Bedroom, Kitchen and Tea

I would not consider my life complete without a laptop, my books and the tea close enough to each other and to me, ready for a taste whenever I need them to. It was more of a basic need than just one of those few things which I wanted a lot. Due to the same, this new room which I have managed to convert into something different is very important to me. This hybrid which I have come up with, is one of the few things that I wanted a lot; the bedroom – kitchen combination. Note that this blog itself has tea as its central idea 😀

We moved to our new place just about one and half months ago, and there was the question about which room I wanted among the four with locks. As the ones below was best suited for the parents, I was left with the two on the second floor. One of them was a complete bedroom with cupboards and the other one was the former kitchen used by the tenants. Now, you can easily guess which one I had chosen.

Half bedroom and study, half kitchen - how it works

Half bedroom and study, half kitchen – how it works

Yes, I managed to choose the kitchen without much difficulties. It was the larger room because it was created from the open terrace space which was closed and made into the kitchen a few years ago. There was a lot of space there, and was undoubtedly the largest room in the house after our main hall. I am sure that not many people appreciated that choice though, because it was after all, a kitchen.

Just a view of the room from another angle

Just a view of the room from another angle

Many people did wonder if I live in a kitchen, but I have gone a long way beyond that question. There is the bed, a big almirah made of wood, the writing desk, a drawer unit, a steel stand, two chairs and a few other things which became part of the room. The cupboards of the kitchen were left as it were, only replacing those parts which had become old, with the new parts which looked the same.

People had asked me to destroy the cuboards and the kitchen sink, but I had said no. Why destroy something which can be so positively used? It is easy to destroy something, but a lot of effort would be needed to build something. It is a lovely kitchen, almost as good as our rebuilt one on the ground floor, at least in the looks. It would be a shame to destroy the useful stuff when so many people in our country can just hope for a home.

The types of tea that I am testing these days :D

The types of tea that I am testing these days 😀

So, I decided to divide my room, with the area from the sink to that end as my personal kitchen and from this end to the beginning of the sink as my study and bedroom. There is not really much cooking going on there though, as there is just the electric kettle which I use to make tea and enough hot water to drink. There are a few biscuits, tapioca chips, milk peda, potato chips, banana chips and similar stuff to have with tea, and thats all – but I am open for more in future.

My former room - had it painted in my favourite colours

My former room – had it painted in my favourite colours

I have made maximum use of the cupboards by putting books in the top ones and clothes and miscellaneous iteams in the ones below. The room at our earlier apartment was supposed to be just the regular bedroom, smaller and not able to take everything in. But this one has turned into a perfect room for me. I am self-sufficient with water, tea, books and the internet. What more do you need? May be I will invite the cat in and a few plants – lets see 😀

*All photos were taken on my Sony Cybershot DSC W310.


16 thoughts on “Bedroom, Kitchen and Tea

  1. Well Teny, I want to shout YOU ARE AWESOME . 🙂 yes bro do you know that this quality of yours is known as resourcefulness. Yeah you have that in you. See, you can utilize that sink as an area where you can store your old notebooks and newspapers and later sell them.

    I really loved your tea collection. :p

    Liked by 1 person

  2. God, I want a similar room please. I am tired of living in hostel dorms. :/
    Tennyson, needless to say, I am super jealous. 😀

    P.S. The room’s just perfect, and kudos to your resourcefulness!


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