Navigation: At Land of the Dead

At the land of the dead, the Vampire Bat, the Vampire Owl and Lady Death goes on a walk. There is a certain confusion about who is dead and who is not, considering the immortality clause to which the vampires are bound, and also concerning the limits of Lady Death’s domain, related to how far she can travel to collect the souls. As they navigated on the death-ship deeper into the lands, they come across the great sins.

Vampire Owl: Well, she is pretty; not simply pretty, but very attractive.

Lady Death: It is the first deadly sin. It has just taken the form of the lady which is now the default form, and is known by the title, Queen Lust. You shouldn’t fall for her.

Vampire Bat: But aren’t the sins supposed to be in hell, with the Devil?

Lady Death: Well, some places where I reside are also called hell, my dear vampires. Hell is a word, but reality has much more to it. I have myself converted many parts of the world into hell or much worse.

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Vampire Bat: I did guess that earlier.

Vampire Owl: I think that we should tell that guy on her side to stop eating. He is so fat.

Lady Death: Well, you can’t ask Mr. Gluttony to stop eating because without that, he really won’t live up-to his name. The person sleeping on the sofa on his right side is Mr. Sloth who is his best friend. You know that some humans only serve these two by eating and sleeping all the time. So, it helps to work together.

Vampire Owl: Lets go into that castle then. Is it really made of gold?

Lady Death: It is the home of Lord Avarice, known in your land as Greed. You don’t want to go in there. You will find all the gold there, but no food and no path that leads outside. In simple words, there will be no escape.

Vampire Owl: I was never really planning to go inside.

Vampire Bat: This journey is refreshing. All the sins are wandering around as if this is the world of true sin. You have a nice navigation device here.

Vampire Owl: Wait! Do I smell something burning?

Lady Death: Oh! That should be Mr. Wrath. He just hates everyone. I believe that he just got angry again and is burning a few more souls. He can’t help it.

Vampire Bat: Such violence that humans have in them and those inherited!

Vampire Owl: Oh my God! Is that person on the top of that tower of bodies trying jump from the top and commit suicide?

Lady Death: That should be Lady Vanity. She keeps boasting about something all the time. She just can’t stop telling everyone how awesome she is and how pathetic everyone else happens to be. Once, I listened to what she had to say, and I wanted to jump into the lake of the dead, but then I realized that as I am Lady Death, I can only float over that lake.

Vampire Owl: If any of your uncles are marrying again, I think that we should recommend this lady to them.

Vampire Bat: They will find her here when they are dead and buried.

Vampire Owl: By the way, do you see this lady who is stalking us from behind the walls of fire? She has been there for a very long time. What does she want?

Lady Death: Well, she is Miss Envy, known at the other side of the lake of the dead as True Poison. She keeps checking for all who navigates through the land of the dead. She wants to have everything that we possess. She is ranked number two in the Sin Quality Analysis after Lady Vanity. But I strongly believe that Miss Envy will gain the lead in the next century when humanity goes to the verge of extinction and there is not much to boast about for Lady Vanity. It is the time when Mr. Gluttony will cease to exist.

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Vampire Bat: Actually we can find all these people inside humans. When we go back, we should check and see how well these sins are working there.

Vampire Owl: Yes, there will be a minimum of one sin for each person in most cases. We have seen them all. I think that it is enough and we should stop the navigation.

Lady Death: Your will shall be done.

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Page of the movie, Hotel Transylvania.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


Horror Genre: Impact on Life

I have answered the questions about my favourite genres by adding something with the word “horror”. If you have been reading my blog, you might already know that I was always attracted to the genre of horror. It is also the genre which had the most impact on my life. Here are the results of the horror influence on my life, and it is why I need to watch more and more horror movies to keep recharging the impact!

I was very much not immune to fear during my childhood and the early days of reading horror. But that was only for a very short time period, as things changed, and horror was not really about bringing fear anymore. It was not about being scared. The whole thing became the reflection of entertainment. It changed my love for fairy-tales into a world of dark fantasy, and my life became different; unlike being the same as that of other kids.

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Horror helped me to understand another important thing in life, which can be considered as the biggest impact that it has made on me. It made me realize that horror is just part of life. This dark side which forms an inevitable factor in human society, has to be embraced to accept that horror is real, and after that horror movies have been the path to knowing more of the truth in my case. Ghosts are real in one form or the other, and so is horror – I realized that with my relationship with horror genre.

Another realization came with the horror impact in the form of the thoughts about the presence of evil. I came to the acceptance that evil is part of our lives, and only by an extra dose of goodness that this evil can be kept away from our lives. The inherent evil in humans will come out at one moment or the other, and it is by understanding the nature of horror which has been created by evil or occuring naturally, can we be equipped enough to fight the battles.

There are horror movies which have told us that quick death is only an escape from pain and misery, as the world has too much of horror for a common person. Pain and suffering are just parts of the horror which are unleashed on us. The basic nature of the world itself is horror, as we look at those wars, terrorism and natural calamities. Easy death is rather a lucky thing, and considering the nature of the world around, death or the closeness to it can come in the form of horror and suffering.

Horror’s impact has also made me believe that ghosts are rather better. Humans are worse, and if we are to be killed, it is is better to have it done by the hands of some ghosts which are just tormented souls looking for revenge most of the time. Ghosts are not known to attack others of their own kind too, but it is not the case of humans. They have more evil inside, which is boosted by the materialistic world, and this means more horror from humans than the ghosts.

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I also provide you with some time to think about it. There are many genres from which you can choose your favourite. But is there a genre which is as close to life than horror? Can any other genre make that kind of an impact on life staying close to reality? I have found these genres like romance and science fiction as two big lies, both of these never really happening to the common man. But horror is everywhere – you will see something belonging to this genre everywhere, because it is that close to human nature; it is why you feel the impact better with horror.

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Pages of the movies, The Cabin in the Woods and Your’e Next.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


Guillermo del Toro: Mr. Fantastico

During the earlier days of movie watching, I was just another common movie watcher, and never really cared about who was acting, directing or spending money for the movie. But in the last few years, I have been looking at each minute detail about the movies, and I have come up with my favourites. I have them among the actors, but among the directors, my favourites one has been Guillermo del Toro, and I would call him Mr. Fantastico, and his movies are consistently fantastic!

I have always found it easier to connect with the movies from him, and each movie which he directed and I have watched, has given me different and yet special feelings. He has also written novels, and The Strain Trilogy about vampires is a well-known one. It was made into a television series and receieved positive opinions. I am looking forward to reading the novels or watching that series some day. So along with being director, screenwriter and producer, being a novelist also comes as one extra skill for Mr. Fantastico.

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The movie that made me certain about his skills was Pan’s Labyrinth indeed. Originally titled El Laberinto del Fauno, this Spanish Dark Fantasy movie gave me a feeling that I could never really express in the right way, because it was that special. I often refer to this movie as the grand fantastico of all movies belonging to the same genre. If there is a dark fairy-tale that could rise above everything else, it is this movie, and this serves as your opportunity to fall in love with Princess Moanna, heir to the magical underworld.

I have recommended Pan’s Labyrinth to everyone without second thoughts, and it is a movie which brings you the idea about how Mr. Fantastico uses the themes and imagery to perfection. Getting 4/4 from Roger Ebert, 95% at the Rotten Tomatoes and 98% at the Metacritic – I would consider this as one of the greatest movies of all-time, and del Toro is the master of the fantastic, the truth that a lot of people fail to know because they haven’t watched this movie, and it is not right!

It has been about ten years after Pan’s Labyrinth had released, but you never really get out of that magical effect which the movie had created on the audience. I see Ivana Baquero, the girl who acted as the protagonist of the movie, and then I realize that it was so long ago. There are not many directors who have left such an effect on me with one movie; del Toro has actually continued the fantastic work in the later movies. Actually, there are a lot of his earlier movies which I really wanted to watch, but couldn’t as they were not available.

Then there was Hellboy from the same director – I love this one and its sequel, and I have never felt that a director could do Hellboy better than him. Del Toro is at his best with the creatures, he is at the highest level of fantastico with them and you might have realized that from the creature design in the Hellboy movies. These two also have heavy ratings from critics – do you remember the Angel of Death in the second movie? That was one dark fantastic creature, one of its kind.

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His last two movies, Pacific Rim and Crimson Peak also remain my big favourites. Both these movies did better outside North America, and one thing about these two movies were that they were intellectually a long way ahead, and unless you manage to get there with the idea, it won’t work. The former was one of the best entertainers with monsters and robots while the latter was one of the best Gothic Romance Horror stories in the last few years. Well, if you are going to watch a movie from the master of visual beauty, Mr. Fantastico Guillermo del Toro, you need to get more fantastic!

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Page of the movie, Crimson Peak.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


Impact of Being Good

We have always wondered about the best way to make the world a better place to live in. Well there are many ways to make a positive impact on the world, and among these right thing to make the best impact, I would choose “being good” to be the best option. doubt if many people have checked for the impact of being good. They look for the impact which they can make by being rich and influential, but the best idea, if you ask me, is to be good and remain so.

Haven’t we been appreciating good men and women in the past? Didn’t saints have a better role to play in each religion than the common people? Aren’t those people whom we respect as great men, saints and social reformers the people who were good and wanted to change the world to make it a better place not just for them, but also for the future generation? Haven’t we all agreed to the fact that these people were great and have made a positive impact?


Well, people have short memories. They find it difficult to remember their past, and this is more of a memory loss of convenience because they don’t want to be that good either. They want to be wealthy and famous in every way possible. They have found it easier to lie to their conscience if there is something like that left with them. If Mephistopheles had asked for their soul in return for luxuries, they would easily give it along with an extra soul from one of their friends. The world is different now, it truly is!

But one has to wonder how and why this world has changed, and when this radical change took its roots. It might not have been a sudden procedure, but it has been a powerful one, no doubt about that. Nowadays, a successful person with money and influence is a lot more liked than a good person – it is a case of shame and a reflection of the pathetic situation of our society. It should be left for a good person to make that positive impact, and a lot is to be done if the world is to have enough goodness in it.


I would say that the first thing about being good is to be nice to others. Actually, it is actually the most difficult things to do these days for some people. In a world of hatred, being good to others in words as well as in action is not that easy. Hate comes easy in this world, and abusing others is fun for the new generation. The truth is that nobody wants anything good to happen to others, and so there will always be the reason to hate others. As it is a natural thing, there can be no questions about it.

Hate and abuse has never been the solution. The impact that hate makes won’t stay forever, but the true change can be brought about by goodness. It is by the power of goodness that the world has to go through that change, and it has to be the light of the world, in a world which has been brought down by haters and abusers, a good number of them being taken over Facebook – do you see any goodness in social media? Well, it is quite rare if you ask me. A lot of people have been too much into showing their lack of culture.

There are many opportunities for us to do good, and it is part of our daily lives. We see people who are in need each and every day, and the impact that we can make in their lives will be a lot. It might be a small thing for us, but something that will define their lives with the impact that it creates. It is from these small and random acts of goodness that a better world comes into the picture. The responsibility for the same lies in each one of us, as we strive to make that impact – the best one possible.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


Fantastico: The Lost Knight

Kung Fu Panda has been working part-time as the Vampire Panda in the castle for quite some time. Among the vampires who came to the Dracula Castle for the special degree in Vampirism, he was always considered among the brightest, not just in studies, but also for his work in the kitchen. He has been the one person who was needed at the kitchen every day, and he could even do all the work all by himself, as he was quick, and knew Kung Fu, even though he did eat a lot.

His special item has been the Bloody Noodles which was so red that it was often used in signal lights all around the vampire country. But he was finding it difficult to keep everything going along with his vampirism and Kung Fu. He was in need for an assistant, and that was rather a necessity. So, he gave an advertisement in the local vampire newspapers about the requirement for someone to help him in the kitchen. Among the candidates, there was one particular person who passed all the tests in first class with distinction.

Vampire Panda: What is this? I can’t approve of this at all. We are looking for people for help in the kitchen, and not someone who is to fight battles for us. There is a separate wing for that.

Sir Fantastico: But I am a cook. It is written on my resume. Didn’t you read it?

Vampire Panda: Then, you are you called Sir? Are you a knight or not? Is it meant to make things for complicated?

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Sir Fantastico: Well, my original name is something else. I took the name Fantastico because I am fantastic. I even call myself as fantastic and my tenth standard certificate also has that name; I got it changed. I used to take cooking classes for zombies. They used to call me sir, and it became part of my name. The jealous people say that the zombies said “grr” and not “sir”, but they just hate me and so I won’t believe that – neither should you, my dear sir.

Vampire Panda: I thought that you were named so because your name was Fantastic and O was your initial. But you have to prove how fantastic you are, through your work.

Sir Fantastico: I am very good. You will be sure about that soon. You will be knowing the meaning of my name.

Vampire Panda: I know the meaning, but it bothers me that you have a name like this. I feel like your name has been a major factor in making me take a decision about you.

Sir Fantastico: It is said never to judge a man by his name in a bad way, especially in the vampire world. I have heard about that. I know that you believe in those sayings because you are people from the old world.

Vampire Panda: You have heard it right. So, prove your skills by preparing some idiyappam and green peas curry. I believe that it will be quite easy for you.

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Sir Fantastico: I will be working on it. The idiyappam and the curry will be fantastico! I mean fantastic! There will be a special bloody touch to it too!

Vampire Panda: I hope it is so. Otherwise, the Great Count Dracula won’t be too happy. He will be at the great dinner hall to test the food soon. It will be better if you make it fast.

[Gets into the kitchen].

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Page of the movie, Hotel Transylvania.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


Impact of Tennis Poetry

There are lots of sportspersons who have created some great impact on me. I have been a fan of The Undertaker when I was a child, and I used to be a big fan of Saurav Ganguly later. Well, I no longer use the word fan because I have never been that kind of a fan that hates everyone who doesn’t like his or her favourite celebrities. I have been a person who admired these people who have had great impact on me. But there has been one person whom I really needed to write about.

I am talking about that person who is considered to be the greatest tennis player of all-time, and I never had any doubt about that. As you might have guessed the name of that person by now, this blog post is about Roger Federer. If you look at the records, you will know there are so much of achievements which he got inside his pockets. He has broken many records and has created his own including that of the most Grand Slams won and the most time spent as the world number one.

Well, I believe that you know most of it, and so, this post is going to about the impact that he has made on me rather than the impact which he has made on the tennis world. Even though the impact in tennis can be considered bigger, it is not that much behind in my case either. I have always believed in Roger Federer, and whether he wins or not, he has been the one who made the most impact on me, a lot more than any other sportsperson, and I am extremely glad about that.

I have always compared Federer to a certain kind of tennis poetry, with the way in which he has been playing, not making those terrible sounds or trying so hard. He just moves around seemingly without any trouble, and there is no overdose of emotions like some other players who are rather too aggressive with showing off after each shot. The biggest impact that his style has had on me is to control the emotions. It has helped me to take a game, whether it is badminton, cricket or football as a game in its own spirit.

Another impact that he has had is on my way of playing badminton. Yes, badminton is not tennis and also vice versa. I have never played tennis, but I have played a lot of badminton. So, I have tried to use his style of play in badminton, and that backhand has worked for me as a surprise weapon; the tennis forehand also works! Well, I have been accused of playing badminton like tennis, but there is this impact that Roger Federer has made, and I could never try not to do that.

He has won awards for sportsmanship, and has been the fan favourite for so long, and there is no surprise about it. I have never really stopped believing in Federer; I have always known that he will be the impact-maker no matter how the world changes. He also founded the Roger Federer Foundation to help the children in need. He has been a person known for his philanthropy too, as he has also made an impact outside the court. If you ask me about tennis, there is Roger Federer and then there is everyone else.

In the last few years, I have realized that I only liked Federer better and his performance never really mattered. It was all about the way in which he played and how he has been on the court as well as outside the court that has made such a huge impact on me. I have always been interested in Federer for being the person that he has been. It is never going to change, no matter what comes around in the upcoming years. He had that impact on me and it is forever, without conditions; it is the impact of tennis poetry on court and a great human being outside it.

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Page of Roger Federer.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


Music of the Swamps

It had gone quite dark as he walked through the swamps. It was the shortest path to the other side, and he had to get there somehow. Getting a car and traveling through the road meant that he would have to waste an extra hour and a quarter on the journey. But he didn’t want to reach his destination late. He wished to be there as early as possible. His phone was dead, and so was his only option for some light.

“Welcome to my world” he heard a voice from behind.

He turned around to see two eyes shining in the darkness. There was no light around except for what moon was providing. There was a shadowy figure right in front of him. It was rather like a small person, but the shape resembled that of a tree.


“Who are you?” he asked.

“Does it matter who I am? Do you know where you are?” it asked him.

“I asked you a question, didn’t I?” he asked again.

“Okay. I am the keeper of these swamps. I know who you are. I believe that you are here to steal the music of the swamps” the voice replied.

“I don’t understand. I was only taking a shortcut because I have an urgent thing to do. Please make way before I go through you” he said.

“You don’t walk through the swamps on a full moon. These are the days on which the swamps produce a certain kind of music which you are not allowed to hear. Well, hearing is stealing, and then I will have to punish you” said the keeper.

“Well, I don’t care about your music, but I have to go through the swamps to reach the village on the other side. I don’t care who are, because this is an emergency. So, stand aside, little person” he shouted.

“This won’t do you any good. The music of the swamps is sacred. This action of yours will have terrible consequences” the keeper warned him.

“I don’t give a damn” he said as he walked around the keeper to keep moving.

“And here you walk towards your end. Whatever you are hoping to achieve will never happen” the keeper was heard yelling.

He didn’t care at all. He did feel that the someone was making some music though. He wondered if the swamps do make some music. But he didn’t care to return or stop to think further. He kept walking, but the swamps seemed to extend a lot more than his expectations. This path no longer seemed to be the shorter one for him, as he felt that he should have taken the longer route by road. The music was getting stronger and soon, it turned into some kind of chant supported by some primitive musical instrument. He stopped to see a tree carved into something which resembled an entrance. He walked right in through it, but nobody got out through the other side.

“So, it is done?” the keeper was seen asking a huge shadow which covered the moon.

The next day, the body of a young man was found at the end of the swamps. The villagers attributed the death to a little shadowy demon which was believed live in the swamps. But the post-mortem revealed the cause of death to be because of hitting the head on a hard substance, which was believed to a thousands of centuries old holy rock on which he slipped and fell.

On the very next day, clouds covered everything on the sky, and a few villagers reported at the police station that they had seen a young man walking on the swamps with a singing young lady, and their feet never touched the floor. They also told the police that there was the music of the dead going on at the same time, which was a variation to the praise of the dead, that was sung when people died and their soul never really left this world. It was recorded as “the music of the swamps”.

***The images used in this blog post were taken by me.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


6/7: The Grand Impact

How would you create some grand impact as a young actor? You act in the movies which appeal to the audience and provide your best performance in it. A perfect example of making such an impact is that of Prithviraj Sukumaran who had three of his movies running at the theatres at the same time in last year, with them all bringing the audience in large numbers. This week, there are two of his movies running successfully at the theatres at the same time. There are not many actors who can boast of having three consecutive blockbusters, but Prithviraj has done it, and if we take his last seven movies which released from January 2015 to January 2016, I would say that six out of those seven movies were worth our time except for Double Barrel which was a critical and commercial failure. It is not something that happens often, as there are many young actors in the industry who have proven themselves, along with the veterans. Here are those six movies which contributed to that impact!

This is the latest review for Prithviraj and happens to be the one which is attracting the crowd; it is the winner of this week, and having watched both the releases of the weekend, this is surely the better made movie too. Telling the story of two alcoholics Paambu Joy (Prithviraj Sukumaran) and Paavada Babu (Anoop Menon), this is a comedy movie in the first half and an emotional drama as well as part thriller in the second half. I expect this one to the first big hit among the 2016 releases. This will work for all kinds of audience, and so I am not going to doubt that; I did see the huge crowd!

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Among all the movies in which Prithviraj has acted in during this time period, my favourite is this romantic flick which is shot mostly the Lakshadweep Islands, and has successfully managed to captured the beauty of the isles. It talks about a love story between a former Navy officer Shanthanu (Prithviraj Sukumaran) and the daughter of a commanding officer with whom he is attracted, Nadira (Priyal Gor). This is a love story which goes on for many years, and the message is that of true love. Biju Menon leaves an awesome mark in this movie, especially with the comic side.

Amar Akbar Anthony
This one should be the surprise blockbuster compared to the rest of the flicks which claimed the same title in the recent past. Even though it is mostly a funny movie and tries to bring a message out of nowhere, this one never really scores in totality, and comedy doesn’t work completely either. Telling the story of three friends Amar (Prithviraj Sukumaran), Akbar (Jayasurya) and Anthony (Indrajith Sukumaran), this one is not really the comedy extravaganza which was promised or claimed to be delivered. But it still works, and the credit to the same should go to the main actors.

Ennu Ninte Moideen
All the hype which has been generated related to this movie has made sure that this one is the highest grossing movie of the year and among the top three grossers of all-time in Malayalam. The movie tells the story of B. P. Moideen (Prithviraj Sukumaran) and Kanchanamala (Parvathy) who faces a struggle to be together after falling in love in the 1960s; they will keep waiting and waiting for things to get better as tragedy strikes. The hype from the fans have made this the big movie, and even as I think that this a nice flick, there is nothing much in this one as it is praised, as too many things of the age and of characters are just avoided.

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Among these movies, this is the only movie which had mixed response with the crowd as well as the critics. It had to battle the Premam season which affected the collections, but still Ivide managed to come up okay. I liked this one almost as much as I liked Premam, if you ask me. It tells the story of an Indian-born police officer in the United States, Varun Blake (Prithviraj Sukumaran) who is investigating the case of a serial killer, while an IT company head Krish Hebbar (Nivin Pauly) and an IT professional Roshni Mathew (Bhavana) become part of the story. This movie often becomes an emotional thriller rather than the crime drama, which should be why some people didn’t like it that much.

Picket 43
This movie undoubtedly began that interesting journey for Prithviraj in the year 2015. It tells the story of Hareendranath Nair (Prithviraj Sukumaran), an Indian soldier guarding an Indian picket at the border who happens to meet a Pakistani soldier Mushraff (Javed Jaffrey). As it is the time of peace, and nothing much happens at the border, both happens to develop a friendly relationship with each other, but it turns out that there is a certain terrorist infiltration waiting to happen from the Pakistani side. There will be friendships and alliances being tested here, and there is a powerful emotional side to this story.

#So, which of these movies have you watched? How much impact did these movies and the actor make on you?

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Pages of the movies Anarkali and Ivide.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.


A Tale of Lethal Navigation

It was during one of the darkest of nights that Vampire Bat and Vampire Owl came across the teleportation gate, and with the device perfectly administered by Doctor Victor Frankenstein in his undead form, they stepped through it only to reach a certain dark space, and there was some highly modernized space which seemed to be having never-ending corridors that lead to nowhere.

Vampire Owl: We are not really supposed to be here. This is not “the place”. This doesn’t even qualify to be “a place”.

Vampire Bat: Well, I know that already.

Vampire Owl: It is a dead end now. I think that what we see in front of us are two seats and a few switches along with some levers. Wait, are those things coming towards us stones and rocks?

Vampire Bat: I think that there has been a teleportation failure of the first degree. We have reached a spaceship instead of the shadow world. I wonder if this thing navigates through space by itself. It also means that we will never get to see the Shadow Vixen anytime soon.

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Vampire Owl: These things are so complicated. There is our magical realm, there is the human side of the magic-free world, there is the shadow world, there are planets, and there is the bloody black hole. How can someone freely teleport through all these? All these planets, worlds and passages keep changing their locations! I am kind of glad that we are not sitting on one of those rocks in space!

Vampire Bat: I have been wondering which kind of aliens created this spaceship. Will they have horns or fangs? Can they understand the Old Vampire Languages?

Vampire Owl: Good question. But I got another one for you. Do you know how to navigate with a spaceship? I know the answer – we both don’t! We are going to die! Death in space! I can’t be even buried with the elders. The immortality clause doesn’t cover the death happening while traveling in a spaceship!

Lady Death [appears on the side]: Did I hear the magic word?

Vampire Bat: Why does she always arrive out of nowhere when death becomes a hot topic?

Vampire Owl: Why are you here? This is out of your boundaries. You don’t take the souls leaving body in outer space!

Lady Death [looks outside]: Wait! This is not what I intended. I was planning to take your souls from the known dimensions which is why I established a connection. Now, how can I go back with my link not being active in space? You are not supposed to be here. What are you people doing? Vampires don’t navigate with spaceships. Even those ships going through oceans don’t navigate that well under the vampire control.

Vampire Bat: I see that we are in this together now. Now, we can think about getting out of here with one extra brain.

Lady Death: This is so terrible. Because of you miserable vampires, I am already missing my time with my dead people. Who will torture the souls in my absence?

Vampire Owl: The thing on the right side looks like a phone. Call Doctor Frankenstein! Right Now! He should know this because he gets himself abducted by the aliens very often for stealing their brain essence.

Vampire Bat: Nice phone! This one has the options to call to all realms. We can even call the goblins at their underground layers. Doctor Frankenstein…got it! I will put this one on loudspeaker.

Doctor Frankenstein: Greetings, most valuable travelers of my teleportation device! Where are you now? Did you reach the destination intended?

transyl (2)

Vampire Owl: We have landed in a spaceship and there are space rocks all around us. Help us with navigating with this thing, and be quick!

Doctor Frankenstein: Okay, do you see the round red button under the main control lever coloured blue?

Vampire Owl: Yes, I will press it now; done!

Doctor Frankenstein: I was going to tell you that you should never press that button no matter what happens!

Vampire Owl: Oh! My bad!

Doctor Frankenstein: This activates an artificial black hole which will take you to a dimension outside the the known, which is also far away from the other dimension.

Lady Death: This should mean that I can be Dead Lady Death. This means death in more than one form, right? Will your immortality clause work in that dimension? I doubt about my control over death. But it is also another way of navigation and a new world will come to light.

Vampire Bat: Well, that was some nice way of navigation, Mr. Vampire Owl.

[The spaceship disappears].

***The images used in this blog post are from the Official Facebook Page of the movie, Hotel Transylvania.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.
