Twilight of the Gods

As a part of the Norse Mythology, this twilight which is more known as Ragnarok includes a number of future events including the death of major gods including Thor, Loki and Odin – not really a happy chain of events for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There will be a great battle between good and evil, and in the end, a new world will arrive. This is not something that is uncommon among most of the religions of the world too, and it should work as if it is a well known thing.

A part of many Scandinavian works including Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, this twilight is something that is expected to come sooner or later. There are things that speeds up such events, bringing more need to such events. Scandinavian mythology might not be interesting for everyone, but these events, in its full strength, cannot be ignored as humans are striving towards going towards that end. After all, almost everyone loves Thor and Loki, thanks to what Marvel has brought to the cinema.

A future Ragnarok in a modern city of chaos and destruction.

A future Ragnarok in a modern city of chaos and destruction.

Yes, we are speeding up the wheel of time as if it is our private property, which means that our time will be limited. We have been infecting our world with matters which are not needed, and taking ourselves down from the better state we have achieved through centuries of knowledge and wisdom brought to us by great people. We are coming down from our respected status, and there are things that contribute to the same, most important of them being a certain amount of uncontrollable lust, which leads to pre-marital sex.

The new generation thinks that it is just too cool, and it has lead to Bollywood also supporting the same. Well, Bollywood has been acting out of its mind for years now, looking only to find ways to make money. They always keep finding new lows to achieve in film making. The question remains about what the new generation attitude achieves. There is no such thing as being “cool”, and it is just part of the many freaky things that the new generation has come up with. We can be pretty sure that they will come up with more, but pre-marital sex surely is not even worthy enough to be categorized into the “cool” category.

Rangarok: you can't stop it, but may be the event can be delayed.

Rangarok: you can’t stop it, but may be the event can be delayed.

The end of the world is just a situation which is waiting to arrive in more than one form. It can be initiated in many ways, and one of them is our loss of morality, and the most saddening thing is that India, with its rich and respectable culture and traditions is losing it. When we think that it is the same thing that has lead to the Western civilization losing its power, I would say that it is an alarming situation, as India has stayed there in between all this development, holding on to its traditions and values. It was something that gained respect, even as some people won’t accept it.

May be the events like Kiss of Love happens to be one step towards this Ragnarok, as something emotional is brought to the camera like porn. Even as there are some good intentions behind it, one has to feel that the end results of that movement is not going to be positive. Can’t they go and kiss the orphan children and the parents abandoned by their sons and daughters? Wouldn’t that be a better Kiss of Love? What we need to hold on to, is our traditions more than anything else. No, I am not supporting any political wing in this case, but it is what can help us thrive; otherwise there is not much difference between humans and animals, as people keep asking for more and more freedom everyday to go outside morality.

Do visit the Facebook page of Poonaam Uppal at the link in the end.

Do visit the Facebook page of Poonaam Uppal at the link in the end.

This blog post was written as part of the contest at Indiblogger in association with Poonaam Uppal’s True Love – A Mystical True Love Story, a book I am longing to read myself. The question was about Yes or No to Pre-Marital Sex, and the answer, as you can see here clearly, is a big no. May there be wisdom among the youth of India, and let humanity prevail with goodness and true love instead of just lust and infatuation. *The images used in this blog are from Constantine’s and Ragnarok’s wikipedia pages and the official Facebook page of Poonaam Uppal ( respectively. I suggest you check her book on True Love too.


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