A Case of Pollution Inside

It is a common misconception that there is pollution outside, and we live in a safe place inside, right inside our homes. But sooner or later, the same is proven to be wrong. The truth is that we are never really far away from pollution, which always finds a way. But we rarely find people taking the necessary steps to minimize the effects of indoor pollution. It is more because of the lack of awareness rather than anything else. Living in apartments and houses or villas with so much less space around, we are restricted to a concrete jungle unlike the world the older generation was familiar with.

All these dust particles which accumulate, are the first among them. There is the presence of a lot of dust, right on the keyboard and screen of our laptops, and we see some of them even on our mobile screens. So, it is essential for us to keep them clean all the time. One can be pretty sure that these trouble a good amount of people among the population of India. With the use of air conditioners not that common, such dust getting inside won’t be that difficult. It is common for people to feel that a little bit of dust is no problem, but in the longer the run, there will be trouble on the way.

The walls which are freshly painted can also bring some terrible air, which is one of the reasons why people stay away when the house is being painted. The smell of paint can be irritating for most people, and the intensity decides how bad the same is. The same can happen after some cleaning agent is used in a room. The place has to be kept open for air circulation, or otherwise, it will prove to be very unhealthy. There are people who are rather too lazy that they can’t resist the temptation to close the doors and windows early as usual, but ventilating the place well enough is a necessity.

Then there is smoke, and a cigarette is the biggest troublemaker in many houses. The smoke left by the same will remain in the air for quite some time, as we might have come across them at some point of our life, even if us, or the people close to us don’t really smoke. Passive smoking or second-hand smoke is also terrible enough for people, and have lead to the ban for smoking in so public places. There might be not many things more severe than having someone smoke inside your house, and appropriate measures are not taken to get rid of the smoke. It is more like a terrible curse to the air quality.

From cancer and heart diseases to lung problems and mental health related troubles, passive smoking is not that far away from causing the same ill-effects that active smoking do. It is even worse in the case of children. We can be sure that these won’t be the end either. Even the smoke from candles and incense sticks might be able to cause trouble for some people – well, gods and powercuts require these two even now, and so it will be even more difficult to get rid of them. But we have the alternatives in electronics with candles working with battery and a bulb inside, and those emergency lights are always useful.

The air pollution can also be from your own kitchen, which uses the gas stoves without proper ventilation. It is often considered to be a rather ineffective or weak kind of air pollutant, but the same can rise further above what one expects about it. When you look at them, most of the heating equipment can be responsible for the same. We are often caught in the end results of the same, which would feel so good, that we miss out on what comes before the final destination. The key to keeping the air pollution low, is once again having a proper ventilation, which helps.

These are just some of those few things about air pollution inside, which goes stronger than the same outside on many occasions. People need to be aware about this, sooner or later. It is here that Royal Atmos comes into the picture, as the paint that successfully reduces the harmful air pollutants by a margin and keeps the air cleaner. It is also known to absorb different types of foul smells and make the air fresher to breathe inside the house. You will find that the paint not only appears good, but also makes one feel better with the air quality inside.

Visit this link for more details: https://www.asianpaints.com/atmos


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