Health, Wealth and Strength

What a lot of people are worried about might be wealth, but what should bother them more is the concern about the health. There are surely a need to find the health, before we miss out on the same completely. Living in a busy world, it is really difficult to maintain one’s health, as there is rarely any time left for the same. Even when we have a holiday or two, there is always something else that comes to take away our time. Therefore, it is necessary that we come up with some idea to keep our life healthy, while not giving up on other things around us.

The one thing that I did without second thought is to keep bring vegetarian. It has surely helped to keep things in control. It made sure that I lost about eleven to fourteen kilograms of weight in a short period. There is something else that comes with being a vegetarian, and it is that we end up eating less. The fact that we eat more than we need is one of the reasons why we turn unhealthy. We think that we need more food, but the truth is that we don’t need that much, and this feeling that we need to have more and more is because it is the kind of food that we really love to have.

Well, this one stretches when there is the need, why don’t you?

Some regular exercise has always helped me too, especially with some badminton, and as long as we take every shot seriously, and play hard to earn every point, there is a lot of effort there, which will make sure that we don’t gain that much of weight. There might be other sports, but badminton becomes the easier and the most obvious choice as there is only need of two people, and less space. During those days when I used to have a lot of food, it was badminton that had kept me in shape – nowadays, it is the one thing that I miss the most and wish to get back to playing.

Doing some exercise at the same time as doing something else will also help the cause by saving some time too. I used to do some simple exercises while watching television, or some video on the laptop. It makes sure that no time is wasted in the name of exercise when we are struggling to keep things going due to the lack of time. Well, who has time these days – one has to wonder. Everyone is busy, and we wonder if some time later, people will just stop talking, and at some point will cease to recognize us, as we, our friends and relatives rarely meet.

An early walk or jogging can make sure that some of the health is regained or retained too. I used to walk a lot during my college days, as it also provided a certain chance of some exploration. If we have a large college campus, students and teachers do have that option easily, and we can always walk around the house, or apartments, and see the gardens or the surroundings, as well as talk to people. Having someone from the neighbourhood to keep talking while doing the same, will also be helpful. We see people taking that early morning walk together all the time.

There is one thing that we can avoid for sure, and it is to keep sitting at a place for a long time – it is quite common these days as people have to work in front of a computer the whole day. It is more or less sacrificing health when you look at it. Maybe, wealth seems to be more significant than health for many, but the question remains about where it would lead them. One would wonder what can happen without health, even if there is wealth. The loss of health in the name of earning money is not something positive, and it doesn’t matter what people say about earning more.

This one declares Badminton as her favourite sport! 😛

It is also the same reason why I left my job. My health was on the decline due to a job which had me sitting in front of a computer for the whole day. I finally decided to leave that job which had me stuck up on the same seat for the whole day including Saturdays and most of the public holidays. Now, I do feel better, both with my physical health as well as mental health. Maybe, I should have cared about my health much earlier. But it is better late than never, and hope everyone realizes the same soon enough too.

I am joining Saffola #ApneTareekeSeHealthy initiative and sharing my ways of being healthy in association with BlogAdda.
