No Land for a Darkling

It was the time of darkness. It had spread far and wide in the last few years. During those years, what we had seen more than the rest was the spread of this strange darkness. There were people who resided in them, or rather creatures. They were called the Darklings. The history books will never tell their story because they are not part of it. The only thing which they are part of, is the further spread of darkness. They have always needed this darkness to survive, as it was an integral part of them. They satisfied themselves with the same during night and harvested its energy for the day.

The Darklings didn’t belong anywhere, but they were from everywhere. The creatures had spread all around in no time. They were not called Darklings for their looks, but for the nature of their soul. They have been trying to devour the goodness of people for quite a long time and replace them with decoys taken out of their own dark souls. They knew that a small part of their eternally dark, pure evil souls would be enough to corrupt the humans who never suspected about their existence even in myths.


These creatures have existed in many forms, sometimes inside people and sometimes taking different forms. They knew no fear because they rarely valued their own existence, but wished to make it big. Their evolution can be traced from the greed of the common man, and also expanded on the pride and envy. They were digging a pit right in the heart of their mother. They knew that it would help them to hold on to their positions and have a significant amount of power which would help them to make more and more money in this world. It did help their kind through centuries, but the process had never been this direct.

This was more of an act of vandalism because they had ceased to care any more and hoped to find even a treasure if possible. They enjoyed this act because they had dreams of the Vault of Plenty being opened to them at the expense of the people of nation as well as their mother herself. They had all the ingredients which were to be put in there including intolerance, hatred, religious fanaticism, terrorism and many others which they had cultivated in a secret cave and brought to their target location on a magical spear which was spawned as the result of a spell called Politics de Heartless.


Intolerance was their greatest weapon. It was easier to come along with hatred because it could easily work on a personal level. They knew that it was the strongest of them all because a combined strength of these could make the rest happen with ease. The Darklings continued to dig deeper, and they used the weapon of intolerance to make the sides more beautified. Only by reaching the bottom of the heart could they target the core and plant the evil there with full strength. They had hoped to find the core, the Unity in Diversity, a lot earlier but they just kept going deeper and deeper.

After hours of digging, they had finally reached somewhere. They had planned for this day since a long time ago, and they kept their newfound minions, necromancers and shadows ready with their weapons of hatred and intolerance. But it was not like they had thought. The core was immortal in nature, and there was nothing that could take its unique superpower away – it was love and compassion for the other, which never vanished. The core expanded and threatened to explode, only to bring hope to the Darklings about replacing it with pure evil. But in just a second, it returned, and with that return it took them all inside.

Unity in Diversity was the strongest of them all, bigger than anyone had expected. Darklings never knew its true power. They thought that they could take over it, but they were wrong. Along with the Darklings and their minions, the core took with them, and destroyed the secret ingredients of evil. Darkness slowly spread away, and as things seemed to settle, there was a small crack on the ground which was left. A few children came to the open ground with a football and started playing. It rained, but that didn’t affect the game. The crack on the ground then stood closed.

And then Mother India smiled, free from all worries.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

***The images used in this blog post were captured by me and the term Darkling is taken and personified from Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach: “we are here as on a darkling plain”.
