t it? Some animals do have the chance to reclaim their spots at some other point of time. Meanwhile, we see that the cats are the real lovers of home, and let them protect your home, because it belongs to them too. Maybe, they would just bless our world because sometimes you look into their eyes, and they just seem to say that we are blessed to have them in our lives. I wouldn’t disagree to the same, if it is exactly what they are thinking.

***The images used in this blog were taken by me on my Asus Zenfone 5 at home. As you read this, take time to read the reviews of the latest Hollywood flicks at your nearest theatres, The Mummy and Wonder Woman.


RIP: Simona the Kitty

I had been looking forward to post this one, but as most of my friends here are friends with me on Facebook or is in contact with one person or the other who is friends with me, I thought they knew. But the news about Simona’s death had to be told, at least for the people who don’t yet know about the same. It happened on a terrible night, when she jumped in front of a vehicle which was passing through the road in front of our gate. We have been missing her a lot, especially from a few days after the event; the absence was really felt!


Here are a few of my favourite photos of her from the past which you might have seen in this blog; I have kept them separately…




Simona shows her tongue in defiance of the latest food ban.

I declare this as my property. Nobody touches this :D

And also falling asleep in different ways.




The Full Nostalgia Post

This one is a very personal post from the memories. Nostalgia always has some special space in our world, and a few things have more special place. There are a few things which comes to my mind when talking about nostalgia. These have had special spots in my mind for a very long time. I would like to start this post with my first laptop, an Acer which is still the costliest laptop which I ever had. Three laptops came after this one, from Lenovo, Asus and Dell, but this one continues to be the first image to come to mind when someone talks about laptop.


Nostalgia has its place among pets too, and there is one cat at my aunty’s house who is a cause of nostalgia. Now, even the age of this cat’s son has passed, but this one is my favourite among all cats before Simona. She was the official cool cat of that time, and she was almost everywhere. We couldn’t keep a cat at home during those times as it was a flat where we lived, but this one helped. Cats were needed and here was one.


This floral carpet, the pookkalam made for Onam is another special one. We had these at our flat every year, and this was the one which looked special. It was all about flower designs in different shapes until then, but this one was the big Kathakali face, and so I remember this one a lot. Every year, I looked to see if the face came back, but this was the only time.


I have had a unicorn loving childhood, and so buying a Honda Unicorn was a necessity for me. I tried hard to sell the existing TVS Centra and buy this one. So, Honda Unicorn made it to our home on a special day, and that began a large number of journeys and the exploration of the town as well as the city of Cochin like never before. It became a connection between us friends, and this became our official youth transportation, mostly for having food 😀


Then there is the old church – it has been part of my long stay at one town. I was a regular visitor to this church for years, and even now I see the structure when I go through the particular town. But the truth remains that this is the church which I visited less despite it being my parish. It seems that I have a certain liking for all churches other than my parish church. So, I have visited the church less, and so I started missing this church very early 😀


The great TATA Indica has been the car which I had driven the most, a record which is now broken by the current Chevrolet Beat. This car has gone to a lot of places, as we traveled to many corners of the central Kerala and a little bit to the South. Beat has covered almost the whole of Kerala, but this Indica used to be a big travel inspiration. It didn’t even have the stereo; dad hated music and I had to use the mobile music 😀


Then there is the most beautiful thing among them all, the desktop computer – it is something which can’t be seen at any of my friends’ home these days and I miss this thing. There was the joystick, the webcam, the speakers, the landline, the UPS, the headphone, the modem, the caller id and even that old Nokia 6600 – also see the number of wires. This was taken after I bought an extra special graphics card for being the great gamer – those days were so grand; there were those games which kept the happiness factor high 😀


***All the images used in this blog post were taken by me only on my cameras and mobiles of those times. ***We go through more bikes, cars, laptops and many other things which are more modern, but something from the past stays 🙂


Simona Times: Edition VI

***Just some fictional cat news centered on our most loved cat of all time, Simona.

Simona gets her first umbrella.
It is a known fact that none of the cats like to be in the rain, and Simona has been not much different from the others. The two immortal enemies of Simona has been lightning and thunder while rain has been her one true enemy whom she avoids at all costs. She knows that water has brought all kinds of evil animals who came to have a drink, and so she applied for an umbrella to at least save her from the water in the form of rain. Even during a flood, she plans to use it to float on water. Still, she has raised concerns about the strength of the same as she also intends to use it as a shield against stray dogs.


Simona discovers how to fly.
Even thought the common concept is that cats don’t fly, and some anti-cat people also say that cats should fly, Simona could discover the easy way to fly. She used a Lays packet to achieve the same. After this achievement, she has been called be many cat scientists to explain her first flight and how they could develop an advanced method to give the cats an advantage over the stray dogs. Most of the cats already feel the need to get the better of the crows how make faces at them. Simona has assured the other cats that flying cats will be a possibility in a few years.

The Cat Gang talks about big deeds.
The popular Cat Gang who is also called The One True Cat Gang of All Righteous Felines have declared that they have managed to bring twenty seven stray dogs to the dog shelter, and thus did a great service to the humans. The gang is known for their extreme dislike for dogs, and have often been heard talking about sending all the dogs to the deserted islands so that they can do some Robinson Crusoe there alone. Most of the popular cat groups have declared themselves not related to the Cat Gang in any manner. But recently, the Cat Gang has been claiming more service to the humans than ever.

The Demo-C(r)ats check polling booths.
As the voting progressed and ended, there was some news about cats wandering around the polling booths. This groups which call themselves to be Demo-C(r)ats have been exploring the human democracies to find and establish the best system for the cats. Even though there is a certain amount of voting among cats, there is nothing of true democracy, as declared by the members of the team. “We are rising in membership these days and soon we will have enough among us to make that impact which we have been waiting for; we shall unleash ourselves in a short time” the local leader was saying.

November to be declared Simona Month.
Even though it is not clear on which date she was born, Simona has made clear that it was sometime in November. She was found and saved from the canal on November twenty eight which is celebrated as the Great Simona Discovery Day which is declared a public holiday for the local cats. The one day anniversary is coming up this year, and special celebrations are planned in relation to it. The same is to be extended these days, and November will not have less working days for cats as it is the month of Simona, and it will bring a lot of joy to the Simona fans.

Simona decides to travel on two-wheelers.
Telling everyone that she support two-wheelrs for cheaper traffic and saving fuel, Simona has now chosen to travel only on electric scooters. This was part of her speech and campaign to save energy and environment. It was a reply to the last meeting of dogs which supported traveling with owners in cars. Simona has made it clear that cats are with the common man and also with saving petrol and diesel. “We want our humans not to go poor, right?” Simona was heard asking. “Who will take care of us if such things happen?” she further asked during an interview with the Cat People Channel.


The cat version of The Martian planned.
Simona has planned to bring a full-cat version of The Martian after being inspired by the story of survival. In a recent discussion in a television channel, she made it clear that it won’t be the same story or a direct copy, but an inspired remake which will touch the heart of the cat people. She has given the clue that it will be more based on the true story of a cat who escaped from a canal when surrounded by many stray dogs. Simona has made clear that it was not a fake story, but a real incident, and so it will appeal better to both cats and humans compared to The Martian.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me on my Asus Zenfone 5.


Simona Times: Edition V

***Just some more fictional kitty news centered on our most loved cat of all time, Simona; as she wanders through the complicated world of humans.

Catmobile is birthright, says Simona.
After watching too many Batman movies, Simona has expressed more desire for the Catmobile which has been under the consideration of both the humans and the vampires for quite a long time. If a bat can have a mobile and it even has wheels an armour, why can’t a cat? – this has been her doubt for quite a long time. She once again made it clear that the cats are the true saviours and helpers of the humans and if they can’t have a mobile, it is a shame and something worth lamenting for a very long time. She has also shown the map of her new Catcave on the banks of the river Periyar.

Latest photo of cat-mouse love published.
During the last holiday special speech, Simona had earlier talked a lot about on-going tolerance between cats and mice. Nobody used to believe her, but this photo explains a lot about what she had said. Simona has always been the one cat of truth and justice, and with this photo of her resting with a mouse, she not only proves her greatness of soul and heart, but also shuts up the mouths of her critics. Cats and mice can co-exist, and Simona often finds her very close to this particular mouse. She has even made it clear that she is ready to share her food with her favourite mouse.


Simona asks for social media representation.
With all the talks about other animals trending in the social media, Simona asks the humans, why not the cats? “There are dogs, cows, bulls, buffalloes; then why not us?” Simona was heard talking about the situation. “We are so cute that due to our presence even Death returned to the other world deciding not to take human lives. We are the reason why so many humans are still alive. We should be trending in Twitter and Facebook” she added. “The problem is that we never boast about what we do for humans, unlike those dogs; we consider what we do as our duty” another cat was heard saying.

Simona known to make secret travel plans.
The Cat Neighbourhood has found certain secret plans which are believed to belong to Simona. This was discovered at a time when all the cats were supposed to stay in the neighbourhood to battle the stray dog menace, and if possible even save those humans who provide food by directing the dogs to those houses which don’t feed the cats. Meanwhile, Simona was found to have watched the movie Rani Padmini, and had planned something special for her empowerment. What the Cat Neighbourhood had discovered was just a small part of a big plan, as it is believed.

Simona likes to move it and move it.
Simona was practicing certain dance steps. She has successfully made a lot of cats in the neighbourhood jealous and they came up with a notice towards the International Cat Committee to prohibit the same in the name of ancient cat culture. They have also come up with posters all around about how significant a role the cats played in Egypt, and this honour as well as dignity were lost to them because some strange cats are intentionally trying to bring shame by doing dancing and singing. The International Cat Committee has banned Simona from dancing “intentionally”, and now she dances while sleeping.


Selfie with Simona becomes the new trend.
Simona’s popularity has been on the increase, because of which there has been a new trend of taking selfies with her. Simona has been against selfies throughout her life-time, but she has decided to take part in the process because a lot of cats as well as humans have asked for the same. She has exited the anti-selfie group and unliked the anti-selfie page on Facebook to prepare for this. She has also accepted the invitation to the great selfie party next week which is to come after the Halloween party. Simona has also ordered for a special hat to pose for the special selfies.

Simona chooses to seek the truth.
The last few days had Simona and a small team of cats watching the politicians who had come to houses seeking votes. The cats have decided to make sure that none of the humans in the houses which feed the cats be made fools by false promises. A secure network of cats has been established for the same purpose, and with each visit by these politicians, the cats have decided to warn their favourite people with a special kind of meow. There are special squads for each ward of the muncipality, all of them reporting to the meeting to be held at a central point a few days before the day of voting.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me on Samsung Galaxy A5 and Asus Zenfone 5.


Simona Times: Edition IV

***Kitty Newspaper from the Cat World lead by Simona the little big cat.

Why don’t you give it a try? asks Simona.
After the recent talks about banning Tuna in the cat world in favour of Mackerel, Sardine and Herring, Simona has dared the cat community to do that and suffer the consequences. She has also told the press that this ban is because the name of the cat leader’s former girlfriend was Tina, and not because there is a special love to see more Tuna living in water. Simona was also heard saying that nobody has the right to choose what others eat, and all these decisions for saving Tuna from getting eaten in also with political motives to support those who sells the other types of fish. She has also made it clear that she will always find Tuna and eat it.

Simona shows her tongue in defiance of the latest food ban.

Simona valiantly shows her tongue in defiance of the latest food ban.

Simona works part-time to explain dreams.
As a lot of cats have been experiencing interesting dreams in the recent past, Simona has decided to work part-time, explaining them. She addressed the worried local cat community last day and has assured them that this doesn’t mean the end of the world. She also offered them to explain the dream with one chicken leg taken for the interpretation of each dream. She has promised to continue the job until her stomach is full, and then there will be a break. Those who bring fish along with chicken will have the extra interpretation which is related to the dream that is to be seen on the next day, according to her.

Simona asks for votes in the “cool cat competition”.
In one of those competitions held by the Feline Brotherhood of the South-West Canal, Simona starts at number twenty nine out of one hundred and seventy five entrants. She has asked for each human to vote for her by hugging a cat which looks like her, as one hug is equal to one like on Facebook for her as cats are not on Facebook. She has also asked to feed a cat coloured black and white, and the action will also be counted as one share on Facebook. Simona says that she doesn’t really need this label because she is already the coolest cat around, but she wishes to add it to her resume.

The work on The Great Feline Epic begins.
The cat intellectuals have begun the work on what is supposed to be the greatest epic from the cat world, which is called The Great Feline Epic or the Legend of Cats in Black and White. With one hundred cats working together to achieve on grand aim, the representatives of the movement have told the press that the work will finish in less than a year, just before the building of the Great Feline Statue of Freedom finishes. More cat intellectuals are supposed to join the team from different countries. The work is supposed to be honoured as the one true book of cat myths and adventures.

Simona publishes the new “Wanted” list.
Simona the Kitty, with approval from the Universal Cat Sorority Mission, has published an update to the current “Wanted” List which had only four dogs until then. The extention to the list became a need after Simona failed to catch two cockroaches which successfully evaded her. Simona called for support among the cat team, and after bribing with some extra tuna, successfully managed to get the support of more than half of the members, and has declared the two cocroaches as wanted for treachery. She made it clear that cockroaches are not supposed to escape from cats certified with the titles of Spider Slayers. She has also accused the neighbourhood dog of aiding cockroaches.

Simona was shocked to see the last cockroach escape from her.

Simona was shocked to see the last cockroach escape from her.

Simona calls herself the future of cricket.
After practicing every day with the ping-pong ball, Simona has called herself the future of Cat Cricket. She proclaimed herself the captain ultra-cool and has brought the idea to bring a new Cat Cricket Team for India. “We can always do better than the current Indian cricket team” she said. “They waste their talents, but we work hard because we are cats and there is nothing much to do for us. We have survived the deadliest dogs which wander around the streets and the most evil humans. This will be very easy for us. We shall defeat everyone because we know the secret cricket ingredients” Simona was further heard saying.

Simona does a hunger strike in style.
To make sure that all cats get to live under a roof, Simona started a hunger strike. She has claimed that this “nirahara sathyagraha” has worked and did provide home for twelve more cats before she called it off. But the dogs lead by Simona’s neighbourhood dog Jimmy has claimed that this is pure nonsense. “We have seen her hunger strike. It lasted for only four minutes and fifty seven seconds. What kind of impossible result is achieved with that? This makes no sense, and we demand a probe into this claim” Jimmy was heard commenting. Meanwhile, Simona has said that she does the impossible, and it has become natural to her.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me on Samsung Galaxy A5.


Simona Times: Edition III

***Kitty Newspaper from the Cat World lead by Simona the little big cat.

Simona calls for cat participation in Badminton.
On one of those joint session among cats, dogs and humans, Simona said that she had enough of this discrimination. Humans play Badminton and dogs get to retreive the shuttle. She demanded that the cats be allowed to keep the shuttle, and it is how they can also participate in this game. She also showed proof that Badminton had its real origins in 2322 BC when a villager saw two cats playing with a dead mouse. “But it was soon forgotten because humans are good at pretending that they don’t remember”, she said. “After all, only what the rich do will get all the attention” she further complained. The dogs have decided to support this under condition that they get the right to fetch everything during all games.

I declare this as my property. Nobody touches this :D

I declare this as my property. Nobody touches this except me 😀

Local cats file complaint about the black dog.
“What is wrong with that dog?” a lot of cats have asked the same question. The big black dog which chases everything has become a big nuisance not only for the cats, but also for the humans. The cats say that the dog even chases other dogs and needs to be dealt with. They have also asked for installing security cameras on the road side to make sure that they all get to know the right dog and bring it before the law. Secret cat squads have been assigned the task of saving others from this mystery dog about which nobody knows anything. There are already talks about it being a dangerous hellhound coming from the underworld, but the cat intellectuals have denied it completely.

Let the sleeping cats rest, says Simona.
Simona told the press about how annoying some of the humans are, with no concern for the others. When the cats only sleep about twenty hours a day, humans are wandering around everywhere disturbing the highly intellectual sleeping procedure that the cats follow. “What is it with these humans? Why do they put the music in high volume and disturb even the people living at the nearby houses?” she asked. She also told the press that the humans haven’t been getting any better. But cats have always protected the humans from the evil forces from the other dimensions, she asserted. “The protection from the mice is just one of the things that we do” she said.

I like to sleep like I always sleep, because it is the main program :D

I like to sleep like I always sleep, because it is the main program 😀

Cats go crazy over Catwoman choices.
Uknown sources report a series of fights among the cats over who the better Catwoman is. Michelle Pfeiffer, Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway were the choices, as some of the cats were seen fighting last on the sunshade of an abandoned house. But this report was declared rubbish by Simona who made it clear that cats don’t need a Catwoman to show that they are awesome, even though they appreciated the fact that they also get the equal treatment when little insects like spiders and ants got their own superheroes too. Simona has also said that she is ready to play the role of Catwoman if the situation demanded. She did suggest that Womancat was a better title too.

Cat transport should develop more, adds Simona.
During the press conference about the sleeping cats, Simona also asserted that the necessary steps should be taken to make sure that the feline gets the advantanges of good transportation facilities. Nowadays, cats have developed into a superior species and they will requre a lot of traveling to display their skills. But due to the heavy traffic on the roads, and some hostile humans, it has been too difficult. She has asked the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to provide the cats with a separate route or free travel in at least few of the cars, buses and trucks on the top. The betterment of the cat citizens meant the development of the nation as a whole, she said.

Start the car, human. Lets go and have some fish for lunch ;)

Start the car, my dear human. Lets go and have some fish for lunch 😉

Ban Cats and Dogs; Team Cat Power asks.
The new radical kittenist group, Team Cat Power asks for banning both Cats and Dogs and its sequel Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore because both of them shows cats in a bad light, and hails dogs as heroes. The group has send a message to the humans that they will know the value of cats after being bitten by stray dogs. “The negative reviews for the sequel was just the beginning of the end for such discrimination, and we are thankful to the human reviewers who voted agains that movie” the leader of the group added. But they have not backed away from the protests, and are planning to do strike on the sunshades of random houses.

Is the Cheshire Cat Day a possibility?
26th November was the day on which Alice in Wonderland was published by the English writer Charles Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. But the cats basically know only one person from that novel because they have never cared about the other characters in the work. The big grin has been considered as a classic moment and something of great glory for the cats all around the globe. So, the cats are busy campaigning for this big day to be declared as the official Cheshire Cat Day in honour of the greatest cat character in the history of literature as they see it. They have often compared Cheshire Cat to the status of something similar to Dracula among vampires.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me on my Asus Zenfone 5.


Before Simona: Rewind

Simona the Kitty who has grown up to be Simona the Little Big Cat has had the longest stay here and has remained the longest non-movie inspiration for this blog. But there was a time before Simona when there were other cats who became short time inspirations. I have mentioned a few of them before, but I will talk about them in detail here. This post is actually supported by Simona, and there is no cat jealousy involved here – Simona knows none of the deadly sins and she is very much interested in appreciation of other cats.

Simona’s direct predecessor was Zeezee, the local kitten who went missing. She was of almost Simona’s age as of now when she was gone. She wasn’t really that much of a lover of humans, and never allowed anyone to get at the touching distance, while Simona didn’t mind the hand shakes, leg shakes or even head shakes. She was still a fine hunter of spiders, lizards and cockroaches. She loved Tiger biscuits in milk, and sitting on the Honda Dio was a clear priority. [Hometown: Perumbavoor]


The Badminton Kitty was a well known figure all around the flat. This one was a lover of Badminton and was always there when a game was happening on the court. Whenever the shuttle sailed away from the humans, this one was ready to pounce and check for the quality. The kitty also made sure to pretend to be the official ball boy by running across between the points – may be this one wanted to have a game, but never really managed to the big cat as a car took its life. [Hometown: Aluva/Alwaye]


The Great Cat of the Ancestral Lands was not that great, even though it was there whenever I visited the place – until some years ago. This one used to have only one priority, which was food, and sometimes even chased hens for no reason. It is not found any more, and the sad thing is that there has been no replacement even after these many years. May be there is no land for cats there? After all, the dogs are the ones who have most of the fun. Simona should complain to her big cat brothers. [Hometown: Kothamangalam]


This Black Cat is the kind of cat that everybody should have. I have always preferred the black cats because the vampire team got special love for them. Well, this one was very much loved by the kids of the flat, and as they were sad about the demise of the white kitten of the Badminton earlier, they treated this one with a lot of milk every day. But this one suffered the same fate as the Badminton Kitty and jumped in front of a car to end the last of its nine lives. [Hometown: Aluva/Alwaye]


The Mall Kitty was one of its kind. We haven’t known it for long, but this one was a real entertainer. We did wonder how long it will last considering the traffic around that junction, but the Mall Kitty was wandering around the Lulu Mall finding the food and also jumping around, as if coming right out of circus. This one followed many people, came back to the original place, thought for a few seconds, put its head inside somewhere and returned to its original position. [Hometown: Edappally]


Among the cats before Simona, there are two who have been there for more time combined. It is the mother and son team which has been the champions of my cat world for a very long time. They belong to the Muvattupuzha area at the home of my aunty. They have been the first case of entertaining cats for me, and you need to check the eyes of the smaller one – he is a big cat now, but his eyes are special; of different colours. The mother cat is no more, but the son is still there, to be the awesome odd-eyed cat. [Hometown: Muvattupuzha]


***All photos of cats were taken by me only.

Happy Independence Day! 🙂


Simona Times: Edition II

***Kitty Newspaper from the Cat World lead by Simona the little big cat.

Simona tells the press about what she should be called.
Throughout the press meet, she was called Simona the Kitty, and the Little One and it didn’t go well with the self-proclaimed grown up cat. Simona has told the journalists that it has been very difficult being called little one, kitten or kitty. It makes her feel very small and she doesn’t want to considered the little one by both humans and cats. As she is still not that big enough, she has accepted to be called Simona the little big cat, instead of Simona the kitty. She has informed the different cat groups and organizations to accept that change. A number of other cats have also asked for similar things to be added to their names as the trend has already started.

Simona stares at a journalist who calls her the little kitty.

Simona stares at a journalist who calls her the cute little Simona kitty.

Remake Drishyam for cats; movie loving felines file petition.
There are a good number of movie loving cats in this world, and the same has been proven by a new gang of cats. The petition was initiated by Simona who gave them that idea, and she has also promised moral support for the same. All the cats have heard about Drishyam so many times until the recent Hindi remake and know that there are five versions of the same, which has inspired them to ask for another version for the cats. The interesting thing about this exclusive news is that some of the big cats like lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, cheetahs and cougars have also decided to sign the petition if their smaller feline brothers and sisters can bring it to the wilderness and the zoos. The cinema lovers have expressed satisfaction over the fantastic response.

Cat gang asks for the title, the Spider-Slayer.
Simona has just recently finished murdering one hundred insects in total, out of which, fifty percent are spiders. She has displayed special skills in catching spiders, cockroaches and even lizards, even though humans have rarely recognized it. Due to the same reason, she has asked for the title, the Spider-Slayer and a memento in the shape of a tuna or sardine to be provided to the cats thanking them for their service. She has shown the statistics that the number of spiders and cockroaches in households has reduced significantly, and lizards have mostly boycotted homes because of the cat efforts. She asks humans to show some appreciation for the free service that they are receiving.

Cats demand special ships to the United States.
There is no other cat who has been loved by the cats of the area than the Grumpy Cat whom they address as Sir Tardar Sauce. Yesterday, a number of cats gathered outside the town hall and demanded for special ships for them to see their hero and demigod. They have also asked for a special subsidy for the same, as this journey also has a certain religious and educational significance. A lot of cats have also decided to learn sculpture so that an image of the great celebrity cat could be created for them. They have threatened the Municipal Chairman that they will talk about this to his wife who is a big animal lover having two cats at her ancestral home.

Lift the ban, asks a furious Simona.
A very angry Simona and her followers disrupted the monthly cat meetings today, hearing news about the porn ban as prawn ban. She said that just like there was news about beef ban at some part of the countrty, the anti-cat government is intentionally trying to deprive the cats off their food items. She added that if the cat-kind won’t protest right now, the next ban will be on chicken and soon they will be left with no option but to eat grass. She said that this is an indirect attack on the cat kind, unlike the direct one which happens in Australia. She has asked for a cat strike, the first feline harthal ever on a day next week. Even after knowing the correct spelling, she has decided to continue with the strike in support of freedom.

Simona's first expression when she heard that there was a prawn ban.

Simona’s first expression when she heard that there was a prawn ban.

Cats decide to team up with cows temporarily.
Despite the common disagreement which the two teams have had about banning beef, cats and cows have decided to come up with a union intended for providing cats with fresh milk rather than the packet milk which the humans provide. As the cats demand healthier diet, the cows have agreed to the same because the incidents related to stray dog attacks on the cattle has been very high. A veteran cat team of ten will be assigned to guard each cow. An extension of the same, a certain lower range protection will be given to the bulls who demand the same. The cats hope to come up with similar agreements with buffalloes and goats and are training in special martial arts.

Cat extremists call for a “go back to Persia movement”.
Worried about the rising number of Persian cats in the houses, some of the local cats have called for a “go back to Persia movement” and has said that those humans who don’t like it can also go to Persia. One of the cats were heard quoting “Why are they here? They don’t belong here. We are the true Indian nationalist cats. Some of these cats are even called Himalayan? They can’t do that. The Himalayas belong to us only. They should rename these cats are Damavand, Kholeno or something else”. But Simona has declared these ideas as rubbish, and has told the media that there is no need to listen to these extremists because all cats are equal, it is towards this equality that she and her team has been moving.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me on my Asus Zenfone 5.


Simona Times: Kochi Edition

I hereby present the first edition of Simona Times, the first full kitten newspaper from Central Kerala. There has been a great protest among the cat community as they have felt that the cats are being avoided and people are just loving the dogs. They have made it clear that it is disappointing that some dogs even have a better status than humans. It is against this discrimination, that the self-proclaimed leader of the Kerala Cat Community, Simona came up with a petition in which she got the finger prints of all cats of Kerala without any discrimination on the basis of gender, colour and meow dialects.

The number of protests has only been increasing these days, and unless justice is served, the cats hope to take to the next level. Another indirect result of these cat movements and revolutions is the publication of Simona Times. Simona works as the reporter and editor of the newspaper with special support from two unknown cats about whom no information is provided. Each and every day and night, Simona goes out for four hours to collect information about the lives of the cats around. International Cat Community has allocated special fund and appreciation for the same.

Full News:

Control the dog lovers, Simona tells the common man.
For the last few days, dog lovers have been racially abusing Keralites for no reason while using lies, and related to the same, Simona has declared full support to Kerala’s common man. She has demanded prison for those stray dogs which have been chasing the little kittens, and has offered her help in identifying the worst among them who have hurt human children. She also talks about a few animal lovers who have asked the common men to get rid of cats and get dogs instead. She adds that these dog lovers who show so much hate should not be allowed to affect the decisions of the common man.

Simona denies the existence of her viral childhood photo.
A photo when Simona was a little kitten has been spreading rapidly through the internet. People have been talking about how cute she was, and that there is no better looking little kitten and a lot of them have shared it on their Facebook, Google Plus and Tumblr profiles. But Simona has completely denied that she ever looked like that. She has declared that she has always been a big, strong cat. She often tell the stories about how she has scared the dogs of the neighbourhood with a special form of cat martial arts, which she calls Simonatica Meowzikia.


The old photo of Simona the Kitty which she denies to be of her.

Cats ask to be declared as a subdivision of vampire species.
With dogs getting all the special reservation status here, many cat communities have been asking for a separate status. As most of the humans are going for dogs, cats are looking to join the vampire subdivision so that they will be better appreciated as part of the group better. Vampires are known to love cats more, and with wolves replacing the dogs in vampire territory, cats have more opportunities serving the undead world. Some of the cats are already working as a connection between this world and the other, and the cats are hoping to make it official.

Humans preparing fish at home to be rewarded by local cat committees.
This news had spread very fast, and a lot of jealous dogs had protested against the same. As humans have been eating less fish and are deviating towards having chicken, mutton, beef and duck, the organization of local cat committees have asked humans to choose fish instead and be rewarded. The committee has offered free mouse search at each and every house which has fish at least once a week. Some of the bigger cats have even offered protection against the snakes. More fish means more service, and there are new advertisements being set up related to the same.

Cat revolutionaries ask for security posts in guarding zapota and guava.
The Cat Revolutionary Movement has recently gained a lot of supporters among the common cat community. It has actually become so popular that even the breeds from outside have asked for a special membership status. Their most recent demand is for jobs. As dogs have been ineffective in guarding zapota and guava from the bats, the cat revolutionaries have offered humans their service in return for fish. Simona has declared that cats are the only true hunters who can save humans and their property from the dangerous flying creatures in return for just fish and nothing else.

A video of Simona and a bat above proving her skills.


Monthly Simona Facts

Here are a few Simona facts for the month. They are directly taken from the Pet Page in the Book of Life 😀

1. Simona the Kitty is a doubtful one. But she likes Milk Peda, Laddu, Jalebi and Mysore Pak. So you have to understand that if I ever ask you to bring any of the same, it is not for me, but for Simona the Kitty who likes to have her tea with a lot of sugar 😀


2. Simona the Kitty wishes to go for journeys. So if I ask you to pick me up from home, it is also because she likes it. She prefers to go on the electric scooter to save energy for a better life for the future generation and in favour of nature 😉


3. She looks as if to ask that question about the simple mortal nature of humanity when she has nine lives. She has already used two of them and still got seven remaining. She wonders why humans adjust with just one life, and she hopes to donate one for them 😛


4. Life is still complicated. She wants to go this way and also that way. She has to choose her favourite human and decide to go this way or that way in order to come down. It is a difficult decision because all paths lead down 😀


5. The vampire fangs are here. She has her own vampire qualities which she hopes to display as she applies for the World Vampire Cat competition. As black cats are preferred for the program, she has to train hard for it, and this is part of the training programme.


6. This has been the natural thing that has been done at our home while mother used to switch on the lights – she is skilled enough to use it to her advantage. She sleeps more than any known cat, and so she needed to know that and use it well.


***All images used in this blog post were taken by me on my Asus Zenfone 5.


Odours of the House

A house has many odours. If you take a list of all kinds of smell which you come against, it can go on and on with no end. If you ask me about my favourite fragrance, it would be related to tea. A few of my friends had given me that kind of tea which I could smell and feel; one from Kenya and Tanzania; the other from Assam and the Middle East. My cousin had earlier provided me with Yorkshire tea which had that beautiful aroma which I still miss.

Tea has always been my favourite fragrance at home. The kitchen has been also a source of the best smell for a long time, despite us eating from outside quite a lot. Mostly, they have been the ones which cannot be defeated, and you just have to fall into the pit of temptation to eat your favourite dish. Simona the Kitty knows that better as she knows which house in the locality has fish, beef or chicken. We are mostly vegetarian and buy separate food for her, but she knows the houses where fish is prepared and stares at that direction.

Talking about Simona the Kitty or the most valiant one, she is the one who knows what everybody is cooking! You can fool many people, but not her with the smell and the hearing ability as she listens to each footstep and knows each and every odour around. If I could ask someone about the odours of home, it would be her, but she is not interested in sharing the skills of her nose with the inferior humans, and so I have to deal with this, at least until she changes her decision.


Still in other cases, there is the bad smell which competes with the good ones. The former gives us that big challenge which we have to overcome. Often, it is not an easy task. Simona the Kitty used to do something that she should have done outside in the soil, inside the home occasionally. But with more time spent outside, and as we kept her there for a longer time, that problem was solved forever, and she has turned into the extra smart kitten.

The smell of fish has been the biggest challenge, and even when not having fish ourselves, the odour of the special fish food gravy bought for Simona the Kitty has been pretty bad. Thank God for the facility provided by Municipality for the waste disposal, it has been mostly solved. Our garden does have some flowers to help with the problem, but it is still an “upcoming garden” with not enough to deal with the same – still, we adjust with what we have.

We also have the air freshener to deal with the same and hope that the fragrance stays. We haven’t had many visitors in the last few months, but when they do, there is the need to keep them away from any possible bad odour. We have that bad feeling about smell when we visit some houses, and lets not have the others to feel the same about our home – it is surely not a proud thing.

When it is a wonderful day and something smells dreadful, the day is not that thing of wonder any more. When the house looks clean and awesome and still the bad odour stays, home is not that good as you expect it to be. For this, there is the need for the #SmellytoSmiley effect with the Ambi Pur Air Effects. The monsoon season has started, even though it doesn’t look that convincing the amount of rain received. Lets just make sure that nothing wet makes it smell bad!

***The image used in this blog post is from the Ambi Pur contest page at BlogAdda.

I am blogging for #SmellyToSmiley activity atBlogAdda.com in association with Ambi Pur


All About Simona

After the Simona the Kitty kidnap and return, a lot of people have asked me about her and how is she doing. A lot of people haven’t asked about me, but did ask about her. Well, she is the celebrity and I am more like the manager. So, I guess that this is the time to post her photos after the whole episode and the return. She is very much okay and going through the good times again. Here I share seven of her photos after the incident. Things are rather normal for her these days, and she has returned to brutally murder more of the spiders, cockroaches and lizards at home. I have often wondered if those creatures had a role in Simona going missing 😛

Falling asleep remains a major program for her.

Falling asleep remains a major program for her, and she is an expert in the field.

And also falling asleep in different ways.

And also falling asleep in different ways; there is so much variety right there.

Taking over the chair meant for the oldest member of the house.

Taking over the chair meant for the oldest member of the house is just too easy.

And then sleeping in the sunlight as in moonlight.

And then sleeping in the sunlight as well as in the moonlight with no worries.

Still, there is no loss of style in being Simona.

Still, there is no loss of style in being Simona, and she rests after having her Whiskas.

She prefers to ride Honda Dio from there - surely the smart one!

She prefers to ride Honda Dio from there – surely the smartest kitten of the area!

Then she becomes the gangster, turns back and chases cockroaches.

Then she becomes the gangster, turns back and chases cockroaches and spiders.

***The photos used in this blog post were taken on my Asus Zenfone 5. Yes, Simona is getting older and is becoming an integral part of the family as well as the neighbourhood. One has to wonder what would happen if she ever goes missing again. Making the wish that she remains with us forever, we are going to buy more Whiskas, or we might need to have more non-vegetarian food so that we can share with her! She has been proving to get more and more hungry, and lets hope that she remains healthy. This is also her house now, and she would want to stay inside her world with her people. If you like the photos and Simona, clap your hands 😀

The Kitty Celebration

This post takes over the duty of celebrating the return of Simona the Kitty with her photos through the ages, one for each month, as she finishes half an year and gets into the seventh month at our home, a record for any cat with us. From the day she was found in the canal to the day she returned after being abducted, and to this day as she stays with us! Here are seven photos taken on my Sony Cybershot and Asus Zenfone 5 of Simona. Hope these photos will make you like her even more as she asks for love 😀

November 2014: First available photo; saved from canal.

December 2014: Simona’s exploration season.

January 2015: Searching for new limits.

February 2015: Evolution into a mighty hunter.

March 2015: While we were at Delhi.

April 2015: Quick and smart tree climber mode.

May 2015: Pathfinder as of earlier this month.

While I am having my exams, Simona the Kitty sends her greetings to all readers, and she hopes that you are all doing well as she is. She is smarter and faster than she has ever been, that is for sure. She is back at home to celebrate life as she used to, and also let’s hope that Simona Halep wins the French Open this time 😀 Happy Roland Garros, and may the lady with the same name as the kitty win this grand slam tournament on clay – may be this one’s return signifies the same.


The Return of Simona

The first few days of May had Simona the Kitty missing. We had a total of ten days without the sweetest and the cutest cat of this area. It was just a few days after her five month anniversary at our home that she went missing. There was no trace of her when we looked for her on a morning. She was there at night for sure, but there was no clue in the morning. Nobody around the neighbourhood had seen her. People did wonder why there was no “meow music” around though.

So we waited for her return for three or four days, but there was no clue. People said that she had to some place which had better food, but that was a lie because we gave her the best. Some of them said that she was going to come back, but we doubted the same because she was still a kitten and not a cat. There were others who said that she would have gone because we were too possessive about her, but it was actually her who never wanted to leave us.

Simona just a day before leaving home.

Simona just a day before leaving home. She was indeed the curious one.

Then on the night of the tenth day, we were watching Ningalkum Aaakaam Kodeeswaran, the Malayalam version of Kaun Banega Crorepathi or Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and then a kitten darted into our living room in between the grills. It was Simona the Kitty making her return, and she directly went to hug the legs. She was afraid as her eyes said, and wouldn’t leave the legs. She was crying non-stop, and let all the neighbours know that she was back.
I wouldn’t believe that she went away from us though, as there are limits to the area which she wanders around.

Even if she was chased by a big cat or a dog which she came across while roaming around, she could have easily escaped by coming back home or at least returning after a day or two at least for food. But the ten day break doesn’t seem all right even for the wildest imaginations. She couldn’t have gone away by her own. I would guess that she was kidnapped by someone.

She might have been locked in someone’s house all these days, which should be why she didn’t return. Some random dirty guy might have taken her because she was so attached to the humans. She might have been taken and given to some family with kids where she was forced to stay. The same explains the loss of her collar because there is no other way by which she could have lost – it was locked, and therefore only a human could have removed it after abducting her.

Simona returning home on a night, ten days later.

Simona returning home on a night, ten days later.

The removal of the collar meant that people won’t identify her by the collar and they thought they could keep her there. But this is Simona and she had to return. She was small, but smart enough to make it back here. She had become so thin, and had gained fear, but had become smarter with the experience. Nowadays, she has become quicker and with better reflexes, and may be te journey might have changed her.

Let’s hope that cruel nature of humans won’t get to Simona the Kitty again and she remains with us throughout her life. The world is full of terrible humans and Simona has learnt it now, and from now on, she will surely be more careful about those creatures outside home. A cat’s heart should always be where the home is, and no matter what the evil humans do, hope that the members of the cat family always return or are always found and brought back home.

***The photos used in this blog post were taken on my Asus Zenfone 5.


The Simona Update

It has been some time since I updated something on Simona the Kitty. She has been doing good around here, even as we missed her during our journey to Delhi. She was taken good care of as we had arranged for the same. She didn’t leave from around my legs since we returned, and we actually gave her a lot more freedom after we returned. She did turn more peaceful and matured after our return, it seemed. There are significant changes which happened since we returned.

No more hugging, but a lot of leaning: The hugging procedure has mostly ceased to exist. Now it is more about leaning against the legs. Whenever she finds me, she needs to lean against my legs, as if she is trying to push me. She even pushes open the doors and also pull her legs in between to push them apart, trying to find a few human legs. Yes, she needs them, and she considers it her newly found right.


The new sleeping programme: She sleeps a lot nowadays, and prefers to sleep on a lap or chooses to find a human sleeping and stay asleep close to the legs. She is finally making her choices clear. She belongs to the clan of that mighty hunter of the jungle, and so if she decides to rest, she should have the royal right to do so. She is Simona the Lionhearted, honourable princess of the concrete jungle.

A special need for massage: Nowadays, she overtakes a walking human, and lies down asks to be given a massage. She keeps doing that until enough of the same is received. It has become so regular a practice now that she is on the floor on more occasions than she is doing anything else. But you can’t deny her that, can you? After all, she is a valiant kitten who decided to defeat all odds.


Climbing the first tree: She actually managed to climb a tree for the first time, and it was a zapota tree which is of good height and with a lot of branches. She got to the top very quickly, trying to touch an analyze the smaller branches, finally deciding to come down slowly and carefully. She was on monkey mode for quite a long time, and only after she was tired that she got back to the original kitten mode.

Catching the first big lizard: She is known to have caught spiders, cockroaches and lizards, but this is her first live-action attack on a big lizard. Even though I won’t expect her to go after a rat, this is a fine start. It was as if she was planning a tactical game with her prey, and she successfully became the smart predator. She has always been the survivor, and he is slowly, but steadily becoming the hunter.


As Simona keeps transforming into the big cat of her concrete jungle, I hope that she remains happy in this small world which has a road on one side, houses on two sides and and emptiness on the other. She hasn’t gone beyond the wall so far, and has wished to stay close to us. Hope she remains with us as the symbol of optimism forever rather than thinking about wandering away 🙂

***The photos used in this blog post were taken on my new Asus Zenfone 5 yesterday. The new phone is very good, and I shall write about it later 😀


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The Unsent Letter

Vampire Owl: My dear vampire apprentices, in this class, it is my honour and great privilege to read this letter which was written by the Vampire Bat to Uncle Dracula when he was a little fang-less one, but was never sent. This comes as a part of the second semester Part IV paper twenty four. There will be annotation questions coming from this one. So, please listen carefully.

Dear Dracula Uncle,

I have read and understood how badly the humans have written about you or have shown on the big screen and made your kind the monsters when they were the actual monsters. It is sad and depressing that you made the wrong decision to shift from Romania. The world has too many racists among them who can’t approve of someone who is classified as “the other” with them. You were too kindhearted and simple, and never knew about that.

The only thing that you ever wanted was to shift from your very old castle and at the same time, go to a place which was known to be civilized. But you were unaware of the ways of the modern humans as you remained dead for so long, and the dirt told you no stories. You were new to this world after your resurrection and even Igor was a confused man. You picked the wrong assistant and that was another mistake.

The Vampire Cat is the first witness to this letter.

The Vampire Cat is the first witness to this letter, and even tried to eat it.

But when you reached the so called civilized, you understood that “being civilized” is not achieved by money and random education. It requires true knowledge and wisdom and a certain amount of empathy for the fellow creatures. But human beings never had that and couldn’t adjust to your basic sympathetic nature. You tried to help Lucy Westenra, but as she was an aristocrat and you were an outsider, they made up a story that she was ill due to your bite when the truth was that she was already ill.

The man behind her problem was Dr. John Seward, who was very depressed that Lucy turned him down and decided to marry Arthur. He was slowly but steadily making Lucy sick and was also looking to make his patient Renfield feel as if some big evil was coming – he knew that you could understand the major reason behind her illness with your special powers as he had known about you from some gypsies from Eastern Europe.

Then he called for this man called Abraham Van Helsing, a Dutch doctor who had taken fake degrees from different universities, and was trying to make a name for himself. He was known to murder poor people and brand them as vampires, collecting big bounty from the rich ones. He also treated many people for vampirism, when there was no presence of such disease in them. A wolf attack was also attributed to you, at a time when the group of werewolves were just going on biting people for no reason.

Ezhilampala where the Vampire Bat used to reside.

Ezhilampala where the Vampire Bat used to reside and he even learned its scientific name.

Then there were the Harkers – Jonathan Harker and Mina Harker, earlier Mina Murray. They were big liars and as this man had described about the Dracula Castle to this lady, she wanted it as a wedding gift. You were a Count by name only, and used to be basically just a farmer who led many socialist movements at your land, and the authorities never really liked you either. So they teamed up with the Harkers to create such a story which depicted you as pure evil.

I know that they tried to end you, but as we all know, a vampire can be defeated, but cannot be destroyed as long as we have our team. I shall find you with the help of my vampire friends and resurrect you again, as we know the secret of your eternal youth. We shall undo the wrong that has been done to you, and let the humans know who their real enemies are. They are corruption, misogyny, racism, casteism and religious intolerance. You shall be back and we will find a way for getting the humanity out of its inherent evil.

With bloody love,
The Vampire Bat.
Tree Branch No. 3, Ezhilampala (Alstonia scholaris), Somewhere near the Athirappilly Waterfalls, Kerala, India.

***All the photos used in this blog post were taken by me on my Sony Cybershot DSC-W310.

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Of Happiness and Optimism

There have been too many days which lacked the happiness factor in my life, and I often wondered why it was so difficult to find the joy which has been lost. It has never been my area of expertise. But I have found its opposite side with so much ease, and there has been absolutely no struggle associated with it. The absence of happiness is always present, and even when there is the most need. The reason was that there was no optimism, and the level of hope was so low!

Yes, being an optimist never came naturally to me, and it has been more about being a cynic all the time. Among them all, there was that November 28th which changed a few things. I was rather wandering around with no plans. Then there was something which came to me like music to the ears. It was the cry of a kitten from the canal in front of our house. From between the vegetation of the canal, a face looked up, and said the “meow” and again came up with another louder “meow”.

See who was waiting? Look at the smile there :D

See who was waiting? Look at the smile there as optimism works out for her 😀

Then I was like, this one is in the canal, and this was going to add to my sadness with this one going to die there. There was no way to bring it up as it was too steep all the way. That was another point of pessimism there, and then I saw it trying to climb up, trying again and again until almost reaching that point from where I could pull it up and take it home. Kittens are optimists aren’t they? I wondered if it could have done that as a pessimist.

We named her Simona and she has been a fighter. She gave a valuable lesson with her struggle to be up with us. From then, she has been a symbol of optimism in a never-ending manner. Simona, the symbol of perpetual optimism continues to be with us at home. She has been very good at providing some moments of happiness, becoming also the happiness factor of the family.

Let me in! Let me in...I want to sleep in that particular room too :D

I am an optimist kitty and I know clearly that I can get into that room 😉

The point was that what I have to do is to keep trying. Falling down has been another thing that came naturally to me, and the plan should have been to get up every time. Simona teaches so much, and the way she looks at you is optimism, and her knowledge that you will always be there to feed and look after her is the purest form of optimism. You can feel it in her eyes, and realize that you, the human is her best friend.

She needs her time with her humans, and she knows that they will always be there for her, whether to feed or to play with her, and to make sure that the necessary position on the lap is there for her. It is her optimism that we never want her to miss, as it is a contagious thing and she is a carrier of that beautiful factor. I have often wished that the optimism was a virus that could spread better.

She is Simona, or SI-MO in short, and she is our little cute optimism. Even as she has got bigger, everyday, she sits in front of the closed doors of the rooms of the house, letting us know that happiness as well as a positive approach towards life is not elusive. She has been proving that with each sunrise, making sure that the humans of the house never miss out on the joy of the beautiful day being shared with her. Yes, she tells us that the world is beautiful and better be optimistic about it and your own future!

The photos used for this blog post are the pictures of our kitten taken by me on my Sony Cybershot DSC W-310 during the time period between November 28th 2014 and February 28th 2015. This blog post was written as part of the Happy Hours campaign from Housing.com in association with Indiblogger. Do check this link for details: https://housing.com/lookup


The Simona Programme

February 28th is the celebration of the three month anniversary of finding Simona the Kitty. It would be another day of awesome tea party. I feel that the cats should celebrate birthdays every month as they are with us for such shorter time. Reaching home on the day of the release of the Malayalam movie Angels, Simona the Valiant Cat plays many roles here at her home, and lets see what her major programs are, on these days.

1. The Leg Hugger: Simona is a consistent leg hugger. It is almost impossible to avoid getting hugged by her. She will hide under the bed, table or even at a place with the lowest possibilities to hug your leg with a quick pounce and surprise. Yes, it is not permanent. She takes breaks between each hugs, and sometimes the procedure is very long, as she stays on the leg trying to give a leg shake. May be she actually wants to hug a tree, but there is none indoors.

So you know I hug legs. I am so cute, so give me your leg :P

So you know I hug legs. I am so cute, so give me your leg or I shall take it 😛

2. The Ball Finder: You can’t hide the ping-pong ball from her; you can only keep trying. She will find it and she will start kicking it, unless you keep it very high or lock it. She is becoming more and more fond of the orange colour and her football skills with the ping-pong ball might give her a chance in a possible future Kitty ISL. May be when you name her after an awesome tennis player, you have to expect something like that 😀

I can find anything. No matter what you do, I shall find all treasures :D

I can find anything. No matter what you do to hide, I shall find all the treasures 😀

3. The Spider Slayer: She punches the spiders whenever she finds them. It is a left right left punch which she has mastered. I am hoping for that to be added to the next video game of Mortal Kombat. Last time, she tried that with a cockroach, I had to throw the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary on it to finally finish it off, but she is making a good attempt despite having a basic non-violent nature 😛

The hunter is ready. Bring me all spiders and cockroaches.

The hunter is ready here. Do show me all spiders, lizards and cockroaches.

4. The Wire Puller: She just can’t stand those snake-like creatures called wires. She finds her mortal enemy there and bring all of them down. So, let your mobile charger cable come down even a little. There is a mighty hunter down there looking for some snake dance. No matter where she finds it or of what kind, she can hunt it down. It is a special skill that she has acquired.

This is my personal mobile charger. Find another one, human.

This is my personal mobile charger. Find another one for yourself, human.

5. The Lap Jumper: You are watching the Malayalam version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire or Kaun Banega Crorepathi and then she jumps on your lap and watches the television. She would sit there as Queen Simona. I don’t think that Suresh Gopi or Amitabh Bachchan would mind that though. She would wait there until enough massage is received or watching the television won’t be very easy 😀

At the same time, the lady whose name our kitty has borrowed, Simona Halep also becomes the first woman player to win two big tennis tournaments this year with the recently concluded Dubai Open. She regains the world no.3 and looks good to go further. As the last year’s finalist in this clay’s own slam, I hope that she improves on that and wins the French Open this time.


Simona and her World

The adventures of Simona continues as her world remains special. I have recently found two kittens of her same size wandering around in the neighbouring streets and I think that they are her brethren who left her under the canal and saved themselves leaving her to take care of herself. But she did find us, and the other two kittens, one black and white with more black than Simona and the other one being an orange tabby kitten, both hostile to humans.

The two other kitten kept running away, and yes I did give a try there. Those little ones had chosen the option to run away from human contact unlike Simona who apreciated and enjoyed it. May be they hadn’t had a good experience with the humans as Simona did after being dumped by the same evil humans. I hope that they also grow up to be awesome cats and not go under any vehicles, as I do care for Simona’s family 😀

As I am pretty awesome, I expect this ball to come to me when I lie down :D

As I am pretty awesome, I expect this orange ball to come to me when I lie down 😀

Yes, it is confirmed that there were three kittens of the canal, and Simona being the lone abandoned one who found us. That day, November 28th changed many things for us as well as Simona the Lionhearted. But the same can’t be said about the other two kittens. But they can only blame themselves for the same, as they had chosen the other path. But that should be what scared kittens do first.

I demand a new ball to play. This doesn't meet my quality standards :D

I demand a new ball. This doesn’t even come close to meeting my quality standards 😀

The others were the smarter and the more active ones, and left their poor little sister who was smaller than them in the canal, making their way to their own safe houses – the fact remains that I have found them at the exact opposite sides, and may be we can make a movie later – Amar, Akbar and Antonia (Simona) with them uniting on another day in Bollywood style, after lots of songs and stunts.

I think I jumped into the wrong place. I should stop jumping everywhere :D

I think I jumped into the wrong place. I should stop jumping everywhere 😀

Yes, Simona has her new family now, and the others seem to be the wanderers of the dark world these days. The achievement of Simona is that she waited and waited until she found us. May be she was shocked by her disposal and loneliness and didn’t move from there, but good things come to those who wait, and Simona seems to know things. Nowadays, she is growing fast, with those cat-food with nutrients. She would always love the natural local fish, but she and food has a fine love story.

Let me in! Let me in...I want to sleep in that particular room too :D

Let me in! Let me in…I so much want to sleep in that particular room too 😀

Simona’s agility has increased a lot nowadays. She can go through the whole house so fast, and can even push and open those doors which are half-closed. It is not easy to sleep without completely closing the doors these days. Her ability to sense us from even a distance makes sure that we have to keep quite some time for her. She can jump distances, and so she always finds a way to get to us.

I am still open to your suggestions about the future of Simona, and any suggestions about raising the kitten. She is slowly transforming into the big cat that she should be, and any tips about having a cat at home is always welcome. After all, this is the first long time kitten for us, and we hope to have her with us for a long time. May the kitty power thrive and do wonders to the world 😀 *All the photos used in this blog post were taken on my Sony Cybershot DSC-W310 and Samsung Galaxy Duos.
