Warriors of Scarlet Lands

***Here is the story of French Open told in a different way 😀

On the land dominated by the gods and demigods, there were two warriors going for battle for a change. The gods were becoming weak due to old age, and were not as good as they used to be. The magical spear and the lightning bolts had lost the energy which were drawn from the prayers of the common man. The recent change to the golden bow and arrow as weapons didn’t help the cause either. It meant that the gods had to bow out of the competition. It was up-to the warriors to finish things.

Well, the gods were also warriors at one point of time. They had dethroned the gods of their times whom they had replaced to attain glory. There were many of them at one point of time, but in the last few years, there was only one god in this realm, except for one year of power transfer to the God Emperor. The rest of the realms were also changing hands for the last few years, and the mortal warriors have been taking over one realm after the other lead by the current king of the down under and the number one warrior of the present.


A new king was already established last year in the north beyond the ocean. These Scarlet Lands remained the only territory which was left unconquered by the mortals of these times, which is why the man who lead the mortals, the best of the present time and the strong contender to immortality once again reached the final level of battle, troubled only by the hero of the magical isles as he defeated the God of the Scarlet Lands with so much of ease. It came as a shock to many.

Well, the time of the current gods were coming to an end, but the fans just refused to see the same, and so did the predictions from the experts up-to an extent. But our great warrior had to face another champion of the down under, as he came from the world of the Greatest God of all time. He didn’t do that well last time and was not an expert of this realm. But he went through the same, the Greatest of all gods, and also defeated the favourite of the people of the Scarlet Lands to reach here.

And there is always the Djoker looking for his opportunity.

The Great Battles of the Grasslands were still pending, and there was the need to establish one’s ability to go closer to immortality, because the Scarlet Lands was the one place to make a difference as it had been the one fortress of the gods which was so difficult to conquer. With the power of the minotaur, and often directly transforming into one, the God of the Scarlet Lands had defended it with all his divine energy channelized towards his magical spear.

Therefore, this victory for one of these warriors is nothing less than a big boost to the person’s chances at immortality, even though the defeated fighter can also be proud of coming so far. Well, you have to accept that this winner, is another possible future immortal of our times, with having conquered two realms now. The number one warrior of these times had a great chance, but somehow couldn’t really get there in the end when the need came.

The conquest of the present realm which signifies Fire, will go on nicely with his possible conquest of the next, which is of Earth as he will be fully confident about winning the Great Battles of the Grasslands, even in the presence of the immortals and the magicians there too, along with the warriors. These two warriors do have a good chance to meet in the final stages there too, considering how well they have been fighting their battles.

***The images used in this blog post are from Facebook Pages of these players.


10 thoughts on “Warriors of Scarlet Lands

  1. Teny, I am amazed at ur power of writing. And the breadth of the various topics which u choose to write. Phenomenal. Keep writing my dear friend.

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